Heart-Shaped Crayons {Made with Love}

This morning Gracen and I got to work on valentines for her little friends…

IMG 5242Now the project actually calls for old broken crayon chunks, but since our collection wasn’t large enough yet, we supplemented with some new crayons too.  Gracen was an excellent paper peeler.

IMG 5233She was also in charge of breaking the crayons into chunks.

IMG 5249Then I helped by chopping them up into smaller chunks with a knife.

IMG 5287Then we stuffed our heart shaped mold as full as it could be.

IMG 5246We popped the whole thing into a warm oven…

IMG 5251And watched the crayons slowly melt.

IMG 5257And before long, it was time to take them out.

IMG 5265We let them cool a while and then popped them out of the molds.

IMG 5300Presto!  Heart-shaped crayons.  Very simple, but made with love. Tomorrow we’ll work on the cards to attach them to…

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