Gracen Tested: Piggy Paint

Since she was just an itty bitty little thing, Gracen has complimented my painted toes and asked for hers to be done the same way.  And though I’ve painted them for her a few times, I’ve never quite felt right about putting regular {reeky, toxic} polish on her tiny little nails.  So when we were contacted by to try out Piggy Paint, the newest addition to their stock, I was completely game.  

I had read about Piggy Polish many times in the past and knew that it was non-toxic, eco-friendly, and made from a water-based formula and had added it to my mental ‘Gracen wish list’, but had yet to come across it in my day to day travels, so this was the perfect opportunity.

IMG 3255I love having Miss G make decisions for herself (age appropriate ones of course), so we sat down at the computer together and scrolled through the many Piggy Paint colour options on Nail Polish Canada’s site.  While I probably would have picked a soft {and nearly unnoticeable} pink like Sweetpea or Angel Kisses, my not {always} so typical girly girl was immediately drawn to Ice Cream Dream and Glitter Bug instead, so metallic teal and silver sparkles it was!

IMG 2862The polish arrived at our doorstep just two days after ordering, and of course my little mail lover was more than thrilled to open up the package and find her new polishes.

IMG 3249Grae decided that she’d like to try the teal paint on her toes first (and I tried the sparkly one on my fingernails just for fun).  Besides the ridiculously quick shipping, there were many things I loved about the polish right away.  First off, there’s no reeky smell involved.  If anything, the scent reminded me of being in my Grade 12 art class during our clay / sculpting unit, and rightfully so as Piggy Paint’s tagline is ‘natural as mud’.  

Secondly, the polish goes on easily and you get full coverage in a single coat.  You know when you buy a new beautifully coloured polish and you apply it only to realize that you’ll need at least 4 coats to reach the colour it is when in the bottle?  Well that’s certainly not the case with Piggy Polish.  These brightly hued teal toes? One coat only.  I was especially impressed with the sparkly polish.  In the the past, if I’ve bought a glittery polish, it normally turns out to be mostly clear with a few sparkles here and there… Not so with Glitter Bug.  My nails were fully covered with sparkles in one coat and extremely covered in two.

Thirdly, the drying time is amazing.  Without a word of a lie, I finished painting the toes on Grae’s first foot, moved onto the second one immediately, and as soon as I was done, the first foot was 100% dry.  So nice when painting the nails of busy, go-go-go toddler.

IMG 3255Now…  The one thing I don’t love about Piggy Polish is that it doesn’t last that long.  These are Miss G’s toes 4 days after applying the polish, and in all honesty, it started to chip off a day and half to two days in.  Buuuuuut, in its defence, although we did blow dry the polish for one to two minutes as recommended, we did not have the base or top coat to try, both of which increase its durability.  And here’s the other thing…  Can one really expect polish that is free of all toxins to last as long as its chemical-filled cousin?  I think not.  And frankly, I’m fine with a little girl’s nail polish only last a couple of days…  It’s just for fun after all.  ☺

To order some Piggy Paint for your own little one (a perfect stocking stuffer!), click here.  You can also keep up to date with by following them on Facebook and Twitter.

 To keep up with all the Mama.Papa.Bubba. fun, like us on Facebook here and find us on Instagram here. 


3 thoughts on “Gracen Tested: Piggy Paint

  1. I so LOVE Gracens color choices! they could have been mine! … thank you for that awesome review. I saved the piggy paint website in my bookmarks! I just love the idea of being able to use something non-toxic. even though it will be YEARS before my daughter is old enough to be wanting her nails to be painted, but maybe I’ll even use it for myself? who knows.

  2. So good to know that there is an alternative to the toxic stuff my daughters beg me to paint their nails with. Bur what about taking it off? Is there a natural solution to that too?

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