Beginning Sounds Sorting Game

Beginning Sounds Sorting Game | Mama Papa Bubba

Miss G and I had all sorts of fun this morning!  After an early morning coffee shop date and creating our family portrait embroidery hoop, we put together a little beginning sounds sorting game that was both fun and simple.

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To get started, we rounded up a plastic Ikea tray {Canada | US | Kuwait – we use these for everything}, a few small styrofoam trays {that our fruit and veggies unfortunately come packed on here in Kuwait}, and a magenta Sharpie {Miss G’s choice}.

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Then, as I sent Gracen off to do a couple of jobs around the house, I quickly collected a bunch of small items that began with three letters – f, n, and r.

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After I’d collected 5 or 6 items for each beginning sound, I placed all of the items on our plastic tray and wrote our three focus letters on the lips of the styrofoam trays using our Sharpie.

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Then I presented the tray to Grae.

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I asked her if she knew how to play the game or if she wanted me to explain it, and her response was, ‘I think you say the name of the things and then match the sounds to the magenta letters…  Am I right?’  {Yup, you’re right, sweet girl.}

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And with that, she got started.

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And as quickly as she started, she was done. Hah – my fault!  I really should have thought about my beginning sound choices a little more carefully given the fact that Miss G mastered most of her letter sounds long ago. {Next time I’d pair ‘w’ with ‘r’ since she often pronounces them quite similarly, or focus on ‘ch’ and ‘sh’ since she’s been interested in those sounds more recently – lesson learned}.

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In order to extend the activity just a little bit, I sent her on a little hunt to find something to add to each of the trays.  She came back with this hazelnut in hand and very matter of factly stated, ‘Well, this is actually a h-h-hazelnut, but since you didn’t make an ‘h’ tray, we’ll just call it a nut!’  Sounded fair enough to me!  ☺


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