‘I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More’ Inspired Painting

I Ain t Gonna Paint No More Inspired Painting | Mama Papa Bubba

Our morning started innocently enough… I thought I’d keep the munchkins happy and busy in the playroom with some morning painting while Brad took a conference call upstairs. 

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We set out our colourful drop cloth {CAN | US}, rolled out a couple of big pieces of craft paper, and got out the new tempera paint cakes I recently ordered online during a much-too-tired-middle-of-the-night Amazon shopping session {glad I did though – we’re loving them!}

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Miss G and I happily painted while Mr. Sam looked on and entertained us with his sweet little coos and gurgles.

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After Miss G had completed her third piece {a portrait of her baby brother sitting in his chair} and I had filled my entire paper with lines, shapes, and dots, I suggested trying a new canvas…  Her legs!  {Hahaha! She totally thought I was nuts at first.}

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After she’d given me her 5-going-on-15 ya-right-mom eye roll and told me that I couldn’t really be serious, her eyes lit up and she said, ‘Wait – like in I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!’?!?  ‘Exactly like in ‘I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!’, I responded.  And with that not only did she know I was serious about letting her paint herself, but she was also 100% on board!

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Now while tempera paint isn’t exactly intended for body painting, it’s what we had out at the time and so we went with it.  {That being said, if you want to try something that’s more body-friendly, my friend Jaime of Frogs, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails has an awesome DIY body paint made of household ingredients – super cool!}

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Grae thought it was great fun.

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Of course, when your legs are sufficiently covered in paint… it’s time to move onto your arms and belly!  Because why not, right?

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Afterwards, it was straight into a tub full of warm water to soak all of the paint off, but goodness it was fun while it lasted!


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2 thoughts on “‘I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More’ Inspired Painting

  1. How much fun you would’ve had!!! I know how much fun my four year old has when painting herself. Which seems to be every single time we have a painting session. It has to end up in painting her hands or arms, or face or all of her body. She will have soooo much fun doing this “game”. And I’ll have to check out that book too!!!

  2. I love the idea of putting down that table cloth to paint on as things always get messier than intended-It’s going on the list for our playroom! The kids would just die if I let them paint themselves! So. Much.Fun!

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