Watching: Her usual Youtube favourites… Robyn’s ‘Call Your Girlfriend’ (the original song this favourite is based on), this video of Taylor Swift’s ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together’, and ‘Colours of the Rainbow’ by The {slightly over the top} Gigglebellies.
Listening to: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Again and again and again. She’s memorized almost the entire thing over the course of the last 3 days and she sings it to us before nap time and again before bed time (twice – once to each of us), as well as throughout the day.
Playing: Memory. She has a couple of card versions, as well as a wooden disc version, and she just can’t get enough. The thing is that she’s good at it. Really good. (So good in fact that she dominated her Papa in a game last week.)
Talking about: Names. She asks about everyone’s names right now – whether it be someone walking down the street, a fellow elevator passenger, the owner of a cafe we regularly frequent, or an artist we hear on the radio. She regularly announces her entire name (both middle names and her giant last name) and asks strangers their names too.
Reading: She’s absolutely loving ‘A Hole is to Dig’ by Ruth Krauss (© 1952) right now. The “Mud is to jump in and slide in and yell dodleedoodleedoo” page is the funniest thing ever.
Eating: Every single time I’ve asked her what she’s wanted for lunch or dinner for the last month, the answer has been a immediate and purposeful “Tofu.”. Besides that, she’s gobbling up apples and giant carrots like there’s no tomorrow and has started a new morning routine… Instead of just having a cup of milk during our morning cuddle in Mama and Papa’s bed, she also wants a little bowl of apple slices or a big peeled carrot to naw on while we read books and watch music videos. Oh – and her new favourite snack? Cucumber slices on crackers.
Danielle from Sometimes Sweet, a blog I’ve followed for a very long time now, does regular “Currently” posts and I’ve always enjoyed them, so I decided to borrow the idea and tweak it just a bit in order to suit a toddler. ☺