Miss G’s been a big fan of this song for quite a while and now that they’ve started playing it on our local radio station? Well she’s pleased as punch.
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Grae first heard this song on the radio while we were in Alberta for the holidays and you should have seen her little face light up when she heard the word “Mama” in it. She’s loved it ever since. I don’t mind one bit as I quite like it myself, but dang – sometimes I have to force myself not to pay attention too closely… Otherwise I’m a mess of tears in no time.
Keep up with all the Mama.Papa.Bubba. fun, like us on Facebook here and find us on Instagram here.
Brad and I are constantly blown away by how quickly Grae learns things. She just soaks up information and makes connections like crazy. Just a couple of days ago, she started showing interest in singing the alphabet song. At first she’d sing random strings of letters – “A B P C B D X” to the tune of the song, and now, depending on the time, she can pretty much sing it in its entirety.
Today, while at Grey’s Park surrounded by swings, climbing apparatuses, kids, and a wading pool, she wanted nothing more than to lay on our blanket and sing her ABCs again and again. Here’s a little video I managed to catch…