Walking Weather

IMG 4789The weather has really been warming up here in Vancouver, so this afternoon we decided to head out on a little walk around the neighbourhood.

IMG 4766There were some kids playing basketball at the elementary school across the street, so naturally, that’s where my little ball-obsessed lady led us.

IMG 4769You can’t go to the school without stopping by the playground, so that’s just what we did.  (Notice that Grae’s walking up the stairs rather than crawling up them…  She’s been working on that lately.)

IMG 4778Miss G is becoming so independent at the playground…  She was able to get herself up the stairs, across the rickety bridge, and down the slide several times all on her own.

IMG 4779Satisfied with her time at the playground, we were back on our way.  On a sort of funny side note – Grae was so into these shrubs that she lost her footing while sniffing them and fell right in!  Oopsies.  She was a little surprised, but just fine when I pulled her out.

IMG 4786On the way home, she tried her hand at collecting rocks.  Lucky for me, these ones were a little too big to take with us…  Next time, Grae.  Next time.

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