Sometimes I wonder if a person could make living as a playground and park reviewer… Cause that may just be the perfect job for me and my pint-sized sidekick. Today (after our usual Sunday morning play gym / lunch / nap combo) we hit up another new playground on the westside of the city. We were actually out and about doing a few errands near Dunbar and somehow found our way to St. George’s, an all boys private school. Although intended for older kids, the playground was pretty amazing. Gracen enjoyed exploring the campus and making friends with two other little girls who were playing on the playground also. Here are some photos from our adventure…
Crusin’ along.
Entering the campus.
Spinning the ‘log’ by hand.
The climbing apparatus and a peek at the school.
A sideless slide.
Just hanging out with Mama.
A view of the playground.
Snooping around.
Gracen crossing. (Don’t worry – the gates were all locked shut and the campus was vehicle free.)
Snacking on the steps.
‘Hi, Mama! I see you hiding behind that gate you know!’
Grae is so cute