While Gracen is usually more than game for impromptu adventures, she is, without a doubt, a little girl who thrives on routine and structure. She very much enjoys being part of the process when it comes to selecting activities and outings and regularly asks me which day of the week it is so she can figure out our agenda for the day. “Tomorrow is Thursday, Mama? We have dance class on Thursday! What day it is today?” she’ll say. I find that when she has a clear picture of our days and knows what’s to come, she’s calmer, happier, and transitions more easily (as many kids do, I think).
In the winter when we were registered in several classes, I realized that having a visual representation of our week would benefit Gracen greatly. I knew exactly what I was looking for… A single week calendar that was simple, clearly laid out, easy for Grae to manipulate, and picture-based. I scoured the web, but when I was unable to find just what I wanted, I decided to make my own.
I actually made ours using Pages (an awesome word processing program for Macs), but a design-based program like Pixelmator or PhotoShop would obviously work perfectly too. Since Grae and I do quite a lot on our days at home on our own and weekends tend to include more downtime, I opted for full spaces for Monday to Friday and a shared space for Saturday and Sunday.
After finishing up the calendar itself, I set off to create activity cards that would fit nicely onto the calendar’s columns. To start off, I made a long list of the activities we do regularly and searched for clipart to match. I popped the pictures into boxes and added in some text in along the bottoms, and they were done.
Because I wanted the calendar and activity cards printed in colour and as 11 x 17s, I paid the few dollars it cost to have the files printed professionally. Then I took everything home, cut the activity cards out, and trimmed the edges of the calendar.
With my pieces cut out, it was back to the store to have everything laminated. While I think I could have fit everything into 2 laminating pouches, the woman working there was worried the pieces were too close together, so 3 it was (which came to around $14).
Next, I cut all of the laminated pieces out, making sure to leave a substantial plastic border around the edges.
I went back and forth on whether to use magnets or velcro several times before finally settling on velcro. The determining factor was the realization that with velcro pieces, the calendar can still be used on a fridge or magnetic board, whereas the opposite isn’t true. Plus I had a giant roll of adhesive-backed velcro already on hand (if you don’t, you can find similar stuff at fabric, hardware, dollar, and teaching stores), which was nice. I simply cut out squares of velcro, put the scratchy pieces on the activity cards, and the fuzzy pieces on the calendar itself.
With everything ready to go, Gracen and I chose a spot for her brand new calendar (the excitement was uncontainable!) We thought about putting it in her room or in the hallway just outside of her room, but chose to put it in the kitchen instead, as it’s where we start most of our days. Now, while I make breakfast, she’ll be able to take a look at her calendar and see what we have planned for the day.
One thing we made sure to do when hanging it was to place it nice and low so that Miss G can see it and move pieces around easily (thigh height on me is perfect for Grae). I hung it up using painter’s tape rolls, but you could easily use poster mounting squares or something similar. (Teacher tip: If you use tape rolls, place them horizontally to avoid your calendar slowly slipping down the wall.) We’ve had the cool magnetic strip hanging below for a long while now and hadn’t yet found the perfect use for it until now. While a bag or pouch would do just fine, the magnetic strip holds all of the activity cards and allows them to be seen all at once which is a perk.
We’ve only had it up and running for a few of days now, but so far, Gracen is loving her calendar. As soon as it was hung, she immediately wanted to plan out our week together. First we popped up things that needed to be done, like errands, a trip to the library to exchange our soon-to-be-due books, and our Thursday dance class, and then we chose some just-for-fun activities for the other days. She scheduled a hot drink date for her and Bradley on Saturday morning while I’m at a workshop (adorable!) and a family trip to Granville Island on Sunday (fun!)
In the morning when we wake up, her ‘calendar station’ is the first place she goes. We take a look at the plan for the day, make adjustments if needed, and get our day started. Today, when she saw that we were going to the library, she immediately went around the house making sure that all of her books were gathered and then began getting dressed. ☺ If it continues to have the same effect it has so far, I think this little calendar is going to be a great tool for us.
Because I’ve borrowed the clipart from around the web, I wouldn’t feel right about making a printable version for all to use available here, but if you’re a parent or teacher who would like to print out a calendar for personal use with your child or a particular student, feel free to leave a comment below or email me at jen{at}mamapapabubba.com.
For extra fun, like us on Facebook here and find us on Instagram here.
Wonderful idea, thanks for sharing!
Thank you! Happy to share – let me know if you’d like me to email you a PDF. :)
What kind you use in Pages (MAC) program? Are you using Word Processing or Page layout? How you make it big and make it in the one poster?
I would like to make for myself. It seems look fun to make.
Hi! This is exactly what I’ve been looking for to help ease transition times with my 2.5 year-old son. Could you please share the PDF with me? My email is christiep33@gmail.com.
I know this was from a long time ago but if you still have the template, could you please send it to me? Lkmchugh08@aol.com
Thank you!
Hi Christie,
Just curious, did you get the PDF?
I would LOVE the PDF you speak of. I’ve been searching the internet all morning for something like this and your calendar is spectacular, it will be perfect for my 3 yr old son.
Sorry– email marie.lindsey@gmail.com
Could you email me the template too please??
Hi there I love this idea I have been looking for a calendar for my toddler also. Could you please email me a copy as well my email is jenny.a.hatfield@gmail.com
Thank you so much
Please. Please. Can you email me a pdf. I have been wanting to do something like this forever danalynn11114@comcast.net
Hi, this is a fabulous idea. Thanks so much for sharing! Would you be willing to email me a pdf of it for use wth my son? Thank you!
yes! this is EXACTLY what I’ve been searching for!! Could you email me a PDF? I’d be forever grateful.
Hi do you mind emailing me this file?
Great Idea, I been looking for something like this for my 3 year old girl, can you please email me the PDF if its not a lot of trouble, thank you so much.
Could you please email me the pdf. My email is simplysarahva@gmail.com. Thank you!
Please send me a PDF. I love this & need one for my little boy!
This is such a lovely creation. I learnt about this idea on a toddlercalm workshop here in the UK and thought I would search the internet to see if I could buy something. However I had no luck but was delighted to find your blog : ) I would love it if you could share the PDF with me too. Thanks a million! Elin x (msmond@yahoo.com)
I would really love the PDF please cherilynstclair@gmail.com
Hi! I’ve been scouring the internet for something EXACTLY like this so I don’t have to make one. Would you be willing to share the pdf!? :) :) :)
Hi. I would love for you to send me a copy if you are willing to share your brilliant idea.
Hi there! I realize this post was made a few years ago, but I am in love with this calendar. Can you email me a PDF of it so I can make one also? I’m not a mother, but a nanny to my adorable nephew. I have searched high and low and your calendar is by far the best! I have tried recreating yours to no avail. If it’s available for purchase I’d gladly buy a version. Thank you so much!
Hi, I would love a PDF of your calendar!! I have been looking for one to buy for ages, but there is nothing that matches what I am after. Yours looks perfect! My email is sra.crawford1@gmail.com. Thanks for sharing :)
My almost 3 year old is having such difficulty knowing what time of day it is and what is happening next. This looks great! Could I also have a copy of the PDF? lindseyhine@gmail.com
Hi, I realize this post is 3 years old, but I’d love your PDFs, if you will still share them, especially of the task cards. Brilliant. Thank you!
I would LOVE a PDF!!
Thank you so so so much!
Can I get a copy of the PDF also? email prater.hope@gmail.com
Hi Jen, my 2 year old is having some separation anxiety and I feel a visual calendar would help her with her weekly routine. Would it be possible to share the PDF with me? My email is: mondaymornin@gmail.com many thanks in advance, this is really super!
Hi, would you mind sending me the PDF version also? My email is gwyneth-chan@outlook.com. Thank you so much :)
Could you email me a copy of your calendar?
Hi, any chance you can send me a PDF copy please? Thanks in advance!
I would LOVE copy!!!! It’ll make our lives infinitely better! mccporter@gmail.com
Hi! Any chance I can get a copy of this? I have been looking for something like this to make summer easier. piasoul@gmail.com
Hi Jen, I know this is an old post, but is there any way you still have the PDF lying around? I would love to use this for my toddler!
Hi! I would love a copy of it!! I have been searching for something to use with my son and this is perfect.
Hi there, would you be willing to e-mail me a PDF? ashleyhkovacs@gmail.com. Working on this with my daughter as well!
I absolutely love this. Is there any way I could please hassle you for the PDF? Thank you so much for posting ideas like this!
If you still have the template for this visual schedule, I would love a copy of it. I’ve been looking for something like this for my daughter who has autism. My email is:
Thanks so much!!
Hi ,do you still have your weekly Schedule PDF This would help my son lots
Hello! This is exactly what I’m looking for for my dayughter could you please send me a PDF? Also will I be able to edit it with her name/ activities?
I would like the pdf to use with my sister.
thank you so much!!
Hi there! Would you be willing to share the files for this? I’m trying to work on this for my daughter :-)
Is this PDF still available?
Hi, if you still have this please can you send me the pdf? I’ve looked online and there is still nothing like this for sale and it’s perfect “)
Would you email me the PDF? I love this! Have been looking for a weekly calendar for my 4 year old and this would be great!!
Can u email me a pdf!!!??? ?? My toddler needs Thisbe to help him get used to his preschool (tues thurs) routine and other outings. This is wonderful!
It’s whitneyashlyn@gmail.com
Hi Jen, this is exactly what I’ve been looking for, I know the post is old but would be amazing if you could send me a PDF of the calendar and bits that go with it, it’s amazing! Email: becs84@yahoo.co.uk
Thanks X
I know this was years ago, but I would love a PDF in this! My daughter is the same with her routine & schedule. :)
Hi!!!! I’d love to have a pdf of this too… my toddler is so confused with daycare schedule or days of the week. My email is pao_gomez1@hotmail.com
Yes please!! Id really appreciate you sharing the PDF of this calendar. Its perfect!! ejandv@gmail.com Thank you so much!
I know it’s an old post but I absolutely love your layout and idea! Are you still sharing the PDF?
hello lovely, ive just stumbled across you and I’m in love!
would you please email me a PDF of this?
much appreciated
Hi can you please e mail me the PDF, would to start with my 3 toddlers. Thank you so much Stephanie.gomes.martins@gmail.com
Is still possible to get the calendar emailed?
I am very interested in trying this as well- could you send me the PDF? aannkennedy@gmail.com
I would love this for my daughter,
Please may you email me the pdf x
Thank You x
I would love to incorporate this into our routine. Do you still have the PDF?
I will love to get q pdf if that possible :)
Hello, I would love something like this for my toddler. Do you still have the pdf file and could you share it? My email vanessa.vlobos@gmail.com
Could I get the PDF?
It’s genius!!!! I would love a PDF , are you able to send it to me ?
Hi, I would love a copy of this PDF for the calander
Would you mind sending me the .pdf version also? Love the idea you came up with. Thanks!
Sorry my email is tara_kat@hotmail.com
Hi Jen. Nice job. Can you e-mail me the template and send a list of categories you used. I realize ours would be slightly different but it would help! :-) Thank you.
just discovered this today and looking to do the same thing for my toddler but I am not crafty at all! Do yo have a PDF you can send me of what you used and I can go from there? Thank you! pollyryerson@gmail.com
Hi this looks perfect for my 2 toddlers, can you please email me the pdf? They would have so much fun making this. Thank you for sharing. jamgreger@gmail.com
love it. wold love if you could email this to me at leeton77@dodo.com.au. many thanks
Hi there! This is wonderful if you wouldn’t mind sending me an email with it?! I would be so grateful! Chrissyraeflynn@gmail.com
May I please have the PDF. Shannon1mckay@gmail.com.
Thank you!
Hi, love this idea and have been on the lookout for a suitable calendar for my little one. Could you email me the PDF please when you get a chance?
Hey Sarah! You bet – I’m going to send out a big batch this weekend. I’ve got you added to my list. :)
This is amazing. My son totally needs this. We both do! Would you mind sharing with me?
And I am LOVING your blog!
Hi Suzie! I wouldn’t mind at all! I’ve got you added to my list and you can expect a copy to land in your inbox some time this weekend. :)
Seriously cool. : ) I would love a copy of this!
You betcha, Amanda! Coming your way this weekend. :)
Great idea! (And I love your design sensibility.) Will definitely have to remember this for when Miss Z is old enough.
Thank you, Rachelle. I’m so glad you like it! :)
Could you send me the Pages document (so I can personalize it for Zoé)? I already have an idea to start using it for my own mental sanity and getting her used to seeing it. :D
Never mind! I already finished my own version :D Thanks for the inspiration.
Jen this is really cute. I’d love a copy for Jess, please!
You betcha, Angela! I’ll send it your way this weekend. :)
I’ve been searching all over the web and Pinterest for calendar ideas for my three year old. This is perfect!!! I would love a copy as well please. Thank you! Abbiepaxman@gmail.com
So glad you found this then, Abbie! You can expect a copy sometime this weekend. :)
This is amazing. I made something like this for my girl recently but it doesn’t look as nice as yours. Could you add me to your list too please Jane_mccarney@hotmail.com.
I bet yours is lovely, Jane! I’ve added you to the list. :)
I love this calendar, but I’d need something slightly different for the shape of my weeks – I have Pages on my iPad, how would I start making something like this?
That’s great that you already have Pages – that makes it really easy! Basically it just involves using the ‘shapes’ tool to create the coloured columns, and text boxes to add the wording on top. Let me know if you have any specific questions – I’d be happy to help! :)
What font did you use? I love it!
And where did you find the clip art? I have Pages too, but can’t find clip art in it. THANKS so much for your help!
I’d love a copy too , I love your ideas thanks for sharing
This is exactly what I am looking for! Unfortunately, we do not have Pages on our Mac. I would love a copy if you are still willing to share! tiffanynacolelee@gmail.com
this is so cute. thank you. I would love a pdf. moto736@aol.com
this is wonderful! would love a pdf please :) thanks! kcost8@gmail.com
Thanks ladies! For all of you who have added your email addresses since my last comment, you can expect it in your inbox this weekend! :)
We would love a copy. This is such a great (and creative) idea. mklipstein@gmail.com
This is just what I have been looking for for my son while I’m home for the summer. We would love a copy! Robinett09@hotmail.com. Thanks!!
This would be perfect for my son and a child in my classroom. Would you mind sending it my way? Thank you! sarah.leever@gmail.com
I would love a copy! Amelia.barrows@gmail.com
I’d love a copy for my daughter. Thank you! adtrumble@comcast.net
Cute idea! I would love a copy as well! Thank you. :) kmsorger@hotmail.com
I would love a copy (pdf) of calendar and cards too. Thanks so much! kirish77@yahoo.com
Hi all! So glad you like our calendar. If you’ve requested a printable copy via comments or email, you should now have it in your inbox. If you don’t for some reason, please let me know. :)
Hi! I am late in the game here, but I LOVE this calendar! Would you PLEASE email me your PDF version if you are able? Thank you so much!
Forgot to leave an email address on my earlier response, if you still have it, a pdf would be brilliant, thanks so much!
Hi Jen! I’d love a copy if it’s still an option! Sorry for the late post! jeepgirlstacy@msn.com. Thanks either way!! =)
It’s in your inbox, Stacy! :)
Fantastically done! =). This is awesome & would love to have a copy as well, please! =). Love Miss G’s what she eats too! =). Great inspiration for our family! Thank you! =).
Thanks so much, Melanie! It’s in your inbox. :)
Hi Jen, this is such a fabulous idea! I would love a copy as well please. Thanks so much!
Angela (at) onesmileymonkey (dot) com
Hey Angela! Yours is in your inbox too. :)
Please pretty please can i have a printable copy too for my little biys? :) love your work! So inspirational.
I would love a copy too :) If I want to change the format for the Saturday/Sunday to full days, is that possible? Thanks!
Great me too would love to have it for my little Sara
Thank you soooo much
Would love a copy if you still have it available. stacey.rivera@gmail.com
I love this! I have been searching at teacher/learning stores for this very thing and haven’t been able to find a format I liked. Would love a copy at christie.millis@gmail.com– thank you!
is it too late for me to have a copy? Thanks :)
This is GREAT! I love Pages too :) I hope it’s not too late to get that PDF? Thank you so much…and well done!
That looks fantastic I’d love a printable version for my two girls if thats ok?
I love your ideas of the weekly calendar and would love to have a copy to do with my little girl.
Thank you so much,
I love this! Would love a copy at ee.rogo@gmail.com thank you!
My email is naemoore@gmail.com – thanks so much! Renae
I would love a copy! my e-mail is melissa.carter0101@gmail.com
Thanks! :)
Hi! I’m training to be a teacher & absolutely love your ideas! My daughter would also love this, So if you could email me a PDF I would really be grateful! Thank you! LOVE your blog! :) Email is Lynne.m.griffiths@hotmail.co.uk
I love this! I have been looking all over for a toddler chart like this. Could you email me the PDF?
Hello! This is great!!! May I have the PDF??? Many thank yous!
This is awesome. Could you send a copy to klkslp @aol.com. My granddaughter would truly benefit from this …keep up the good work!
I love it! I have started to working on the weather with my little one. Can you send me a copy? brianne_midkiff@yahoo.com
Wonderful idea. I would love to make this for my granddaughter, just for use in my home. Thank you for sharing :) kimsanchez23@gmail.com
What a great idea! I would love a copy for my little one during the summer, and for one of my students who visually needs to see our routine each day! kasper529@yahoo.com
Great calendar! Would love a PDF emailed to me at aphilly@gmail.com. Thanks!!
I would love a copy. I am excited to organize Kaylee’s summer and think that a weekly calendar will help with transitions.
I would love a copy of this!!! Especially since we are starting Kindergarten in the fall :)
Hi again, goska2009@live.co.uk, thx
I love this. would love a copy. my daughter likes to know what is going on everyday. I guess I’m raising a planner
Auntie Jen, Jackson would love a copy also!! We don’t have a MAC but a PDF file would be wonderful ;)
I would love a copy…kbesand@gmail.com…thank you!
My daughter Sedona would love a calendar like this! The pictures are great for her age (almost 3)!
Awesome! My son is 18 months today although he’s been a toddler for months already lol. I would love a pdf of this visual calendar…thx in advance!
Hi Jen!! I would love a copy! Please and thank you! sarah@imforkids.org
I would love a copy too! shipster@gmail.com
I would love a copy lwhite31@hotmail.com. Thank you!
I would love a copy!! Cjarquin10@gmail.com Thank you!
This is so special. I’d love a pdf copy. Wish I had a mac. Pamelastewart@rogers.com – and…thank you! My twins will LOVE it!
I’d love a copy too! Thanks. :)
c-piso@shaw.ca, thanks :-)
Hi Jen, I would love a copy for my daughter.
this is awesome!! please can I have a copy for my boys?
Yes please! It’s fantastic, my little Lottie would love it x
Alrighty! If you’ve requested a copy of our toddler calendar previous to now (either here or via email), it should be in your inbox (if not, please let me know)! I apologize to those of you who requested particular fonts, colours, and formatting changes… At this point, I’m just sending out the PDF as is, but if I happen to take on customized calendars in the future, I’ll be sure to let you know. :)
If you haven’t yet requested a copy, but would like one, please leave a comment here or email me directly at jen{@}mamapapabubba{dot}com. Please note that it’s very helpful to leave your email address directly in your comment as it makes things much faster for me.
Thank you! <3
This is so perfect for my toddler’s week. May I please have a copy? htaylo9@gmail.com Thanks for creating something thats super creative:)
This is great I have been liking for something like this. I would love a copy of the PDF my email is sarahlynn9008@gmail.com
Love this! Could I get a copy at petersonstephanie@pleasval.k12.ia.us. Thanks!
Love it! Could I please have a copy of the PDF? Email is walker.bacn@gmail.com
I also love it! This will work great for my 2.5 year old. My email is jordz_00@hotmail.com.
Thank you!
I would love a PDF. Would you mind sending one my way?
Hi! I have been looking for something like this! Can you send me the PDF? Thanks!!!
Hi! This is exactly what I’ve been looking for to help my 2.5 year old understand his routine for the week. What a great idea, beautifully executed! I’d love a PDF at jandkhoffman@hotmail.com
This is such a great idea could you please email me a copy…thank you :)
this is amazing! I love your idea! if you are still emailing pdfs I would love a copy as well :) mrsjanetson at gmail.com thanks!
This is amazing! And you already include some of my favourite places to take my boy (I’m looking at you, Granville Island!). I’d love it if you could email me a copy!
Thank you!
I would love a copy for my little guys! emilyjoycep(at)gmail.com This is such a great idea! Thank you
LOVE THIS. could I trouble you for the pdf? divanessa@hotmail.com
I love love love this. My two-year old daughter’s schedule changes every week with our non-traditional work lives and we are trying to give her a sense of what comes next. Could you please send me the PDF? Thank you!!
And please let me know if you ever do a commercial/Etsy version! This would be amazing with stickers or magnets on a whiteboard surface or pad (e.g., lulalu weekly calendar). I know tons of kids and parents who would adore these as gifts to help reign in our insane modern lives.
This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! I’d love a copy of the PDF if possible. My little ones will be very grateful!
Alright, another mail out is complete! If you requested a PDF of our calendar during the month of June (via comments or email), it should now be in your inbox. :)
Thank you for all of the lovely compliments and I’m happy we could help. I hope the calendar works as well for you as it’s been working for us. :)
I would LOVE a copy of the calendar and clipart(if possible) this is exactly what I’m looking for for my 3 year old! Thanks so much… Love the blog! Spout3@gmail.com
Can i have a copy of the PDF files? This is perfect, we were just discussing how we always talk through what to expect for the next few days and the kid doesn’t seem to grasp what’s going on. A weekly calendar seems like just the thing!
I sent an email (but I know that sometimes Gmail gets caught in the spam filters), so I thought I’d comment here too. I’d love to have a copy when you get a chance. Thank you! meppel@gmail.com
i would love a copy please thank you and fuzzies xxx misselviraroom8@gmail.com :)
I would love a copy of this!! So creative!! Jennynuzzo@gmail.com
I would love one, in Pages format if available. My toddler would love this to help her count down to school days. Thanks!
Yes please…I would love a copy in PDF form. Thanks so Much! michellemoors1@hotmail.com
What a great calendar and you are so kind to share it. You have so many good ideas on your blog! I would love a PDF of your calendar whenever you have time. I know my 3 year old would love it! aubrerios@gmail.com Thank you!!
I could use this with my 3 year old! Brown3500@verizon.net thanks!
This is just what I’ve been looking for! I would absolutely love to use this for my son! Will you please send it to me as well? Thank you!
I would love this for my toddler. I was a teacher before I had my two little ones, but my elementary ones are too much for my 2 year old. This is perfect! Could you please send it my way? Karentune@gmail.com–Thank you!!
i would love a copy of this to print! What a well done calendar. My email is LyndalKG@me.com. Thank you.
Brilliant! Please add me to your list Jamie@motokazie.com
This looks perfect for my little guy. Could you please send me a copy?
I would love a copy as well. Thank you!
Beautifully done. I would love a copy! katybarb(at)yahoo.com
I came across your weekly toddler calendar while searching the internet for similar ideas for my 3 year old son. This it the best I’ve seen in my opinion! Simple, clear, and organized. If you are still emailing out copies of the calendar and clipart I would truly appreciate a copy if possible. I’ve been using paper links that we create to count down for special events i.e. family coming to visit or a holiday, and this would complement our count downs! Thanks so much in advance. sll1213@aol.com
HI!! Could you please send me a copy? I have a almost 3 years old daughter, and I really love it, this we’ll help her to undtestad and learn , when we can do thing, every day she wants outside food, she never wants to play by herself(I have to add a pictures playing by herself :), (sorry my englis ins’t good) but I really love your calendar!! do I have to leave my email here???
Please send me a copy when you have time. I love it! Such perfect pictures for littles. stelabean@yahoo.com
If you’re still sharing I’d love a copy. My e-mail is vero.poses@gmail.com. I looked everywhere for something like this. You should sell it on Etsy since you obviously worked so hard to put it together. I’d pay for it :)
I too would be thrilled to purchase the PDF. My email is crissy.m.wilson@gmail.com :-)
Please send me a copy of your awesome visual schedule-PDF. I have been struggling with making one and I need help! Ckpokrp5@gmail.com
This is perfect! I have an almost 4 yr old who loves to know the plan for the day. Please send me a copy. She is going to love this
This is such a neat idea. My son definitely likes routine and this would be a great addition! Would you please email me the PDF to alexandra.henson@gmail.com?
Thank you so much for sharing your idea!
This is amazing! Can you tell me where you found the clipart? I’ve been looking for something for all of my son’s activities and I’m not finding anything worthwhile.
this was just what I was looking for could you please send me the PDF to tink_6_4@yahoo.com.au. Thanks
I love love love this idea and would be thrilled to have a copy of this. We’re getting ready to start preschool next week and I know my son would enjoy seeing what he’s doing each day. If you’re still willing to send me a pdf of this I’d be so grateful! My email address is aaedinger@gmail.com
you read my mind…this is what I got online 2 mins ago to look for, so glad I found your page. I have Pages so if you could send me the pages file that would be great, otherwise pdf is fine. Thank you so much. My email is mrs_antunez@yahoo.com
Hi everyone! If you’ve left a comment here, emailed me directly (jen{at}mamapapabubba{dot}com, or sent me a FB message (https://www.facebook.com/MamaPapaBubbaBlog) in the months of July or August, I will be emailing you a PDF of the calendar tomorrow night, so be watching your inboxes.
If you have not yet requested a copy and would like one, please leave a comment {along with your email address} ASAP! With the growth my blog has experienced in the last couple of months and the fact that the clipart used on the calendar is borrowed, I’m no longer feeling as comfortable about sharing it, so tomorrow’s mail out (on September 1st, 2013) will be my FINAL one. Hopefully I’ll be able to put together a printable Etsy version soon. Thanks for understanding!!
<3 Jen
Yes please
I would love a copy for my son! It has been so generous for you to share.
This is perfect for us! Would love a copy! Stacey.rowland3@gmail.com
This is just what I have been looking for. Could I please have a copy?
I would love a copy! Thank You – ashleeweiers@gmail.com
Love this! If your still sending out copies, I’d love one!
Thank you so much!
Hi! I love it! Would you mind sending me the .pdf? I just want my son and I could be more organized and I know he would love it. I’m looking for ideas to make his own playroom, so it would be such a great idea, and to teach him english too, because we’re from Mexico, so it’s not our native language. Thanks a lot! My email is katti.kaboom@gmail.com
I would love a copy of the pdf if you don’t mind sharing it again. Thanks!
This is great! Can you send me the pictures you used or the links for them? Can I also get the pdf of the blank calendar?
Can I get the PDF of the blank calander? I’ve been fiddling around on word but its just not coming out right! Hah love this so much, it is exactly what I had in mind and have been talking about creating for a while now
This is exactly what I’ve been looking for and have been trying to work out how to make one myself. Could you please send me the pdf when you get a chance? Thanks very much
Great Idea – I would love a PDF! photography@joannamoss.com. Thanks.
I would love a PDF of the calendar for my Grace. Thanks! can1210@aol.com
This is a fabulous idea! At what age was your little girl when you started using it?
If you’re still willing to share, I would love a copy please to start using it with my little girl :)
Is it too late for a PDF? This is wonderful! jessicalrichey@yahoo.com Thanks SO much!
I am looking for this exact calendar idea but lack creativity! Can I get the PDF? Thx!!! Lindsaywatson@hotmail.com
I would love to have a copy for my 3 year old. Starting to explain that she has to wait to go to the zoo in a few days. Want to help her understand the week! Thanks! Reacherinramsey@gmail.com
Just like everyone else has said – great calendar!! If you are still sharing PDFs I’d love to have one – kmdouglass@yahoo.com. Thanks!!
This is great and I would love a copy if you are still sharing…s.armocida@yahoo.com
Great calendar. If you are still sharing I would love a copy or please let me know how to find it on Etsy. Thank you. celiawitty@charter.net
I would love a copy of this please! This is going to be perfect for my daughter! candice.gabrielli@yahoo.com Thank you!!!!
This would be perfect for my 2.5 year old. Could you please send the PDF to my email. Jennydz99@gmail.com. Thank you so much!
I just stumbled across your blog while looking for a calendar for my 33 month old. I would love your PDF if you wouldn’t kind sharing. Thank you!
I just ran across this on Pinterest and would love to use a copy for my daughter if you are still sharing. Great idea! Thanks! J.w.casella at gmail.com
Could you please send me a copy of the PDF? Thanks!
pls send me copy of the PDF. thx. mmjdmmjd2012@gmail.com
This is fantastic can I please have a copy if this I would love to use this with my toddler too
Sorry my email address is jenny.a.hatfield@gmail .com
I would love a copy to use with my son. thanks!\
Hi Jen,
It would be great if you’ve changed your mind after such interest and still sharing such a wonderful idea.
I will be checking impatiently my inbox at milenstefanoff@yahoo.com
I fail to find on the net activity pictures as good as yours…
Many thanks
What a great file! Can i have a copy too? galinaerkamp@gmail.com thank you so much!
I saw this on Pinterest. It’s one of the nicest calendar I’ve seen on the web! Please send a copy to dianeloo@yahoo.com. Thanks!!
Fantastic cards and calendar! Have been looking whole evening for something like this! Could you please email the pdf versions at h i p l i n g s a t y a h o o d o t c o m? Thank you!!!
I would love a copy of the file – it’s a fantastic idea. iam@joannamoss.com
Hi! Thanks for posting this..it is just what I have been looking for! Could you please email me the file? Retta8779@aol.com. Thanks!
Absolutely love this calendar and have been searching the web for something like this for my young boys. Could you please email me the file? Thank you so much! lbneal@hotmail.com
Hi! I’m a teacher in kindergarten (toddlers). I want to have a look on your pictures for ideas. Could you please e-mail me the file too? Thanks a lot! carlie@telenet.be
Your calendar is great! Would love to use with my 3-year-old daughter. Would you email me a copy? Thank you! creighton.laura@gmail.com
I would like a copy too.. please email julieknc@hotmail.com Thanks in advance
This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! Would you please share your PDF’s with me? My email is pattyc_81@yahoo.com. Thank you!!!
Love it. Would be perfect for my 2.5 yr old at home. Shope31@ yahoo.com thanks
What a great idea!! This is just what I’ve been looking for. Would you mind sending me a copy of the PDF? laura.monninger@gmail.com. Thanks!!
just came across your calendar and its exactly what ive been looking for!!! :) could you PLEASE send me a copy of the pdf to ericaschwartz7@gmail.com
Oh I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE a copy of this for my little one!!! Could you please send me a PDF too?! My email is lindsay.sarah.hoit@gmail.com :)
Love this idea! can you please send me a pdf to nefscott@gmail.com
hi, could you be so kind and send me copy or pdf to my email.
thank you in advance
This is amazing! I’d love to have a pdf, too. My son will go crazy for this. many thanks! ginger.markley@gmail.com.
Hi, I would love a copy. Thanks so much. davianagreenberg@hotmail.com
would love a copy if you don’t mind sharing jolenedawnfriesen at hotmail.com
I would love a copy, if possible! This is the best! My daughter will love this! sarah.bruce@prodigy.net
this is great i would love a copy if thats okay? My address is gemtiny@hotmail.co.uk
Thank you!
I’ve been looking for something like this for a while, but this is even better than what I had imagined! I would love a copy as well please: perceneige@hotmail.com Thank you so much.
I would love a copy. Could you send me a copy in PDF?
I absolutely love your weekly calendar. I have been trying to make one for my daughter, but am lacking the computer design skills. If you are still sharing, can you please email me a copy of the PDFs? My email is caitlinbauman@gmail.com. Thank you!
Please send me a copy as well, much appreciate it! email alexskougarevsky@gmail.com – big thanks!
I’d love a pdf if you’d be willing to send :)
Thank you for posting and offering this wonderful resource. Would you be able to share a PDF file? Thank you!
This is great! Could I please have a copy for my boys? Katie.cesar@gmail.com
This is just what I’ve been looking for! Would I be able to have a copy please? Email is stuart.horneman@bigpond.com. Thank you!
I wanted to let you know I’ve added a link to your post on my blog. Love the chart–could I get a pdf to use with my kiddo?
I would love a copy of calendar and cards too. This looks great! I will have to translate it (we are from Romania). Congrats on the idea! Email is: mirela_vladan@yahoo.com
Thanks so much!
Hi this is just perfect i would love a copy for my 2.5 year old son. just perfect thank you
sorry my email is j_poo@msn.com thanks jemma
Please email me a copy! I have a MAC so a pages docuement is fine either way! christiegare@gmail.com
I’d love a copy of this PDF please if you have the time to share? Thank you. Bekki7777 @yahoo.com
Wow, I love this. I’m a nanny to a very OCD 2.5yr old & I’ve been trying to find the right system to help prepare him for the changes that come throughout the day. Can you please send me the pdf? Much graditude.
Would love love love a copy please!
I would love a PDF when you have a chance! SUCH A GREAT IDEA! Thank you so much!
This is amazing!! Could I please get a copy of the pdf! Perfect for my 3 year old!! evahverlander@yahoo.com
Hello! I would also love a copy of your weekly activities calendar! It’s great and so is your website! I’m always looking at it for toddler meal ideas! Fantastic! Thank you!
Just came across your blog and am so happy to have found it! I love how meaningful all your activities are. I have just spent a bit if time but look forward to reading more of your posts. If you still have the PDF saved could you please send me a copy. lamiche81@me.com
I’d love a PDF for my toddler. luvleesarah@hotmail.com
Hi I’ve been looking for a chart like this everywhere….could I please get a copy my email is kirajrobb7@gmail.com
much appreciated and great idea :)
Would you mind sharing this again. I’m in the middle of making a schedule board and your art is much better than what I’ve been able to find. My email is christine.fix@hotmail.com. Many thanks!
My 3 year old son would LOVE this and it is exactly what I’ve been looking for. Would you mind sharing the calendar with me as well? KJRathsack@gmail.com Thank you!
Hello! I love your graphics and idea!! Please would you mind sending me the file? my address is thea.tan@gmail.com. Thank you so much!
Hi! I really like this idea and would love to try it with my toddler. Would you mind sending me the template? my email is tahlia.hoozer@gmail.com
Hi! I realize that it’s been almost a year since you posted, but I wanted to give you a huge shout-out, thank you for this post. I have a son with special needs (Williams Syndrome), and I was searching for a preschool-friendly calendar that we can interact with together — mainly to help him understand that why his Daddy was home this past weekend after being gone for two weeks, and why he’s gone again until next weekend.
I admire your character, but wonder if you wouldn’t mind sending me a template to work from? Sebastian and I would really appreciate it!
Thank you,
I would ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ a copy of the calendar!
Hi I think this a great idea and I feel will really help my 3 year old and his sister to focus on the day. Could you please send me the file. Thanks again for this great idea!
Sorry forgot to leave email emma.rottcher@gmail.com
Oh my this looks great! Pls share this with me: iorichua@hotmail.co.uk
Thanx in advance! ;)
This is so wonderful! Can you please share the pdf with me: amanda.l.khalil@gmail.com
Hi i would love this too is there any chance you could send me a pdf please my email address is wembridge@live.co.uk
many thanks louise
Hello I would love a copy of this calendar if you have a pages version that would be awesome. Just the calendar would be perfect. If you are not sharing it anymore I was wondering what size the calendar is? My email address is mchll.roberts@gmail.com. Thanks so much!!
Hello, thanks for a lovely post. I found it after googling looking for exactly this for my two boys. Every morning my four-year-old asks ‘What’s my day today?’ so he will love having his own calendar. Would you mind sending me the pdf? karinvanh@gmail.com. Thanks so much. Karin
Please send me the PDG! Terilynn.grady@yahoo.com. My 3 year old is ALWAYS asking what we are doing!
What a wonderful calendar! Could you send me a pdf? That would be so amazing!!
Have been wanting to make one of these with my little girl. Would love a copy to get us started, thanks. scottandcandi@gmail.com
hi, I’m just wondering if you could send me a copy please? mandmharmer@bigpond.com
If it’s not too late, I’d love a copy too. This is great! Thank you for sharing.
Oops, I forgot my email address. sherryy7@gmail.com
Can you please email me a copy of the PDF please. My email address is mandimcgraw89@hotmail.com. Thanks. What a great idea, been looking for something like this for my son as he gets upset when he doesn’t know what’s happening the next day x
That is just fabulous! My toddler is asking questions constantly about what we are doing each day. Could I get a copy emailed for her? My email is lisabird55@yahoo.com. just love it!
Is it still available through email? I would live to make one for my little girl!
Hi, wondering if you are still emailing these templates out or if you have an Etsy template yet? If you don’t have one on Etsy (i’ll search around) i’d love it if you could email it to me.
Hi there! Are you still sharing the pdf file for the calendar templates? I sure would love them, if you don’t mind!
Would it get possible to get this pdf? My email is Beckie_wright@hotmail.com THANK YOU :)
This is just what I have been looking for to assist with my tantruming but adorable 2.5 yo, particularly with his baby sister due in 1 week! Can you email to rjkcoote@gmail.com?
Wow this is amazing.. This is exactly what I need for my very busy children. Could you please send me a copy to cecils@mac.com
You did exactly what I have been needing please please send me a PDF!!!!! Awesome!! Jessica@asjco.com
I love it! Been looking for something like this for months! I’ve a new born and a 3 year old who’s really keen to plan out his days! Do you still have the PDFs and would you consider sharing?! :))
This is just what I’ve been looking for to explain to our little man when his daddy will be home from business trips. Would love a pdf version if you wouldn’t mind sending one? Thanks!!!
I would really appreciate it if you emailed me the PDF at fatema.khan@hotmail.com
Thank you for the awesome blog, its a wonderful resource
Your calendar is great. I Would love a PDF copy if you don’t mind sending this way bellzy@gmail.com
This is perfect! My son is having trouble with his daddy traveling for business. Can you send a pdf? jgmccraw@gmail.com
Would love the PDF!! Cypresscolor@gmail.com
Would love a copy! This is EXACTLY what I’ve been searching for! christinewelland@gmail.com.
i would love a PDF copy!!! Just what i was about to make :) my email is tutkaluks@gmail.com
I would love a copy for my little one:) gigiapple10 at gmail.com
Such a great idea! I would love a copy if you are still sharing!
I would love to get a copy of her calendar if you are still sharing this – such a wonderful job, and just what I’m looking for!
This is wonderful! My son would benefit from this too. I would love a copy of the .pdf, if possible! geaoux@hotmail.com Thank you!
If you are still able to share this, my little girls would greatly benefit from this.. melissabw@me.com
Hi, if you are still offering the PDF of this calendar I would love a copy! Larissa.Tyler@gmail.com Thanks! This is too cute!
If you’re still sharing it would be great to see PDFs of this brilliant project- thanks! heleddfranciswright@icloud.com
Hi, are you able to send me a copy? I’d appreciate it. Email is sarahicooper@hotmail.com
I love this idea, Could you please share the PDF with me? Thanks! Janishalovescandles@yahoo.com
My daughter has dyspraxia and this is EXACTLY what I need to make for her to help her visualize time. If you are still emailing copies, I would greatly appreciate one. It would help her tremendously! Beautiful work :)
This is exactly what I was looking for! If you are still sharing it, can you please send me a PDF? THANKS!!!! :) -Jessica
This is exactly what I was looking for! If you are still sharing it, can you please send me a PDF? THANKS!!!! :) -Jessica
Ooops – jlkitchell@gmail.com. Thanks!
I love this. I am going back to work in a week and my daughter will be starting daycare 3 days a week. I would love to have a copy of this calendar to ease her into this transition. I would be most grateful if ou could email me a PDF version, my email is tashadowd@hotmail.com.
Hi, if you are still sending the PDF version, I would love it. It would be great for my two here in Tanzania. emma.rottcher@gmail.com thanks!
I would like the PDF also. This is great! munsoneh@gmail.com
I would absolutely love this PDF to use for my son who is struggling with transitions. Would you be able to still send the PDF? Jenn8ryan@hotmail.com
I too would love a copy of the PDF. It’s just what I’ve been looking for. Spookat@hotmail.com
Hi there, I realize you are no longer sharing the PDF, but I was wondering if you might be willing to share the source for the clip art. You found some very nice graphics and I am having trouble finding them. My email is sherryy7@gmail.com if you are open to sharing the source with me!
What a shame this isn’t for sharing anymore, I wonder if you did create an etsy would you be able to add that to your original post for those of us unlucky enough to miss out? Your stuff is brilliant x
I would love a pdf please! sarahpacosa @gmail dot com
This is by far the neatest schedule I have seen. We are a very relaxed family when it comes to routine…which can be good but it often is somewhat detrimental to harmony and happiness…especially for my 2.5yo!! I would really appreciate if you could share this resource with me. my email address is paulandkatemilbank@gmail.com. Many Thanks :)
right – just saw your post about no longer sharing this. Apologies. Great idea though.
LOVE this! Will you please email this to me? Jory.r.lopez@gmail.com
I love this idea.Could you please share the PDF with me? My email is amay1006@gmail.com
I haven’t seen you reply in a while, and can guess you’ve been very busy with emailing!!! But if you do get time… I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get the pdf of this!!!!! I’ve been following your “pages” idea and it’s difficult to build:-/ My email address is meghanhinke@yahoo.com Thank you so much!!!!!!!
Hi thanks so much. It is an awesome idea. I know our 2 boys is going to love this. Yes please can you mail me the pdf template. thanks blessings
Lovely idea! Please can you also email me? dwmoolchand@yahoo.com
Thank you! :)
Please send me the PDF’s too! :) taramae.resa@gmail.com
This is great! Would you send me the PDF at fortierhm@hotmail.com thanks!
hi there, this is such a great idea.. would love a copy of the PDF as both my kids has lot of activities throughout the week.. and this would help out so much.. ps, can i subscribe to your page/blog?? thanks and kind regards.
ps my email address is carlaodea@hotmail.com. thank you so much
I would love to get a copy of the calendar! My email is russellen777@gmail.com
OMG!!! This is by far the best calendar. I’ve been looking for a while for something like this. If you are still offering this calendar, I’d be forever grateful. My email is elly_gonsalves@yahoo.com.
Hi there, I have been looking for a calendar for ages…this is perfect for my son and daughter, i hope you can email it to me at taylor4@me.com
many, many thanks!
I love this!! I’ve been searching all over the web and pinterest trying to find something suitable for a 3 year old. I would love a copy please. My email is nestingnikki@yahoo.com. Thank you so much! Very talented. I enjoy your page.
Hi there! This is perfect! I was thinking of making one too but yours is beautiful! Could you please email me a copy of the pdf too? Many thanks! bippylemon@gmail.com
I love it! Could you email me a copy?
Thank you!
Hi Jen! Id love a pdf of this if you are still sending them out! jill.rollefstad@gmail.com Thank you!!!
I would LOVE one of these for my 2.5 year old. She is extremely routine driven (much like her type A parents!) and I would love to help her plan out her week. autumn.culbreth@gmail.com Thanks so much!!!
This is just what I’ve looking for!!! Can i please email me the PDF also? umetax@gmail.com
Thanks so much in advance!!!
Can I get a pdf of this?! mstiff7@aol.com Such an awesome idea!
Love this! Perfect idea for my son. Could you email me too?
Hello I would love a printable too. Could you please email one? Thanks
I would love a printable also, could you email to kellyeident@me.com. Thanks!
This is fantastic- absolutely perfect for my son! I would great appreciate the PDF, my email is kfelluca@gmail.com. Thanks!
I would love a copy also. jhiett21@yahoo.com
Looks perfect for my bubba too! I would love a copy candyburrows@yahoo.com Thanks!
I would also love a copy of this! My son is in desperate need of this before beginning preschool next month. heatherpohland@att.net Thank you!!
I would love a copy of the PDF! Thank you. This is exactly what I have been looking for!
V e g a n t e a c h @ g m a I l . C o m
I haven’t received a copy of the pdf, did I get missed or are you not sending these out anymore? :(
I am not sure if you are still sharing this PDF, but this is exactly what we need!! I have spent months searching for something like this for my son with ASD. I would really appreciate if you could email a copy to me –
Great Job! I would love the PDF.
Sorry my email is colleenfredricks@yahoo.com
This is fabulous. Its amazing that something so simple doesnt already exist on the market. I would love to purchase one for my kids, and as gifts for my sisters and friends too. Did you create an item on esty?
So fun! I love your site and look forward to making new things for my kiddos. I’d love the PDF for this if you’re still sharing – myheartsetfree@gmail.com. Thanks!
My 2 girls would love to help me make this. I’d love the PDF for this if you’re still sharing – jamgreger@gmail.com. Thanks!
Yes if you are still sharing I would love a copy for my kids.
Hi! This is exactly what I have been searching for! I have Pages but haven’t been able to get it just right. Could you email me the template to use with my toddler? trish.hendershot@gmail.com :)
Love the blog and Instagram – this is fab, please can i have the PDF copy? Many thanks, mrs_gordon@hotmail.co.uk
Hi, I love this calendar design!! Could I also have a copy of the template so I can start this with my 2.5 year old? Thank you!!! cilsong(at)gmail.com
This is EXACTLY what I am looking for!! Could I please get this emailed to me too?!? So happy that everyone is writing in for their 2.5 year olds. Makes me feel so much better! My address is briannekapley@gmail.com
THANK YOU!!!! You are an amazing mama!!
Omy!!!! I have been looking for something like this. PLEASE PLEASE send me the pdf to sweetlinh717@hotmail.com.
thanks so much!!!
hi there – i wondered if you would share the pdf with me as well. gmneff@hotmail.com thank you in advance!
i would love a copy of your pdf file. My boy really needs the visuals! leilamanning@yahoo.com
This is AMAZING! I’m a nanny and this is PERFECT! I would love a copy (PDF or whatever file you have is great!) thanks so much for such a great idea!!!
Can you send me a copy, please? The idea is great and my daughter will love it sevilveyildiz@gmail.com
Would you send me a copy please. christinarichard@rogers.com. Thank you!
It would be wonderful if you wouldn’t mind sharing. My little boy would really love this and I’ve searched and searched for something similar my email address is debsmelton@yahoo.co.uk
I love the schedule!! Could you email me a copy? Thank you! Thehollyerhardt@gmail.com
This would be ideal for helping my little girl learn. Would you mind emailing me a copy? carlie.rapier@gmail.com Thank you!
I love this version! Would you mind emailing me a copy at sydneydharms@gmail.com
Hello! I love your version. Would it be possible to have a copy of it? My email is marlen_o@hotmail.com Thank you!!!
You have by far the best version out there! I would love to use it for my 3 year old son and would be so appreciative of your time and hard work if you were to send it over to me. Thank you for your time. Have a good day! feleciablake@gmail.com
Hi, are you still emailing this PDF, I would love it for my little Ella
I’d love a copy of this calendar for my 2 year old daughter! Where did you get the clip art from? It’s perfect, I can’t find any that I like as much. My email is annecedorchuk@yahoo.com
Thank you! Can’t wait to start using this calendar!! :)
This is great. Could you email me the PDF? Morflor528@bellsouth.net thanks so much.
Wow! This is exactly what I am looking for (like so many other mom’s before me on this post!). Would love a PDF if you are still giving it out. Thank you! vcomprelli@gmail.com
I would be so grateful for a copy of this!
I’ve been looking for something like this online for a while now. I would love a copy of the PDF, if you don’t mind. My email is roxyrhoads@aol.com. Thanks!
I would *love* a copy of the PDF if you’re still sharing. My son is learning there are other days besides garbage day. Thanks so much! tracihorie@gmail.com
I would really appreciate a copy of this if possible, many thanks (liz@littleredpen.com). Thank you for this fantastic blog, it is a source of so much inspiration.
Could you email me this as a PDF?
Like others, stumbled across this when searching for toddler calendar. My son’s first question of the morning is always “What kind of day is it?” Would love the template if you are still sharing. My email is maryanne.ludwig@gmail.com But clearly you should have a business plan….there is such a need.
I would love this pdf been looking for this exact idea! mhc923@me.com
Hi just seen your website and hoping you will still be able to share the activity badges?? And an editable version of the board so I can add my son’s name etc. Thank you so much for taking the time to make something like this. I am just not that creative!
This calendar is fantastic! Could you email me a copy of it please with your badges? Thank you so much! (rachele.barrett@hotmail.com)
I would love a copy of this if you’re still offering it! Awesome! The badges are perfect and I love the colors in the calendar! Megan.Zinke@gmail.com
Hi, I would love a copy of the pdf. I found your site on pinterest. victoria.p.hughes@gmail.com Thanks!!!!!
Hello – please add me to your distro list. lwyost@gmail
This is the best toddler calender that I’ve found online!! Can I get a copy too…please!! Mcampion63@gmail.com. Thanks in advance!!
Are you still sharing? Would love love love the calendar and the badges if at all possible! Thanks so much!! This is just perfect! oharms2010@gmail.com
Hi, please can you email me the template too? I am so impressed with your activities and creative ideas, it’s very inspiring. Thanks for sharing!
This is perfect! Would you mind sending me the pages file so that I can edit it to my daughters favorite colors? Thanks! Tcebular3@yahoo.com
This looks awesome. I’m focusing on visual supports for my son Zach (who has ASD) this week, and this is exactly what I am looking for. Would you mind emailing me a copy? Thanks!
Your visual schedule is so well done! If you are still sharing, would you please email a .pdf of the calendar and badges? Thank you!! johanna.willis@gmail.com
Would Love a copy. Grigsby760@gmail.com
Would love a copy of the calendar and badges that you have posted. Is there a way to send it so you can add your own child’s name to the top so it can be edited? Thank you for your willingness to share! simplysarahva@gmail.com.
This is great!! I would love a copy of the calendar and badges… thank you!! alexis.trotz@gmail.com
Hi, I just came across your blog and have been wanting to make something very similar for my daughter,could you email me a version of it, please. I would appreciate it greatly! Aunruh77@gmail.com
I’d love a copy of this as well… Thank you! Hmellander@yahoo.com
Hi! I would like a copy of this. Thank you! simona_bosinceanu@yahoo.com
Hi there, I would love a copy of this as I’m going to make one for my 22 month old! Thanks for your great idea!
Oops, I forgot to leave my email: jana@mysmarthands.com
THANK you so much!
I LOVE this! I know there are hundreds of mums asking but would you be able to send the pdf copy to me as well? mgarciaolm@yahoo. Many thanks from Dubai (I see you are in Kuwait, so not too far from us :)
Oh my gosh- this is amazing! The best calendar ever. You are a genius. Please, please, could you send me a copy too?(angela.doolan@davispolk.com) I would be so grateful!! You should go into business and sell these!
Would you be willing to email me the file for this to ericajoy81@gmail.com? So cute!
Hi Jen
If you are still sharing this i would love a copy please as it is exactly what i have been looking for to get my 3 year old to understand which days she goes to pre school!
Many thanks
What a gorgeous calendar! I know my 3 yr old boy would love this! Could you email me a copy of the file.? I have Pages. Super appreciative of all your efforts! Bet you had no idea it would be so popular- you should def be selling it! Many thanks, Bela. anabela_nunes@hotmail.com
I would love the PDF’s if you don’t mind to pass them along.
juleem (at) gmail.com
I would love the PDF too if you get a chance. breafisher@gmail.com
This is exactly what I’ve been looking to do and it’s so hard to find! Would you mind sharing your pdf file? I would sincerely appreciate it! jillianmacey@yahoo.com Thank you so much!!!!
I would love the PDF of this!!!! Great job!!
I forgot to add my email ! Stacyrose7@yahoo.com oh I hope you’re still sharing this! This is exactly what my son needs. He’s 2.5, has autism so he has lots of therapy and is always wondering where we are going each day.
Your calendar is awesome! I would love the pdf if you are still sharing :) My email is jkindt@gmail.com. Thanks!
Loving your calender! I haven’t seen anything even close online. I would love a copy if it is still available! Kathryn.wilkes@yahoo.com
I too would love a copy of this for my son!! It is perfect! Please and thank you :)
This is exactly what I’ve been looking for to help my son. I would really appreciate a copy of the PDF. Thank you so much! amandanalbin@yahoo.com
This calendar is so perfect for my toddler! I would love it if you could please send the PDF to me- amyschamberg@gmail.com. Thank you!
I would love a copy! Thanks, courtneylamanna@gmail.com
Hi there. We have been looking for something like this for our toddler and would love to have a copy of the chart and pictures if you still have copies available? My email is russdaddy72@gmail.com
Many thanks
Love love love your blog!! I see you have had many requests for this PDF. It is such a wonderful, toddler friendly calendar! If you are still sending copies of this PDF could you please send to me? taylorzferguson@gmail.com Thank you soo very much! Cannot wait to utilize this with my two little ones!
Love this! Could you email me the PDF?
Hi! I would like a copy of this. Thank you! My Email adress:
Hi, I would love a copy of this for my 3 year old who asks me every day what are we doing today and what are we doing tomorrow. My email address is larellegraham@gmail.com. Thank you very much
Hi, thank you for posting your calendar. When you have a moment could you email me the PDF. dmanning08@yahoo.com. Thank you!
Hi! I loved your calendar idea and I would like a PDF copy too, if it’s not too much trouble. thank you! my email is : nete_cristina@yahoo.com
This is such a great idea! Could I get a copy of it as well? My email is drakedenise@gmail.com. Thank you!!
I would love a copy of your template as well! Exactly what I’m looking for for my 2.5 ear old and maybe some clients as well! jshivey@gmail.com
Thank you!
I would love a copy of your template please; just what I’m looking for. Thanks so much. aoileannodonnell@gmail.com
I would love a copy of the PDF if it’s not too much trouble – lindyalexander@yahoo.com.au
This looks great! If you are able to would you be able to email me a PDF of the pictures. Thanks so much paula@simmonspartership.com.au
Hi there! Love your calendar too! If you don’t mind, can you send me a PDF copy as well? Thank you so much!!
Hi there! I love this idea. Would you mind sending me the pdf? Please send it to sharronc99@hotmail.com
Hi, love this idea for my daughter! Could you share? My email is moldymouse@hotmail.com
Any chance you are still sending these out?? I would love one. Thanks in advance. christines1111@yahoo.com
Hey there! I would also love the pdf. If you still send it, please send one to freidenkerin@live.com. Thanks much!!
I think this is so cute! I can’t wait to make one for my little girl. May I please have a pdf as well? Jenni.skelton@yahoo.com
If you’re still sharing this, I would love one for my daughter please. I am also thinking of doing one for her older sister of some simple chores. Thanks for sharing, love your beautiful creations and ideas.
I would really appreciate it if you could share the chart and pictures with me. My husband is a new stay at home dad and he is just finding his feet. This would really help him with being creative with our 19 month old and starting to plan sensory and play date sessions etc.
Hi Jen. This is a really cute calender & I would love a copy if you’re still sending them out or please direct me to etsy if you have a version there now. Thanks! Sarah
This is super adorable. I see you have a ton of requests and I would understand if you’ve stopped sending out the pdf (I would be overwhelmed with so many requests!) but if you are still sending it out I would love to print this out as well.
Please please can I be next in line to receive a PDF of this wonderful weekly schedule. It’s just what I have been looking for!
Many thanks
Alexia :)
Could you please send me a printable version of the calendar and cards? Thank you! jcoxbell at gmail dot com
I would love to use this! I am a speech therapist and I am always looking for great calendars for kiddos. Kmchugh10@gmail.com
Thank you!
If you’re still giving out copies of this, would you send one to me? You should just add it to your post, looks very popular due to pinterest! danieliza at gmail dot com
Hi there! Just found yoU! Could I also have a pdf email? Love this…been looking for something just like this!
kathrynworkman at gmail dot com
This is such great work! I would love to have a copy of this for my son. Would you still share it with me?
marleygina at gmail dot com
Can you please share your pdf with me? arinjeffs at gmail dot com
Do you still have a copy of these files???
Hello this would be perfect for me to use with my 2.5 year old daughter to help her with transition and her daily activities. Could you please share the PDF wIth me?? Thank you
Could you please share the pdf with me? I have been looking for something like this. It is a great idea! Thank you.
May I please have a copy. I do have Pages and would absolutely LOVE it in the original Pages file so I can easily add my own custom buttons with the YMCA logo for my kids. It’s their favorite part of the week. Thank you!!!
Stumbled on this on Pinterest. Do you still have the PDF to share? If so I would love a copy for my child. Thanks! Margo
Hi!! This calendar is perfect. Would you send me or sell me your design? Thanks!
Hi! I just recently found your blog and love reading it and stumbled onto this page. I love your weekly calendar and activity labels. Could you please send me the pdf for these. This would be perfect for my toddlers :) My email is jenngoldberg7@gmail.com. Thank you!!
Are you still emailing your designs? If so could you email to oakparkmom31@gmail.com? Thank!
I would love a copy for my twin daughters. My email is Robyn@RobynGoldberg.com
Another request for your beautiful template! sheavin@pugetsound.edu
Hi Jen, This is amazing! If you’re still sharing your PDF, I’d love a copy lsps06@gmail.com. Thank you!
Can I please get the PDF? Robyn@RobynGoldberg.com
Thank you so much!!
This is amazing! I’ve been searching for something like this to help my son with transitions. Can I please get the PDF? Thank you! I appreciate all the work you put into this project and would be grateful if its still available! alex.m.tress@gmail.com
This is exactly what I’ve been looking for to help my girls. I would really appreciate a copy of the PDF. Thank you so much! cdebressing@gmail.com
I have been searching everywhere for something like this! I would love a copy of the PDF if thats ok :) Paigey.wells@gmail.com
This is adorable! I would love it! jamielynnshaner@gmail.com
Hello. If you are still emailing I would love this too. I simply can’t find exactly what I want elsewhere but this would be perfect with a few tweeks. My email is amie.wallace@hotmail.com Many thanks!
Hi. I would also love a copy for personal use with my 2 year old if you are still emailing. My email is nstephens5@gmail.com Thanks!
This is great would you please email me the pdf thanks
This looks Perfect for my 3 year old! If you don’t mind emailing me a copy of the calendar I would love it!
This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! I’ve recently had twins and feel like this will help my three year old daughter know what we’re doing, help plan out her day, and feel really important. Could you please e-mail this to me? I’d greatly appreciate it!
Emily Harris
This calendar is perfect! My son has just been diagnosed with Aspergers, and his psychologist suggested a calendar exactly like this one. Would you please send me then pdf? tabpow15@gmail.com. Your blog is darling! I will most definitely be following. :)
This is perfect, can u please send me thePDF?
Thank you!
Hello, this is exactly what I am looking for. Could you please send me the pdf?
I would love the pdf to this toddler chart, I have been looking for one for ages for my two little ones. You provide great ideas and inspiration for me to do with my kids so it is very much appreciated! whiting@iinet.net.au Thanking you in advance :)
If you’re still offering, I would love a copy of the pdf. I am starting my stay at home journey with a toddler this summer and I would love this.
Thanks for the idea!
Love this! Can you email me a copy? Sgoldberg623@gmail.com. Thanks!
This is exactly what I am looking for! Could you please email me the PDF? Thank you!!
This is awesome! I would love to try this with my daughter! Would you please email the calendar and activity cards
in PDF to me at jaortmeier@gmail.com?
I’d love to do this too! I’d love a PDF if you are still sending these! Thanks so much for taking the time to make these! kyrstintindall@gmail.com
I would love a copy if you are still sending them out (I am a parent to a little girl who would LOVE this). Thank you. nifesta (at) hotmail (dot) com
Hi! I love this! Would you please send me a copy? I have 3 little ones and would love to include them in the planning process.
Thank you!
Hi! I’d love to receive the PDF. Thank you so much. My email is peoplearound.alexandre@gmail.com
Do you still have this pdf? I would like a copy :)
I would love a copy of this PDF as well! I have been looking for something just like this for my just-3 year old son. We are switching up his schedule a bit this summer and then again in the fall and I want him to feel like he is “in-the-loop” about it all! gcattane@gmail.com
Can I have a copy? annierhammons@me.com
Hi! My daughter has apraxia of speech and this would be amazing for her. If you’re willing, could you please email me a copy of the pdf? Thank you!
I Love this! My 3yo might thrive from a calendar just like this. Do you still have the PDF? I would be so grateful if you could email me a copy at sdarap@gmail.com. Thank you!
I love this idea. Thanks for sharing it. Am I able to have a copy of the pdf of the little activity cards please? thumpboxing@hotmail.com i really appreciate it.
How beatiful, i would love a pdf of this for my little boy. Thank you very much. jordana1707@gmail.com
Hello, your are sooo clever! I have been looking for EXaCtLY that!!! Could you please share the Pdf? Thanks heaps:) luce
I would LOVE it if you could share this with me! This is just what my son with Sensory Processing Disorder needs. if you could please email it to me at bnettler@gmail.com
Thank you for sharing!!!
Hello. Can I get the file for our own personal use at home? Thanks! angelahempkins@gmail.com
Love it!
Oh can I please have a pdf? Thank you so much for being so generous and sharing with us all.
Would LOVE a copy: tealard27@gmail.com. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautifully put together! Not sure if you are still offering, but I’d love a copy of the calendar and badges. Kirstenclark87@gmail.com.
Wow! What a response! Clearly there is a need for this kind of thing and you have obviously done such a beautiful job! If you are still emailing, I would love a copy. I am a primary school teacher and have a 2.5 year old who is almost ready for this!
Love this, please could you email me the PDF, kimmiepark@hotmail.com
I’d love a pdf copy to please! trish261 at gmail dot com
I would love the PDF of this if possible. Thanks!!
Just found this through Pinterest – have been looking for something just like it. Can you please send me a copy at nikki_hj@hotmail.com Thanks!!
Love this idea! Would you email me a copy at nannabelle@gmail.com
Love this…please send to merrier@gmail.com
Sorry thats mekrier@gmail.com…spell check!
If it’s still available, I’d love a copy of this pdf to use with my 3 year old son once he starts school next week. Thanks very much! margaret.mccarthy23@gmail.com
I absolutely love this-do you by chance have a file I could get from you? I’m a special Ed teacher and mommy-I could really use all around!!
Oh yes-my email is mparker@asu.edu
Jen, thank you for sharing this wonderful idea! My little one is starting preschool next week, three days a week, and I want to find a calendar to help prepare him for which day he will be going to school and which to the home care taker.
May I have the pdf file please? My e-mail address is fannyflu@gmail.com
Can I get a PDF copy??
I’m just coming across your post – this is exactly what I’ve been looking for for my daughter. Every morning she says “mommy what we do day?” Would love a printable file if you still have one available….I realize this is a few years old though. You are one creative mom :)
This is perfect! Can you please email me the pdf? I also have pages and have been attempting to create what you did for the last hr but no luck. This is EXACTLY what I was looking for!
If you are still sending the pdf, I would love one for my son. He just started preschool and I am realizing that a visual calendar will help him with his new schedule. Thanks! erinegarrison@gmail.com
Hi Jen, this is a great idea to do with my daughter. If you are still sharing the pdf, can you send to my email please at stephenielim@gmail.com. Thanks!
I would love a copy of this if you are still emailing them out! My email is benejess@gmail.com
I’m totally jumping on this bandwagon also! My daughter has speech delays and would seriously benefit from something like this but I can’t find anything similar – yours looks great!!! If you are still emailing can you send to pezmio@gmail.com Many thanks!!
Wow! Looks like a lot of people want the PDF! If you’re still able to send it, I’d be grateful! I’m a nanny and my kids would love this! Thank you so much! izmerg@yahoo.com
Hi, its a beautiful idea that u made. could you mail me the files. its for my daughter who is 1.5 years old. my email id is priyanka.anakkathil@gmail.com
Hello! Looks like you should add a free printable pdf! lol mandyeskridge@gmail.com
Thank you!!!
Would love a pdf copy, too.
Hi. Thanks for this wonderful idea. This is perfect! Simple for toddlers. I would love to make one for my little one. Can I also get the PDF? Noryscld@gmail.com thanks in advance
This is perfect! Will you email it to me, please! Brittanicole11@gmail.com
I would LOVE the PDF you speak of. I’ve been searching the internet all day for something like this . it will be perfect for my 2 children. Please email it to me!
Would love a copy if you don’t mind annieadams2007 (At) gmail.com
I would love a copy as well if they are still available:) aj_broad(at)yahoo.com
Hi Jen,
Would love if you could please share your PDF – your calendar is gorgeous!!!
Hi this looks great! Can you please please email me the PDF? Cookeka2@me.com!
Thank you!!
If this is still available I would love a copy. My son would really benefit from this! Lyvette17@hotmail.com
I would love a pdf of this! ksungarian@hotmail.com
I would also love a pdf of this please! I have been searching the internet for just this! daniellegreer85@gmail.com
Hi! This is great ! Could you Share the pdf with me? Thanks! es.sarah@gmail.com
i also jut love this idea! its the best calendar i found for my 5 year old who has language difficulties and who has general difficulties with the concept of time and thus can feel quite insecure when he doesnt know what the day has in stall. I made a very similar calendar using the same program but i have been finding it very difficult to get good free clipart to make the cards. any suggestions as i have been searching for days??? i would also love the PDF; daniishani@hotmail.com
Love your calendar! Would you mind sharing please!
WOW!! Love this idea and your layout. Thank you so very much for sharing it with all of us. My toddler has a lot going on so it’s a nice way to keep track of everything. Would you mind sharing the pdf with me? It has been a few years so I understand if you no longer have it available. teresafrappier@hotmail.ca
I would love an PDF e-mail of this calendar if its still available joecsen@gmail.com mahalo.
This is Amazing! Could you please send me the file? Nbrabeau@gmail.com Thanks!
Happy New Year Eve! Love your calendar can you please send me the file nurstam@gmail.com. THANK YOU!
Oh this is lovely and exactly what I’ve been looking for. I would so love to be able to make one if you don’t mind sharing. My son has sensory processing issues and i struggle with ADD so we really need something like this to help him.
Thanks so much!
I would love a copy as well…this is great! joel559710@aol.com
Just found this on Pintrest, looks amazing!! Hopefully you are still sharing PDF, I’d love a copy please isabelclague@doctors.org.uk. Thanks!
Hi! I’ve just found this on Pinterest, it is just the thing I was looking for my son! I’ve already built a calendar for him but I was missing something nice for the activities. I hope you are still sharing PDF, since it’s an old work and I’d love a copy please f_valtolina@hotmail.com. Thanks!
Hi This is so inspiring thank you for sharing with everyone. I’d love a copy of the template if you wouldn’t mind sharing. erowlingsjensen@gmail.com Thank you again and keep the great ideas coming.
What a great idea! My toddler would love this so if your still emailing the file I would love a copy.
Hello, could you email me the pdf? Looks great!
Can you please send me your pdf as well? I love this! aimeebowers1@gmail.com
It’s a wonderful idea. I totally lov this one and would like to make one for my daughter and I am sure I won’t use it for any other purpose. Kindly share.
PDFs would be great…
Hi it looks perfect for my toddler. Please share. THank you
We are doing back to school here in Australia and I’ve been looking all for something as simple as this. Thank you for sharing, would you mind emailing me a copy of the pdf?
Thank you,
Hey I love this idea. Any chance of emailing me the PDF? annajanemorris@hotmail.com
LOVE THIS. Any change of PDF? natalie.reinbott@gmail.com
Hi! I am trying to create something like this for my son who has a lot of trouble with transitions. Would you mind to share the PDF? Thank you so much!
Hello! I love this – and my almost 3 year old will as well! Are you still sharing the PDF? If so, I would love a copy. My email is cassiebordeau@gmail.com. Thank you so much!
Could you email me the PDF? Love, love, love this idea! It’s exactly what my daughter needs. Simple, yet informative.
Just stumbled across this post and would love a copy of the PDF, if you’re still sending it. Thanks. :)
If you are still sharing I would love one. Please send to lmm2011@gmail.com thanks!
Hi! This is JUST what I’ve been looking for… if you are still sharing I would love a PDF. Thank you!
Hi! This is exactly what I am looking for. Can I please have a pdf? My email is mslisa2u@gmail.com
Hi, this is what I have been looking for!!! Can you please email me the pdf? jacgreen@hotmail.com
Thank you!
Can I have the PDF as well? aanderson2@wcpss.net
Hi this is awesome please could you email me the PDFs?
Thank you xx
I’d love the PDF as well! Thank you so much!
Any chance you could send me the pdf please. Faithinhim5@yahoo.com
This is an awesome idea! I love it and would like to do for my little daughter!
You could sell this or individualized versions of this on Etsy!!! I am sure you’d find buyers!
Please, share your PDF…
Thank you in advance!
Hi i absolutely love this weekly calender template! I’m a mummy and an early childhood teacher and would love to know if i can somehow get a printable copy of it to use both at home and in my class?!
My email address sorry is morgan.govan@hotmail.com thank you!
Hi Jen – would love to make one of these for my daughter. My email address is nataliembaker@gmail.com
Thanks so much – this will be perfect for our busy weeks :) Lovely blog!
Okay – noted that you are no longer sharing this – did look like a full time job just responding to everyone… but it is really a great idea. I shall have a crack at creating my own from scratch! :)
I would love a PDF of this calendar if you don’t mind. It is perfect! melanie g sharp at g mail dot com
I would LOVE a PDF of the template for my son. Thanks so much!
I would adore this for the children with autism in my class please x
I know I am YEARS late, but would you please share the PDF with me? My 3 yr old would LOVE this!! imatrome@hotmail.com. Thanks!! Kiran
Hi! I’d LOVE a copy for my 3 yr old and 2 year old girls! dbettmann@gmail.com Thank you so much!!
I realise I’m really late to the party here but I would love the PDF for my little one, we are struggling with a change to her usual routine and I’ve been looking for something like this to ease the transition. Finks@live.co.uk thanks in advance xx
Wow what a brilliant idea! I would love a copy for my two year old. I’ve been feeling like we are ready to have something resembling a routine but haven’t had a chance to put something together…this is perfect!! Thanks SO much for sharing…my email is lavania777@yahoo.com.au
I would love this for my 2 year old! PDF please!!! colebarnettdesign@gmail.com
This is fantastic!! I’d love a copy of your PDF for my 2 yr old. My email is m_pettett@hotmail.com
I would love the file. taylormward@yahoo.com
It would be great if you could share the print outs with me. I’ve been wanting to do this for some time but did not know how to do it. Thanks for the inspiratio.
Would love a copy of the file too – love it – very inspiring! My email is monbrown@outlook.com
Hi! This is exactly what we have been looking for to ease our little dude’s stress about “what’s next” every day. Would LOVE the PDFs if available! stephanie@walshfam.org
This is perfect for my little one to be able to keep track and know what we are doing that day. I would love a PDF if it is still available! theresa.finch@gmail.com
Please can you email me the PDF for the “weekly toddler calendar” plz??? s.lgogreen@gmail.com
Thank you.
I would really appreciate it if you could share it with me as well! I will be home with my daughter this summer and want to put her on a schedule like this. Thanks! Lori.beth.hall@gmail.com
Hi, I don’t know if you still have this planner but I would love a copy of that were ok! My email is georginadee@gmail.com thank you! Xx
Do you still have this? I’ve been looking all over the Internet for exactly this! Everything is too fussy, but yours is simple and clear. I would love a copy and will happily donate a little something to your favourite charity as a thank you. I could definitely NEVER do this myself, so very please to have found this! Thanks so much.
This is great! Can I have a copy of your calendar?
Aimeesue84 (at) gmail.com
I know this was posted years ago – but I would love a PDF copy of your calendar! I teach first grade high functioning Autism and have two students who could really benefit from more structure than the others! Though, I have 9 students in my whole class and they each would probably benefit.
Hi! Thanks for sharing, it looks great and it’s exactly what I need! Would you mind sending the PDF please? Mcadl@me.com thank you!
Hi! I’ve just found your post on Pinterest and was wondering if you still had the pdf available, please? melanielconger@gmail.com
I spent many hours on the web searching for exactly this style of weekly calendar for my kids. I would love a copy of the file, preferably one that i could tweak a bit (on a Mac). You are very talented! femerika@gmail.com
Hi there, if by any chance you are still sending out copies of the PDF or Pages documents I would absolutely love to make one of these calendars for my 3 year old daughter. It’s funny how hard it is to find a weekly calendar online and you have done such a great job on this one! Thanks in advance, my email is amoran70@hotmail.com
Great idea. If you are still sending out copies, I will love one for my son. Email: sccalad@hotmail.com.
Thank you very much.
HI there
If love a copy – carrollfully@gmail.com
Love this and exactly what I’m looking for. Would you mind sharing with me? glowickk@friscoisd.org
Thanks so much!
Can you please email me the pdf? I think this is a great ideas for my 3 year old starting preschool.
Hi, any chance you’re still sending this PDF out? I’d love a copy for my 3 year old son. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas and resources with us :) My e-mail address is mwhitt808@gmail.com
This is exactly what I am looking for! My 3 year old daughter would love this. Can you email to sarah.tracy97@gmail.com?
Hi, I would also love a copy of the calendar. Would love to receive a copy or to be pointed to where I can download. Or maybe another mom who has received a copy can pass it along? Ty! gummyrene@gmail.com
Not sure if you’re still sharing the calendar, but I would love a pdf as well. Awesome idea!! spannaz88@yahoo.com
Hi! Just came upon this and thought it would be wonderful for my 2.5 year old daughter to help ease her with transitions. Do you happen to still have the file you can send me?
Sorry forgot my email – kym_619@yahoo.com
Hi there. I’d love a copy to print please. My email is taryn.matulj@outlook.com
I know this is an old post, but I am really interested in your calendar to use with my toddler. I emailed you and haven’t heard back. Could you please send a copy to greenmama312@gmail.com? Thank you so very much!
Could I get a copy of the PDFs as well! Been searching for something like this for my almost 2yr old daughter and I love it. ra.wilhelm@yahoo.com
Could you please send me a copy, this is exactly what i have spent days searching the internet for! My twin boys will love it and it will help them understand what is happening each day! bexshepherd@hotmail.com Thanks so much xo
Hi! I love this idea to use for my preschool classroom. It would really be helpful to the children. I was wondering if you could send me an editable version of it. It would be great to hear back from you. Thank you. My email address is Ballesteros_LJ@yahoo.com.
I know you posted this years ago, but I’m wondering if it’s still possible to get an editable version of it? Or even a pdf if that’s all you’ve got? It’s EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for. Thank you! My email is beckgough@gmail.com
me too please!?! my email is caralockley@hotmail.com
Chiming in with my desire for a pdf of this fantastic calendar! It’s exactly what I need for my little guy! indy.nikki@gmail.com
Wow!! Please email me the pdf
to amirtha.kk@gmail.com
I love your calends idea! Would you email me your darling clipart pages? Anjoyrun@yahoo.com. Thank you
I’m working on a similar calendar for my daughter and struggling with the clipart for activities. If you’re still emailing files I would love a copy! megananne2011@gmail.com
Greetings from Sweden. Please share the weekly kids planner in a printable version so I can make one for my brothers kids ;) agranstig@cosentino.com
Thank You so much in advance,
Would you mind sharing a PDF of your calender? It’s just what i’ve been looking for. Thank you
Email address is lucianne.nedinis@gmail.com
i would to have the list of task template. my email: tanyingying@gmail.com
I would love to have this e-mailed to me. Thanks! christinanfoster@gmail.com