Do-It-Yourself Backyard Summer Camp

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Last night, after the munchkins were both snuggled in bed, Brad and I began talking about our upcoming summer…  This one will be very different for us for several reasons, one of which it’ll be our first summer with two kids {!!!}, but also, it’ll be the first summer in a long time that a) we’ll be stationed in one spot {and in our own home no less!} and b) that doesn’t involve a 36 hour trek back to the Middle East {and all of the prep that comes with that}  at the end of it.  We’ll just be here.  In Vancouver.  Which feels sort of strange at the moment.

So far our plans are pretty low-key. We’ve got a couple of trips home to see our families planned, we’d like to do some adventuring around our own city, and Miss G is eager to attend a summer camp or two.  We haven’t fully decided yet, but what I think we’ll do is have her choose one camp she’d like to attend and then we’ll choose the other one {which of course will be something we know she’ll love}.  Outside of that, there will be loads of outdoor play, park visits, picnics, and fun activities here at home.  Miss G is a total busy body and adores really delving into a topic and enjoying it fully {right now she’s all about dinos, money, and birds}, so I actually think we’re going to do our very own mini summer camp here at home using the awesome Backyard Summer Camp program I helped create as our guide.

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So what is Backyard Summer Camp, you ask?

Well, it’s a fully prepared, action-packed program filled with 6 weeks worth of engaging activities and explorations for little ones ages 3 to 8 to enjoy in and around their own homes.  Each week is a new theme that your kiddos will love – camping, flowers, monsters, the ocean, animals that hatch from eggs, and outer space.  SO much fun, right?

So how does it work?

Starting June 1st {or July 15th if you choose to join us for round #2}, we’ll email you one project pack a week. Included you’ll find seven fun and hands-on activities to keep your little campers engaged, exploring, and learning: a game, a craft, a science experiment, a kid-friendly recipe, a math activity, and an art project, as well as a book list so that you can pop by your local library and stock-up on great books that coordinate perfectly with the theme you’re working on.  The activities come with material lists, instructions for any prep work that may need to be done in advance, and detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to do them with your child(ren), making them truly doable by anyone – no need to be ‘crafty’ or ‘teachery’!

Almost sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?  Here’s a peek at our first week filled with all sorts of camping-themed fun:


Fun, right??  The mamas who contributed to the Backyard Summer Camp are seriously amazing and have come up with some of the most unique and fun looking activities I’ve seen!  I’m so proud of the way it turned out and can’t wait for summer vacation to roll around.


Because the ladies I worked with are suckers for details, when you sign up to be a part of our Backyard Summer Camp, you’ll also receive a ton of cool extras to make this summer the best. summer. ever.  Included are decorative pennants, camp award certificates, easy-to-follow shopping lists, and even printable t-shirt logos! {Imagine how fun it would be for your little campers to have their very own camp t-shirts!}

And there’s more…

As a BIG BONUS, you’ll also gain access to an exclusive Backyard Summer Camp Facebook group where you’ll find all kinds of additional ideas and resources, plus be able to chat with the creators of the program too!

Backyard Summer Camp
Get started!

Click the aqua button below to sign up!  HURRY – the first round of camp starts June 1st.

Sign Up


Are you following us on social media?  Find us on:
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We’d love to have you!

9 thoughts on “Do-It-Yourself Backyard Summer Camp

  1. Hi! I would love to sign up. I clicked the aqua button but it doesn’t lead me to another page. I am doing something wrong?

    1. Hi Kalli! Oh goodness… Thanks so much for catching my mistake! I included the link all throughout the post, but not in the most important spot – the sign-up button!! It’s been added now. :) SO glad you’re going to sign up. I can’t wait for the program to kick off!

  2. This post came at a perfect time. My son and his wife are “camping” at our house because their air conditioning is out. Yes, it is hot enough for ac in Greer, SC! I decided to see what kind of new activities you may have listed on your FB page and when I opened FB there was your Backyard Summer Camp post in my news feed! My two oldest grands will LOVE this! AB is 5 and D is 3 and they will love these activities and organized play. You are so awesome to help put this together!

  3. This is very cool and sounds so fun!!! Such a pity that we don’t have such a long summer break here but definitely helpful during the month long break in June :)

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