Brad sent me this photo from work yesterday, and I’ve got to say that I have never been more excited to see a key in my life. While we still don’t have the required documents to purchase a vehicle as we plan to, he was able to pull off renting a car {with some help from a friend} and I’m beyond thrilled. I know that it’s ridiculous, but 34 days of being a stay-at-home mama without a vehicle, transit, bike, or any real mode of transportation while living where we do nearly got the best of me.
Tag Archives: playground review
Cook Street Playground
This morning Miss G and I walked over to Cook Street where we met up with my good friend Laura, her adorable little lady, Avey, and their teeny tiny dog, Cocoa. Before walking along Dallas Road, we started off our visit at the newly updated Cook Street Playground, which is honestly one of the best playgrounds we’ve been to. It was such a huge hit with Gracen that we stayed longer than planned the first time around, then went back after nap time and spent another couple of hours there.
The park boasts several different play structures, a rope climbing apparatus, a couple of different swing sets, a giant slide, and an open-mouthed dinosaur-esque creature which is perfect for climbing on.
But the one thing all of the kiddos were after? This green chair swing. Grae seriously stood next to it for over 15 minutes patiently waiting for her first turn. Luckily when we came back later, the park was less busy and Miss G got several turns in.
The other amazing thing about this playground is it’s huge zip line. Grae was all for testing it out at first, became a little anxious when she got to the front of the line, and then loved it once she gave it a shot. She enjoyed the ride several times, and Papa may have snuck in a turn too. ☺
Of course there are features to please the love-to-spin crowd too (barf – how do kids do it?) Plus there are bathrooms nearby, park benches to relax on, picnic tables to eat at, a water fountain, and an adult fitness circuit too.
This playground is such a great find and a must-visit if you’re in Victoria with little ones… Not to mention that it’s conveniently tucked between the Cook Street Village (coffee!) and the beautiful seaside walking path along Dallas Road. I’m just sad that it’s not in Vancouver!
If you’re new to Mama.Papa.Bubba., welcome!
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Sunshine & Stanley Park
Brrrrr! This morning we bundled up and headed down to Second Beach in Stanley Park to enjoy the sunshine. It was absolutely freezing and the wind was so strong that my ears felt like they were on fire from the cold, but Miss G didn’t mind one bit. She had two new playgrounds to explore and discover, plus many, many warm layers, so the cold was the last of her worries.
Here’s our morning in photographs…
Bundled up for the cold.
Super excited.
‘I thought we were just having a leisurely swing, Papa?’
‘Everyone hold on!’
Mama and G.
Slide race!
The perfect hiding spot.
Moccasin feet.
‘Uh, Papa? What are you doing?’
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iPhoneography // The Perfect Playground
With the number of parks we visit around Vancouver, Gracen and I may as well be labelled playground connoisseurs. And while Grae has fun wherever we are, there is one playground that seems to be her clear favourite. It’s not big and it’s nothing over the top fancy, but it’s just perfect for her.
It’s the playground at the Langara YMCA on 49th at Alberta.
It’s one of those playgrounds that is perfectly suited to littler kids (I’d say probably ages 1.5 to 5). With the exception of getting in and out of the swings and climbing onto the airplane bouncers which are still a little too high, Gracen can do everything on her own at this playground. What makes it even better is the big firetruck apparatus she pretends to drive, the drums built into one of the climbing structures, the plastic bubble she loves to curl up in, and the covered area, complete with mini picnic tables for snacks and lunch on the go.
If you’re a parent to a toddler and you’re not too far away, I’d say a visit to this little playground would be well worth the trip.
Vancouver parents, which park/playground do you and your little one(s) enjoy most?
Photos edited with Instagram. Find me under jkossowan.
A New Playground
Have I mentioned how much I love taking Miss G to new parks and playgrounds? I don’t know what it is, because we have plenty of great favourites already, but I feel like I’m always driving around with my playground radar in full effect. I’ll spot one in the distance, take a quick survey (Saucer swing – score! FOUR slides – sweet! Check out that merry-go-round!), make note of the location, and add it to my mental list of places to visit soon. (Oh, the things that get you excited as a mommy!)
Anyways, I scoped out this beauty of a playground a few weeks ago, and we just got to visiting it this afternoon. It was well worth the wait, let me tell you. The school it belongs to (Dr. Annie B. Jamieson) doesn’t look like much. It’s not new or fancy, but its playground sure is! It’s actually two separate playgrounds – one that is geared more towards older kids, and one towards younger ones. There are multiple swing sets, a saucer swing, one of the safest seeming merry-go-rounds I’ve come across, FIVE slides, and some really cool climbing apparatuses. Not to mention that it’s located right in / next to a park with a giant green space, a walking path, and an outdoor fitness park much like the one in our favourite Kuwait park. (Oh, Kuwait… How I miss you sometimes…)
Of course I took about a million photographs while there. Here are a select “few”:All about spinning.
Trying to balance like Papa.
Swinging froggy-style.
Mama’s turn.
Just chillin’.
Little climber.
‘I’d be much happier if I had some company on this cool merry-go-round’…
Somehow I got convinced. Barf.
Our favourite – a saucer swing!
Riding on her “bell buh” (bellybutton), as she calls it.
Her favourite way to ride… While someone sang Rock a Bye Baby of course.
I think we nearly put her to sleep! Time for dinner, a bath, and bedtime.