Oh my word. Today after teaching Grae how to build the simplest of Lego trees, she excitedly announced, ‘I know! Let’s make a video and I can teach everyone how to build this very beautiful tree!’
Tag Archives: tree
Bringing Fall to the Desert… With a Fall Tree Painting
Let’s be real here for a moment… At 43 degree this afternoon, it doesn’t feel like fall here in Kuwait in the least. So when I told Gracen that today was the very first day of fall, she glanced out the window, furrowed her brow and said, “It certainly doesn’t look like fall!’ in an almost accusatory tone. Hah! Gotta love her spunk. I told her that she was right and that the desert is tricky when it comes to seasons, but back home in Canada, fall changes are beginning to happen. We read a stack of fall-themed books which seemed to help convince her, then decided to create a fall tree in celebration.
A Tree of her Own
After having our Christmas tree up for only a very short time, we realized that we needed something to redirect Gracen to when she is becoming a little ‘handsy’ with our real tree. I originally saw this idea on Pinterest a long while ago (though it was so long ago that I can no longer find the original source) and thought it would be worth a shot, so I got to cutting it out and hanging it last night. So far, she seems really into having her own felt tree to decorate and undecorated, so let’s hope this works. Fingers crossed. :)
Checking Out the Tree
Last night Grae got to be a part of the lighting of the tree, but was in bed before we actually got to start putting the ornaments on. This morning she awoke to a fully decorated tree, and needless to say, she spent most of the morning visiting the tree and turning the ornaments over in her little hands. Despite the many sparkly, shiny ornaments, the ones she’s most drawn to are our paper maché ornaments from Kuwait. She proudly points out all of the camels adorning the tree and when you ask her what a camel says, she’ll say ‘t-puh, t-puh’, which is her version of a camel spitting. Hahahaha!
Let There be Light
Our Christmas tree arrived this afternoon… Taking out our ornaments and testing the lights was an interesting task with one very curious little lady around, but her reaction to the initial tree lighting made it more than worth it. :)