Matching is HUGE in our house right now. Coordinating is simply not good enough for Miss G anymore. Everything. must. match. To the point where she will pick a treat (organic fruit leather) with a blue package while grocery shopping because she is wearing blue pants, cutting her carrots requires an orange knife, and wearing white socks isn’t happening if there is no other white in the outfit. So when I came across an empty egg carton during my usual nap time house cleaning, I decided to use it to put together a little matching game rather than recycling it.
I had everything else I needed on hand… Acrylic paints in primary colours, plus white and black, a paintbrush, an old rag, and some water.
I simply painted each egg spot by swirling the paint up from the base to the top edge.
I made sure to include the basic rainbow colours, plus black, white, and grey, and of course aqua because, well… it’s the best colour ever.
Afterwards, I gave the inside of the lid a quick coat of white paint.
Now if I’m being honest, Gracen awoke from her nap before the paint was fully dry and she was so excited to play her new game that we took it to the bathroom and used the blowdryer on it.
When it was fully dry, I poured a bunch of buttons in the lid, removed the clear ones, and asked, “Do you want to play?”
With a prompt “Yes!” and zero direction, she got busy matching the buttons to the colours painted in the cups.
Grae loves playing and the nice thing about this little game is that when she’s finished, she just closes it up and everything is contained and ready for next time.
What a great activity to learn colours, really nice idea.
Thank you, ladies! It’s been a hit so far. :)
Jen, where is a good place to get buttons?
We found all of these at our local dollar store (I think it’s a Dollarama), but if I ever need a certain colour or shape, I go to Fabricland or Michael’s. :)
we use cartons for sorting a lot. i like how you painted the cups and i am super jealous of your colorful buttons. ;)
Thanks, Jessica! Would you believe ALL of these are just from a dollar store?!
So cute love this idea!
Great activity idea!