During our first stint here in Kuwait, my Friday ritual was to go to The Avenues first thing in the morning when the mall was nice and quiet (Fridays mark the beginning of the weekend here). I’d pick up a coffee, browse the shops, visit Dean & Deluca, and leave before noon when things began to get crazy. When Grae arrived, the tradition continued, only now as a mama and Grae date. Brad would get a morning to himself to sleep in and have some downtime, and Gracen would snuggle up with me in the Cuddly Wrap or Ergo as we cruised along. It was always one of favourite parts of the week… A little piece of calm civility in a country that can sometimes be chaotic and overwhelming.
Today, we enjoyed a Friday morning as they used to be. We headed to The Avenues with our very dear friends, had a delicious breakfast, browsed some of the new shops, and picked up some things from Ikea. Miss G convinced her Papa to rent a silly push car and loved each minute. It was a good morning.
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