Fun Stocking Stuffers for Miss G

Fun Stocking Stuffers for Little Ones | Mama Papa Bubba

Growing up, we didn’t do stockings at Christmastime.  Don’t get me wrong – we always had more than enough of everything and my parents worked extremely hard to make the holidays beyond special for us.  Stockings just weren’t our jam.

Many years later {once I was already in university}, we started doing stockings on my Dad’s side of the family, and WOAH.  …Admittedly, our stockings were way over the top and probably contained more than an entire Christmas’ worth of things, but gosh were they ever fun!  All of the things you’d looked at but rarely bought for yourself {plus a few very generous gas cards courtesy of my darling Dad} in one Christmas stocking stuffed to the brim – as a university student, it was the very, very best.

Needless to say, I now see why people go bananas over stockings and I now put together a really fun stocking for Miss G each year.  In fact, it’s something I work on all year long!  I love taking my time finding little things I know she’ll thoroughly enjoy, and slowly collecting allows me to find really good deals on everything so that a great stocking doesn’t cost all that much {most of what I picked up this year was on sale or clearance}.  That being said, the only downside is that when you collect and squirrel away all year long, sometimes you pull it all out come Christmastime, and you realize that you have quite a lot more than you remembered buying – oopsies! {Though it’s not a big deal as it means that I’ve already got a solid start on a fun Easter basket full of goodies for a few months down the road.}

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Here’s a peek at the fun stocking stuffers I managed to collect for Miss G’s stocking this year…


– a mini customizable travel mug | similar {I’ll do something cool with it before giving it to her}

– a Skip Hop bee water bottle

– stickers

– metallic ballet flats

Cliff fruit ropes {HUGE treat in our house!}

– colourful pens | similar

– pretty lace trimmed leg warmers from Over the Loom

– bunny jersey cowl

– hair ties

mini LEGO snowmobile set

– macadamia nuts {Miss G’s absolute favourite!}

– a mini magnifying glass | similar {she’s been using a clear disposable spoon as one for months now}

Post-It notes {the girl can’t get enough}

– a magnetic wand with magnetic marbles | similar

all-fruit fruit snacks {another HUGE treat!}

–  cute mittens {she sleeps with one of her two pairs on every night}

– a ‘make your own message’ necklace {possibly my favourite stocking stuffer of the year}

mini alphabet cookie cutters

mini LEGO penguin/iceberg set

– dried unsweetened pineapple | similar {this stuff tastes like candy!}

– Hello Kitty undies | similar {something she absolutely loves}


Now shhhh…  Don’t tell Miss G what she can be expecting come Christmas morning! ☺


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4 thoughts on “Fun Stocking Stuffers for Miss G

  1. Love the idea!
    When my boys were little, if I knew we were going on a small car trip I would find neat things like these to fill a small back pack or tin! Somethings were just for the day like stickers and things like that. Others were for long term like card games and lego.
    I love the stocking idea much more. I think I will start some for the grandchildren I am dreaming of! When I hear my ipad ping early in the morning here in Perth WA I know it is you! I love the way you love your daughter and your creativity seems to know no bounds! Thank you for sharing your ideas, as a teacher they are wonderful!

    1. Ah ha! It’s nice to see another Perth person amongst us Sue. Yep, there’s another ping going off in the Perth area in the mornings … Hee hee. There’s more and more of us as I’m so impressed with this site, I keep telling more and more Perth people about it! :0)

  2. I also collect during the year and have realized my 3 year old daughter had too much and my 11 month old son barely anything. Be gentle with the Skip Hop water bottle. We’ve had 2 that haven’t lasted long even with being careful.

  3. More great ideas from MamaPapaBubba! I’ve been doing the same – collecting them over the year – and pulled them out to find I have quite a lot of things! But this year it’s going to be lots of little things rather than one big expensive thing. I think it’s much nicer getting them as gifts rather than them suddenly appearing as a new outfit, new book etc. on any given day. Even every day wear can mean so much more when it’s wrapped into a “special” day! I’ll add your stocking fillers to my ideas for next year. I found myself buying lots of story books AND on top of that, the dot magnet idea with “Press Here” book, and the “Mix it up” and the “The Dot” idea … I’ve even got the “Mix It Up” game. As you said, at least I’ve got some started already for Easter … and beyond. Occasionally I pull something out when we”re lost for things to do and looking for something new to do so they’ll all come in handy for a “surprise” day! Thank you again!

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