Although I’m not sure it can be considered a real ‘first day’, Miss G and I attended her very first Kindergartn session today. It was more of a meeting for all Kindergarten parents and students than anything, but we’d counted down, talked it up, and taken our first day photos, so the first official day it was {in our minds anyways}. ☺
Despite the fact that I’d prepared her for what our morning would look like, when we were leaving the gym, Grae looked up at me {obviously feeling a little deflated} and said, ‘That’s it? I thought I got to do real school today.’ Poor Miss G… If nothing else, I’m glad she’s excited for this new journey. Save a short meeting with her new teacher, we have a couple of days off now and the first day I’ll actually drop her off to her classroom will be Friday, so it’s definitely a gradual start. We’ll continue to do small things to prepare her for the changes ahead in the coming days {hello, shoe shopping!}, but in the meantime, here’s a peek at our day and some of the simple things we’ve been doing so far…
Last night’s bedtime books… The one on the top of the stack was mine with I was Miss G’s age {hence the $2.75 price tag. Oy.}
First day outfit selected and ready for the morning. My favourite part? The fact that she included her wooliest, warmest toque, just in case. {We are in Canada now after all.} ☺
Kindergarten countdown! Today’s date didn’t get an ‘x’ through it like the others though – it got a heart ‘because it’s a special day’. So sweet. {Just before we put Grae to bed tonight, Brad looked at it and asked, ‘Do you think other parents give their kids a Sharpie to keep in their bedroom filled with white walls?’ Hmmm… Hadn’t thought of it, honestly!}
Morning routine in progress… We haven’t yet found our dry erase markers {I feel like there’s an important box or two still missing}, so washi tape it was.
Official first day photo… Taken with my proper camera and everything.
Headed to school… {I’m not sure what’s with that serious knee pop action, but I’m sort of loving it. ☺}
Almost there… Did I mention that she was highly disappointed that I was not just going to pop her on a bus and send her off to Kindergarten on her own on the first day?! No joke.
Waiting for our meeting to begin. In the meantime, she was scoping out the other kids and generally chatting my ear off {as you do when your name is Gracen}.
Our new notices and letters added to the school communication binder I started to help keep me organized throughout the year… {You can read more about this simple system here.}
Post school visit to Papa’s school. This little lady has been missing her papa something fierce since he returned to work last week and it was nice to see him for a few minutes during our day, even if it ended with a teary goodbye.
So that’s that… Miss G’s first day of Kindergarten in iPhone photos. I’m anxious to see how Friday goes, but in the meantime, I’ll very happily soak up these next two days while I still have her all to myself.
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Happy first day, Grae!! So thrilled that it went well. You captured it beautifully, Jen!
She has grown up so fast. I have been following you since she was little and was your helper in the kitchen. You have shared some great ideas too that I have copied for friends. It is so nice that you have so many moments so well captured. A treasure for you. Enjoy every moment of her learning journey.