Binky Baby ~156 days old
Shortly before her first tooth popped up, we noticed that Grae had an incredible urge…
Upside Down Girl ~156 days old
Our little upside down beauty, hanging out with her Papa.
Fish Talk ~155 days old
‘You know… I am a very good listener, Mr. Fishy.’
Sick Little Munchkin ~154 days old
Her Daddy’s been suffering with a cold for the past few days, and it looks…
22 Weeks Old ~154 days old
It’s becoming a little tricky to remember both the months and the weeks, but today…
5 Months Old! ~153 days old
Today Baby Grae officially turned 5 months old!
Baby Loves the Bumbo ~152 days old
She hung onto her little toes for a good while before she discovered this….
Gracen, the Screechy Screamer ~151 days old
Our Gracen Girl has a habit of learning a new skill and practicing it for…
Baby in Blue ~151 days old
A Lazy Saturday Morning ~151 days old
Just hanging out in her jammies.
150 Days! ~150 days old
Chewing on her feet, even with fuzzy little socks on.
Unhappy! ~149 days old
So far, teething hasn’t been too hard on Grae… She’s needed some extra love and…
Our Little Love ~149 days old
Our happy little love hanging out at home after a morning seawall walk.
Baby Toes ~148 days old
Although hands have lost their appeal, Grae’s little baby toes remain quite fascinating. She regularly…
Baby Girl ~148 days old
Our teething, 21 week old little girl. :)
And Then There Were TWO! ~147 days old
On Saturday we noticed that Grae’s first tooth had made its appearance, and on Sunday,…
Bundled Up ~146 days old
Grae all bundled up and checking out her cool puppy mittens (handed down to her…
A Monday Morning ~146 days old
Gracen just hanging out in her nursery and taking it all in.
Teething ~145 days old
First Tooth! ~144 days old
Tadaaaaa… Here it is! Gracen’s first tooth has officially popped up through her gums.