Tag Archives: bicycle riding
A New Bike
We’ve wanted to get this little miss a bicycle of her own since we first moved to Kuwait, but finding one that is good quality and not covered in trademarked characters / ridiculously ‘girly’ has proven to be a challenge. We came across this very study and more sporty one a couple of weeks ago while at Go Sports in The Avenues and decided we’d pick it up in the New Year, but when Miss G and I learned about their storewide sale today, she got quite the surprise! She’s still getting used to it and the training wheels we borrowed from friends could use some tweaking, but I think she’s pretty excited about her first real big girl bike.
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iPhoneography // Biker Babe
Saturday Snapshots
After a quick torrential downpour and a whole family nap (amazing!) the sun decided to grace us with its presence. After a string of rainy days, we wasted no time heading out into the backyard to soak up a little dose of vitamin D. We gathered up some sidewalk chalk, bubbles, our cloud dough sensory bin, a water sensory bin, a tricycle and a bicycle, multiple blankets, and homemade popsicles and enjoyed a laid-back afternoon outdoors, just the three of us. Here are a few snapshots…