I’ve been wanting to do one of these posts for a long time now… In fact, I kind of wish I had done one every few months since Gracen’s arrival so that I could forever have one of our typical days for each stage frozen in time. I already forget little details of those early days, and I’m fairly certain that that’s not something that will improve with time. Now, I know I could look back through Grae’s log book and see every pee, poop, nap, activity, and feeding for the first 10 months of her life clearly time stamped and described, but that just doesn’t seem as fun, now does it?
So here is a typical day with our {21 month old} duckling…
6:23 a.m. Our house wakes up to a little voice calling out, “Mama? Mama?”
6:24 a.m. Mama and Grae snuggle in bed for a few minutes while Papa gets ready for work.
6:40 a.m. Gracen takes a potty break and enjoys her morning milk while Mama prepares breakfast.
6:57 a.m. Breakfast time. On the menu this morning – avocado and mozzarella on squirrely bread with fruit salad. Papa heads off to work.
7:35 a.m. Gracen reads and plays independently in her room while Mama cleans up from breakfast, does the dishes, sweeps, tidies the living room and Grae’s room, flips a couple of loads of laundry, and folds bed sheets at lightening speed.
8:16 a.m. Gracen enthusiastically picks out her outfit for the day.
8:35 a.m. Ready for the day! We cozy up and enjoy a few books {and a little dance party}.
9:00 a.m. Mama has a quick shower and gets ready while Miss G plays 250 elastic pick up and imitates Mama applying “pretty pretty pretty”.
9:28 a.m. Gracen draws G’s (that’s what she told me she was drawing at least) while Mama gathers a few ingredients in the kitchen.
9:30 a.m. Together, we make these delicious veggie-packed low-sugar muffins. (Today we cut the sugar down even more and they’re still plenty sweet.)
10:15 a.m. Muffins are fresh out of the muffin and ready to be gobbled up as a morning snack. While Grae eats, Mama packs a quick lunch and stocks up the diaper bag.
10:40 a.m. We head out the door. Gracen put “Papa Baby” (I think she calls him that because of the fact that he’s a boy) out by the front door just after she got dressed, so there was no forgetting him.
10:58 a.m. We visit Hillcrest Centre and Gracen has a blast at today’s play gym session.
12:00 p.m. Gracen picks a corner overlooking the ice rink and enjoys lunch in the company of her baby doll before we head home.
12:41 p.m. We do our usual pre-nap time routine (potty, story, song, and snuggle) and the little miss lays down in bed. She chats with her animals for a bit, and by 1:00 p.m. the house is quiet. While Grae snoozes, Mama empties the diaper bag, eats lunch, catches up on email, preps a couple of things for dinner, and pulls together a little afternoon activity.
2:53 p.m. Gracen wakes up, cozies up on the couch with Mama and a cup of milk, and we watch a few nursery rhymes on BabyTV. Afterwards, we turn off the television and read a stack of books together.
3:32 p.m. Gracen beats Mama outside and is very pleased to find a blanket waiting underneath our plum tree. We play a few little games and soak in the fresh air.
3:40 p.m. We explore a new sensory box (which was a huge hit) and do some light gardening.
4:45 p.m. Back in the house, Gracen reads and organizes her picture cards while Mama prepares dinner.
5:30 p.m. We rush out of the house and head down to the Canada Line Station to pick up Papa.
5:40 p.m. Grae and a happy-to-be-home Papa have a race to the front door.
5:45 p.m. Dinner time! Pad thai with veggies, tofu, and shrimp tonight.
6:03 Papa and Grae enjoy a little downtime together, share a bowl of yogurt with berries, and watch some baseball on TV.
6:19 p.m. Papa bathes Grae while Mama cleans up the dinner mess, does a few dishes, and packs leftovers into tomorrow’s lunch containers.
6:35 p.m. Bedtime routine as usual. Diaper, lotion, teeth brushing, jammies, stories, songs, and snuggles.
6:49 p.m. The little lady is in bed {and quite clearly blinded by Mama’s camera flash}. The rest of our night involves some housework, a couple of shows, blogging / internet surfing, and a hot cup of tea.
What a busy little girl! Looks like so much fun too… why can’t us adults do this every day? :) Love the pictures!
Yes, we both do love being busy, that’s for sure! :)
Wow. I’m exhausted just reading about your day. I think it’s fantastic you set up so many activities for Gracen.
It definitely is go-go-go, but since she goes to bed so early, I have lots of time in the evenings to get things done around the house and enjoy a little me time. :)
That’s great! It’s no wonder she’s so cheerful all the time!
Lots of sleep and fun activities = happy baby in our house. :)
You are truly inspirational. Grae is the luckiest baby in the world. Such healthy food, such engaging activities and clearly so much love! I can’t wait to try your recipe and set up a bird themed sensory bin. We’ve done water and rock themes but never the bird. SO CUTE! Have you tried other fun sensory bins. I keep meaning to do a post about them :)
Aw, you’re so sweet! I’m a stickler when it comes to Grae’s sleep and nutrition and I LOVE open-ended play activities that develop imagination and creativity. Gracen adores sensory bins, so I try to add a new one to our collection each week. You can see most of them here: https://mamapapabubba.com/tag/sensory-bin/. :)
I love looking at all her pictures! She’s adorable!!!
Such a lovely and busy day!