For one reason or another, I began saving toilet paper rolls a while back. (Don’t ask me why, because I don’t remember. Probably something Pinterest related?) So with a collection of 10 or more paper rolls just sitting around, I decided it was time to do something with them. I don’t know how I came up with the idea for this project actually… Maybe I’ve seen it somewhere before? I don’t think so, but it’s certainly a possibility given my tendency to snoop around the internet in the wee hours of the morning. Either way, I’m probably not the first person in the world to think of using empty toilet paper rolls to create heart-shaped stamps, but since I’ve scoured the web and I can’t find paper roll heart stamps anywhere else on the internet, maybe I’m the first to post about it?
(Disclaimer: While I wouldn’t have my students bring in tp rolls to use for crafts in my classroom, I’m {semi} okay with using rolls from our house in our house. If you’ve read the same article I read as a beginning teacher about tp rolls being covered in fece particles, you can always opt for paper towel rolls, craft paper rolls, or wrapping paper rolls instead. ☺)
To get started, you’ll need two things: paper tubes and some rubber bands.
First, flatten your paper tube and press down along the two creases.
Next, invert one of the creases in order to begin creating a heart shape.
Play with the shape of the heart by squeezing the tube until you’re happy with it.
In order to help the heart keep its shape, wrap an elastic band around the tube once or twice.
Make one heart stamp for each colour of paint you intend to use.
Lastly, pour out a few dollops of paint (we used crafter’s acrylic) and place one stamp in each paint puddle.
Then set your wee one loose!
We started on the easel, and ended up on the floor using the stamps to make some homemade wrapping paper, but the stamps would also be perfect for making beautiful homemade cards or some art to hang in your little one’s room.
I love that she is wear socks with her onesie. So cute!
I know, hey? We’re all about being fashion forward around here! :)
Ok – your little one is adorable and I have to say that’s an amazing idea. I will slip some miralax in everyone’s drink tonight so we can get a few more rolls out of this! (just kidding)
Hahaha! Masala, you’ve honestly got me chuckling out loud. I just visited your blog and I have to say that I adored your most recent post. Honest, insightful, and so true. And the one about the purple sari… I can picture the scene of you sneaking off to your mother’s bedroom so well. Beautiful writing! <3
Love the idea! Very cute ;)
Thank you! :)
Brilliant idea! I love it. I’m going to follow your blog – this is nicely done!
Thanks, Shannon! Your blog is great too! You are a very talented artist. :)
I love how simple and easy this is, they look so pretty :-)
They do, don’t they? We ended up wrapping up a friend’s birthday gifts with the paper and it was pretty cute. :)
Great idea!! Very cute!
Thank you! So simple too!
hello@ stopping by from the link and learn blog hop – what a ute and easy idea! i’m pinning it for later :)
Thanks for visiting!
great idea for homemade wrapping paper – even with kids that are bigger. Mine is 8 and I bet he’d love to do that
Oh, for sure! I would have loved doing this when I was eight. Especially if I got to see presents all wrapped up under the tree in paper handmade by me! :)
soooo cool
Such a simple and great idea