The photo above is, without a doubt, one of my favourite photos of all time. It’s not professionally shot or artistic {or even edited for that matter}, but it perfectly depicts Miss G and her little cousin Kinslee exactly how they were as babies {Kins – outgoing, fearless, and up for anything, while Miss G, cautious, sensitive, and reserved}.
When we arrived back home in Canada a week or so ago, I saw that photo of the two girls as babies hanging on the wall and knew right away that I’d like to try and reshoot it now, nearly 3 years later. I was hoping that my sister-in-law, a talented photographer, would take the shot for us, but when the girls climbed up unprompted today, I grabbed my phone and snapped away. Here they are, my gorgeous girlies, now at almost 4 years old.
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Hang onto that little settee and get them when they are 16 and driving, 18 and graduating, and then out of college! How sweet!