Tag Archives: face painting
iPhoneography // Hello Gracen
Ever since moving back to Kuwait, Miss G has seen other kids strolling around The Avenues with elaborately painted faces done at Baroue. By far, her favourite has been the full-face Hello Kitty design. Until today, I’d slyly been putting it off, but when she asked this morning during breakfast, I agreed to go at least go and check it out. Lo and behold, we arrived to find not a single person in line, so today was the day {oy}. I sort of cringed as I watched her entire face being covered in paint, but it was fast, the face painter was excellent, and she was so thrilled with the outcome that I couldn’t help but be thrilled for her. Plus, I’ll admit that she does make a pretty cute Hello Gracen. ☺
Rainbow-faced Grae
This morning as I was attempting to get myself ready for the day and Miss G was busy digging around in my drawers {as usual}, she came across a couple of face painting sets I brought from Canada and tucked away for a rainy (okay, more likely dusty) day… Her eyes lit up and she immediately asked if we could set up a face painting station like we’ve done several times in the past.
Just Like Papa
This morning I was beckoned by the usual “Mama, Mama – bum wiiiipe!” call from the bathroom, and arrived to find this. My little lady, perched up on the toilet, sporting self-drawn Papa eyebrows just as I had drawn on her yesterday during our face painting station fun. Hah!
Never a dull moment!
For extra fun, like us on Facebook here and find us on Instagram here.
Face Painting Station
I thought of putting this little station together for Gracen to explore months and months ago, but only got to it today. Perhaps today just felt like a face painting sort of day? I don’t know…
Either way, I set out her step stool turned toddler bench in front of our closet mirror (of course a table top mirror would work just as well), laid out a couple of damp cloths and a jar of face painting crayons, and waited for her to discover her new station.
And when she did, was she ever excited! She didn’t quite know what it was all about, but she was excited none the less. I stood back and watched her take off her tights. Then she turned to me and asked, “Mama helps Grae Grae paint her toes?” Hah!
Once I explained that they were face painting crayons, she was even more pleased. And off she went, decorating her face.
She went through several changes during the process… First, she announced that she was a raccoon, and after adding a few more lines here and there, she decided that she was a kitty cat.
Here she is with her first finished look. ☺
When it was time to remove it, she tried using the damp cloth I’d provided, but it was quite tricky. Face paint is stubborn, but I knew just what would do the trick…. One of our very favourite body/household/cooking products – organic coconut oil! She dipped her fingers into it, started rubbing it on her face, and the paint literally melted off. Afterwards she was able to use her cloth and wipe her face clean – easily!
Miss G decorated herself for a while longer, then let me have the final turn… The natural choice? Papa eyebrows, of course! ☺ I don’t know who found it more hysterical – her or me.
For extra fun, like us on Facebook here and find us on Instagram here.
Earth Day Festival in Everett Crowley Park
This morning Miss G and I ventured just a little ways down Marine Drive to a spot we’ve never been before… Everett Crowley Park. Once a landfill, the park is now a huge green space filled with trees, trails, and wildlife – the perfect spot for an annual Earth Day festival.
We arrived fairly early on, meaning that Gracen had her pick of equipment to test out and play with.
We really didn’t know how to properly use this little contraption, but all that mattered to Grae was that it was purple, sparkly, and perfect for swinging around.
After enjoying the toys, we joined the mass and lined up to create some outdoor art. First job – collecting a stash of pretty rocks, glass stones, and shells.
Gracen would have been perfectly happy if playing with her pretty rocks was the activity in itself.
But there was more… We were waiting on some cement mix.
When it arrived, she carefully transferred her gems into the mix, giving each a gentle poke in order to set them in.
With her project finished and in the drying area, we headed off to the face painting station. Earlier on, Grae had seen a little girl with a sparkly butterfly mask painted on her face, and she was certain she wanted one too. The line was painfully slow moving, but we used our time in it as a lunch break and made some friends along the way.
Before we knew it, it was Gracen’s turn.
She sat bravely and patiently, inspecting the artist as she painted.
When it came time to painting the black outline, Grae decided she was done and wanted nothing more to do with the whole process. Luckily, the painter had a trick up her sleeves – sparkles!
So with the promise of sparkles being added at the end, Miss G sat a minute longer.
And she was glad she did. You should have seen the proud little look on her face when she saw herself in the mirror!
Face painting complete, my little butterfly and I headed back to collect her {almost} dry garden rock.
Pleased as punch, she insisted on walking herself out of the park and carrying her cement block the entire way. I’d say it was a good day.