Unlike yesterday, today we made it to play gym. And a half hour early, might I add. ☺
Yay for better days.
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Gracen and I went skating for the second time today (see our first try here) and it was pretty great. We still rotated rounds of skating with the support with the extra fun chair rides, but Grae was a lot more confident today and skated for most of the time without me holding the support behind her.
Here she is in all of her skating glory…
That little clippity clop of her skates on the ice makes my heart melt.
Keep up with all the Mama.Papa.Bubba. fun, like us on Facebook here and find us on Instagram here.
While on Christmas vacation in the Okanagan, I finally came across something I’d been on the lookout for for a while now… Old-school double-bladed skates. ☺
And though we didn’t get around to a family skate session while on vacation, today my little lady and I stopped by Hillcrest Centre for their weekly preschooler skate.
Gracen was really excited about trying skating, so we got suited up and hit the ice. At first, we skated hand in hand, her taking quick small steps on the slippery surface and I doing my best to balance the both of us. After a few minutes, I realized we’d both be better off starting with one of the plastic support apparatuses (thank heavens for them!) It was so much easier, especially with my rusty skating skills involved. Grae stood in front with me behind her and all was good. In fact, we happily made it all the way down the ice and halfway back again before she took her first spill. That’s when things started going downhill a wee bit. While she’d been confident and happy for the first bit, after the fall she was anxious and much more cautious. Though I got her up and having fun again, she told me several times ‘Dis ice is soooooo slippery. Too slippery, Mama!’
In an effort to turn things around, I offered to push her on a chair for a bit like many of the other parents were doing with their kids. Needless to say, with the risk of falling removed and the fact that she could glide across the ice at super speed without really having to put forth any effort added in, she loved it.
With spirits boosted from a good long chair ride, we hit the ice again and tried holding hands and using a cone for support.
It was short, but overall I’d say our first ever skating session was a success. Gracen left happy and she says she’s excited to go again next time. Can’t ask for much more than that. ☺
Keep up with all the Mama.Papa.Bubba. fun, like us on Facebook here and find us on Instagram here.
We’ve been back in swim classes now for a few weeks and Miss G is just loving it. The classes are upbeat, fun, and filled with songs and play, but teach beginning swimming skills at the same time. So far, we’ve been practicing most of the same skills we learned last session… Front starfish floats, back starfish floats, wall push offs (front and back), jumping into the water from sitting and standing positions, blowing bubbles, and dipping different parts of our faces in the water. Last time I wrote about swimming lessons, I mentioned that I was feeling pretty unsure about the upcoming ‘submersion lesson’. Luckily, when it happened, I felt comfortable with the way it was introduced and Gracen was fine about quickly being dunked under when it was done as part of a fun song. Ever since, we’ve made sure to practice at least once or twice each time we visit the pool, just so she stays okay with it.
Today, the first submersion day of this set of classes, Grae opted to go to the teacher (which is huge in itself because Gracen is quite shy and sensitive and our instructor is quite loud and direct) and be passed under the water to me. Not only did she try it, but she came up smiling, did another really long underwater pass, and then continued to ask to do it again and again long after the instructor had exited the pool.
I’m so proud of our little fishy and I’m thrilled that she loves being in the water.
In an effort to keep cool while enjoying the sunshine, we tried a new outdoor pool today… The outdoor pool at Hillcrest Centre. It was a beautiful afternoon and we certainly enjoyed ourselves, but I must say, it was no competition for the lovely Maple Grove Pool. While we love Hillcrest’s indoor pool, the outdoor one was just okay. The downsides? The wading area is quite small and the non-slip pool bottom is really pokey. While probably great for safety, it’s hard on your hands, knees, and bottom, not to mention your suit! The other thing I wasn’t super keen on was the {very powerful} spray apparatus. While a ton of fun for older kids, being sprayed in the face while not expecting it was not a lot of fun for Miss G or I, and because of it’s water pressure, there are not many areas where you’re out of its range. The perks? It’s really close to us and the admission also allows you to use the indoor pool which is nice if you need a break from the sun. While it wasn’t our favourite, we’ll probably try visiting again on a morning when there may be fewer older kids and less chance of being the spray apparatus’ target.
We took our little fishy to her third swimming lesson this morning, and since Brad and I were both able to go, I took the opportunity to take a couple of photos. This little lady LOVES the water, and although our instructor is a little brash, our lessons have been really fun so far. To date, she’s practiced splashing, blowing bubbles, dipping her ears and chin in the water, doing front and back floats, and doing front and back wall push offs. Next lesson’s skill? Submersion. And us moms have already been told that it would be better if dads attend the session because dads have no qualms about putting their babies under water… Should be interesting!It may just be the protective mama in me talking, but all I have to say is that I won’t do anything that might jeopardize my little fishy’s love for the water… We’ll see how it goes. ☺
Today’s play gym visit was all about Frog. Everything that Gracen did, Frog did. Come to think of it, Kermit probably had a better time than Grae because she used many of her turns to send him down the slide, help him jump on the trampoline, and push him on the plasma cars.
Of course, when Grae went potty, so did Frog (ew…public washrooms and stuffed creatures – don’t worry – he didn’t touch a thing!) and when Gracen waved goodbye to play gym and all of the kids and toys, so did he. What a silly little doodle I have on my hands.
Today we headed back to our regular Sunday play gym session after a short good weather hiatus. Since our last visit, they’ve decorated the upstairs windows with paper grass, flowers, and rabbits in preparation for Easter. Strangely enough, Grae loved the decorations so much that she preferred spending her time walking back and forth along the hallway windows rather than in the gym filled with toys, kids, and play equipment. We eventually settled on a compromise of some gym time first, followed by lunch in front of the windows. Our silly little doodle was happy enough with that.
After saying goodbye to Grandma Charlotte this morning, Grae and I got ready and headed to our usual Saturday story time at Hillcrest Centre. Gracen was thrilled to be back at it after a few weeks spring break. She danced, bounced, and followed along with the actions, all while gnawing on a giant carrot.
And at the end of the session, she joined the mass of eager toddlers and patiently waited her turn to get a hand stamp.
After making her way to the front of the pack, she placed her little hand on the teacher’s knee, and received her special green frog stamp. She was pleased as punch.
At last.
Brad had the day off today, so we all headed down to Hillcrest Centre for their Sunday morning family social and play gym session. Here are a few snapshots from our visit:
The rest of the day involved the usual Sunday activities – snuggles with our little lady, some work around the house, and some time outside.
You think this little lady had a good time at the pool this afternoon?!
We swam, splished, and splashed for two full hours before I pretty much had to pull her away from the water. There’s no doubt she’s a little fish.
We’re enjoying finally being well enough to get out and do the things we normally do. This morning we headed over to the Hillcrest Community Centre for their Sunday morning family social and play gym session.
After coming home and having a GIANT 3 hour and 15 minute nap, Gracen and I jumped on the Canada Line and headed downtown. We walked around for a little bit, visited Chapters, and then picked up Bradley from work when his shift ended. It feels good to be well again!
Today Grae and I decided to check out the Sunday Family Social held at Hillcrest Centre. It’s just like the regular Play Gym sessions they usually host throughout the week, but with more kids and more daddies.
They also have a “quiet play & snack room” where they provide healthy snacks for the little ones and coffee and tea for moms and dads.
Gracen had a lovely time with the other kids and it was nice to find something new to do on the weekends. We’ll definitely be back.
Is it just me, or is there something so wrong about a baby in a bikini that it is ridiculously cute? When I saw this little ruffled number on the sale rack at the end of last summer, I just couldn’t help myself. And when given the choice this afternoon, Miss G picked this from her bathing suit collection… We’re pool bound!