Party Trampoline

Party Trampoline | Mama Papa Bubba

Oh my goodness… It’s heeeeere! The first official day of summer vacation!!  If I’m being honest, I’ve been ready for this day since mid-May and I could not be more excited to kick off two full months with all four of us at home together.  Miss G’s been very anxiously awaiting this day too {well except for the bit about us most likely buying a home and moving cities}, so I figured we’d kick things off with a fun little surprise out on our new Springfree Trampoline {the kids’ absolute favourite spot these days} and turned it into a party trampoline!  

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Now rest assured, the trampoline doesn’t really need to be made any more special or enticing…  It’s huge and fun and the highlight of our days as is.  Both Sam and Grae are out of the house early and jumping before school, they’re on it the moment we return from school in the afternoons, and they’re often out on it just before bedtime clad in jammies and wet hair.  {This is the exact one we have.}

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But this morning when we opened the living room curtains and Miss G spotted our party trampoline filled with balloons, heart-shaped confetti, and a ‘Happy Summer’ banner?  Oh my goodness…  The excitement was through the roof!

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There was no way I could hold them off – it was straight out onto the trampoline in pajamas and bedhead before 7 a.m.

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And my gosh – did they ever go nuts!

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In fact I’m pretty sure they thought it was the best thing ever.

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Totally worth turning on one more Netflix episode and staying up until 1:30 a.m. blowing up balloons and punching out hundreds of tissue paper hearts!  {Though in fairness, I only started at midnight. I’m crazy like that.}

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Of course the fact that Springfree trampolines are fully enclosed with high netted walls meant that I could load everything out onto the trampoline in the wee hours of the morning and not worry about it still being there in the morning, which was kind of a key factor in my sneaky little surprise.

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I see you, Sam!

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Now while this party trampoline was in celebration of the first day of summer holidays, wouldn’t it be great at a birthday party or family gathering?  Not to mention that it’s super easy to pull off if you already have the trampoline.

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And while I haven’t quite figured out how I’ll deal with the confetti removal just yet…

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I don’t care.

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These faces are 100% worth it, even if I have to pick up every single last heart one-by-one.

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Party trampoline for the win.

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And happy summer to us!

Disclosure:  We received a free Springfree Trampoline in exchange for sharing its awesomeness with our followers.  All opinions are my own {of course!} and I wouldn’t share if we didn’t truly love it.  {Fun fact: the beach resort that was our second home in Kuwait had a Springfree Trampoline that we logged many, many hours on in the desert sun.}


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One thought on “Party Trampoline

  1. :’)
    Happy tears after I got to see the pictures. It definitely was a treat to watch and I wish I could go back to the time of my childhood to have a taste of such fun along with my buddies around. Not only that, this has encouraged me to go forward with the fact of purchasing the best outdoor trampoline for my kids. I just can’t wait to savor those moments.

    I’d earnestly appreciate if you could kindly please share your thoughts. :)

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