Okay, so not the most traditional of Valentine’s Day treats, but when you ask a two year old what she wants to give her friends for Valentine’s, you have to be open to the suggestions. And those just happen to be heart wands and sparkly slime this time around.
Luckily, fun-to-play-with slime is a cinch to make and requires ingredients we always have around the house. Plus, we’re slime experts after whipping up 50+ slime treats this past Halloween.
Detailed instructions can be found here, but basically all you have to do is mix the glue, glitter, food colouring, and some of the water together…
And the other bit of water with the Borax separately.
Then pour the two mixtures together, knead it together a bit…
And watch oozy gooey slime form. It’s honestly so easy that Miss G can do almost everything (save the measuring) on her own.
For packaging, we like using these 125 ml mason jars because they’re the perfect size and can be reused for something else afterwards (plus they’re pretty cute!)
Filling the jars with was Miss G’s favourite part of the process this time around, especially when she discovered that she could create all kinds of silly noises by forcing the slime down into the jars.
Though she’d asked for red slime with red sparkles, this is what our finished product looks like {even after using a half a bottle of liquid food colouring}. Luckily the pink and red combo is perfect for the occasion and Miss G was pleased with how it turned out.
For the tops, we created simple paper circle inserts that include a little ‘Valen-slime’ saying and a sparkly red heart. Here are a few close ups…
‘Be mine, Valen-slime.’
‘Be my Valen-slime.’
‘Will you be my Valen-slime?’
Surely we’re the first ever people to give out slime on a holiday centred around love and friendship, but who wants to be run of the mill anyways?
Want to make your own? Download our printables here:
Printable Valentine’s Day Slime Favour Labels
Sparkly Slime
(This is essentially the exact same recipe we used last time, but in a bigger batch. This recipe yields 24 – 26 mason jars of slime – perfect for a class of kids – or in our case, 12 mason jars and a big batch to use for sensory play.)
- 3 cups of white glue (approximately 6 regular sized bottles)
- 2 1/4 cups of hot water
- 1 1/2 teaspoon of fine glitter
- food colouring (as much as desired)
- 1 1/2 cups of hot water
- 3 1/2 teaspoons of Borax
- While clear glue with work just fine for this recipe, environmentally-friendly versions will not. Trust me. We tried it. TWICE.
- If your finished slime seems too stiff and not soft/stretchy/runny enough, add some really hot water to it, knead it in vigorously, and let it sit a few minutes. The texture will improve greatly.
- Borax is a laundry booster and can be found near the bleach/stain remover/oxy clean in most big stores.
- If you wonder about the safety of using Borax with children (as I did) this post is helpful.
So fun! I’ve done green slime. Never thought of doing it for Valentine’s Day! I’m going to see if I can’t find someone with some baby food jars and make this weekend for my First Grader’s class! If it works out and I blog it I will link to you, if that’s ok? Have a great day!
Of course it is, Erica! Did you end up making it?
No! But I definitely plan to make in Spring colors for triple Spring Birthday party in April!
so cute. I’ve never heard of or seen borax though. I don’t even know what it is… :o
Thanks, Peggy! Borax is a laundry booster that is kind of like an Oxy-Clean or something similar… :)
oh I see…thanks! :)
These are adorable, I know my son would love to make slime! And I have a new box of borax waiting for some fun activities! Thanks for linking up at the Hands-On Play party!
Hi, We cant buy Borax in the EU as its considered a dangerous substance. Is there anything safe we can use instead?
How cute! My three-year-old is going to looove making this! :-)
This is so fun! Can’t wait to make it with my kids! How far in advance can I do it? How long will it last in the jar? Thanks!
Thanks for sharing!! Do you have a printable for the saying? :)
Yes I would love to print these!
Looks like fun. Can you use clear glue instead? Any other sub for Borax too?
Ok so I’m going to be making this for my daughter’s first grade class and my son’s 3 year old class. I read about the clear glue working fine. I wonder if that would make it more red since don’t have white glue. Anyone tried this. I’m extremely new to making this type of stuff. Any advice would help greatly. Thanks
Just wondering where did you find the cute-sey jars? Thanks!
You can buy at Wal-Mart or on Amazon for little cheaper. Just got my shipment today. They are just 4oz ball quilted jelly jars.
Awesome thanks a bunch!
We just made this tonight for my daughter’s kindergarten Valentines party. It is so cool. We had a hard time finding red food coloring and the little jars so we just threw some red glitter in and found some little heart shaped containers. My daughter can’t wait to hand out at school. Thank you!
I’d love a copy of your printable for the jar lids!! I’m going to make this tonight with the kids! Looks like so much fun. :)
Hi, with this amount, how many 4oz jars did you fill? I need to do 16 for my daughters class and just wondering if this will be enough.
How long would you guess the slime will “keep”? I’d like to make these as far in advance as possible. Thanks!
ours didnt turn out right with clear glue, when you say environmentally friendly does it say that on the bottle? we just got clear elmers glue but it does say safe non toxic? ours is very sticky not stringy? any ideas?
How would I alter the ingredients to make just a small batch?
Did you share any of your printables? My daughter has an overwhelming amount of boys in her class this is going to be awesome.
Hi! We just tried making this tonight – the slime came out more rubbery/solid than slimy – has anyone else had this experience? I’ve added more hot water and kneaded to see if I could “thin” it out…. but it still seems quite solid in nature. We’ve never made homemade slime before tho – so maybe that’s the consistency it’s supposed to be? Would love any feedback! Thanks :)
adorable. thanks for sharing. what fonts did you use?
Love this and would love to know what fonts you used? Thank you.
Great idea! How many mason jars did you make out of this recipe?
Such a cute candy alternative!
Is the printable available for the saying?
Is there an expiration date for these? Just want to make sure they won’t go bad if I make them a week before Valentine’s! Would also love to know if there’s a printable!