Slime… It’s probably Miss G’s favourite thing to give to her friends when Halloween rolls around each year. I don’t blame her – it’s stretchy and gooey and just plain fun. In the past we’ve done mini mason jars of pink sparkly slime for her ballerina friends and little Franken-SLIME containers for the kiddos that live in our building, and this year we’ve decided on two new types of slime giveaways for her buddies – the first of which is these spider web slime halloween favours.
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Making them was simple! After picking up a bunch of inexpensive air-tight containers, some big plastic spiders, a gallon of white glue, and some Borax, we made a batch of white slime using our usual slime recipe {but leaving out the food colouring and glitter}. Then I simply put out the supplies and Miss G filled each container with a big handful of slime and placed a spider on top.
Of course, when she was done we needed to test the spider web slime for ourselves, and just as we thought, it was tons of fun. ☺
Now the one thing I will say is that while the ultra-glittery spiders Miss G picked out looked really cool sitting on top of the slime, the glitter caused the slime to stick to the spiders, which sort of made it a pain to take off. The non-glittery spiders we had on hand, however, separated from the slime perfectly, so we’ll definitely use those next time around.
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Where did you get those AWESOME containers??