Easter Weekend {2017}

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I’ve been pretty terrible at sharing day-to-day life sorts of things recently…  When I do actually find the time blog, I seem to share mostly kids’ activities, which means that all of the fun milestones, monthly Sam updates, and birthday celebrations get to continue their stay in my drafts folder. :/  The thing is, when I go back and look through the now thousands of posts on my site, it’s the more personal posts that I love best.  The ones that tell about our decision to move back to Kuwait or how Miss G puked all over me while riding the metro home from the Eiffel Tower or how we told Grae she was going to be a big sister or about finally bringing Sam home.  And so, my effort to share more of our personal family life begins once again…  with our recent Easter weekend. {And gosh, was it ever a good one.}

While we had originally thought we’d head home to the Okanagan for Easter weekend, Brad’s parents ended up coming down and joining us on our Sunshine Coast trip over spring break, so we decided to stay in Vancouver and have my mom over from the island this time around.  Thankfully the weather was much better than expected which meant loads of time outdoors, and in my opinion, that always makes for a great weekend.

Here’s a peek at our Easter 2017…

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IMG 8818oh, how i love collecting easter basket goodies!

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IMG 8847the prettiest colours

IMG 8840giant homemade peanut butter egg cups?  yes please!

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IMG 8862egg dyeing with my girl

IMG 8865leftover egg dye = painting opportunity

IMG 8866for baby bubba too!

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IMG 8876sooooo messy, but when you paint in a bin, meh – the mess is contained 

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IMG 8882straight into the bath

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IMG 8890the prettiest 

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IMG 8917my little bunny

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IMG 8987saturday afternoon outdoors

IMG 9001let the basket hunt begin!

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IMG 9004searching for clues…

IMG 9010found!!!

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IMG 9016so many fun goodies

IMG 9027sweetest little bunnies i ever did see

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IMG 9032sunday brunch

IMG 9053floral crowns and wee bow ties 

IMG 9055i can’t even

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IMG 9070back to the playground

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IMG 9130thank goodness for sun!

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IMG 9161egg hunt in progress…

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IMG 9149sam found three and then discovered they were filled with treats… game over

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IMG 9172rocky mountain flatbread co. for dinner & kids egg decorating


 Such a good weekend. ♥

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