Holiday Bucket List

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One of the things I try really hard to do as a mama is make to carve out a little bit of time each day to spend just with my little Miss G.  It’s usually not a ton of time, but being that she was our one and only for more than 5 years, I think it’s important. Sometimes we read together, sometimes we read side by side, sometimes we chat, sometimes we colour, sometimes we watch a show, and sometimes we work on a project together… The list goes on, but  a few nights ago, we sat at my computer together and created a holiday bucket list filled with all of the things we hope to do while she’s on break from school.  {I can’t wait!}

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It’s quite the list and might be a bit over ambitious considering we’re hosting Christmas this year and will have family staying with us for most of the break, but we’ll see how we do.  Most of it is little things we do year after year just for fun as a family, so fingers crossed we’ll get to keep up with those little traditions.

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The plan is to hang it up somewhere in the house and check the activities off one-by-one as we do them, which I’m sure Grae will be in charge of.

If you’d like to do the same, you can print our holiday bucket list here:


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