I’ve had this little idea in mind ever since Gracen received her ice cream sand toys back at the beginning of summer, and today was a perfect day to make it happen… With it being cool and dreary here in Vancouver, spending the afternoon on a wet beach making sand cones didn’t sound overly appealing… Making yummy-smelling play dough ones in the warmth of our house, however, certainly did. Not to mention the fact that Grae fell in love with playing ‘the ice cream game’ at our community centre’s playground recently, so opening an ice cream shop (which Grae quickly decided should be a frozen yogurt shop instead) it was.
With our best ever no cook scented play dough made and a few things collected from around the house, our shop was ready for business.
Our play dough went into some empty yogurt containers we had on hand…
We made candy sprinkles by chopping up some colourful plastic straws we had leftover from Miss G’s birthday party…
Colourful buttons became Smarties…
And some silicone baking cups and the plastic cones from Grae’s Melissa & Doug set became our cups and cones.
We also collected some scoops and spoons for eating and serving our frozen treats, some coins and a money jar, and fabric bunting {also from the birthday party} to spruce up the shop. ☺
Together, we wrote made a quick sign for our shop. I asked Grae how much one of her frozen yogurt treats cost, and without skipping a beat, she said “Two!” So two dollars it was…
With her shop set up and ready to go, it was down to business welcoming her customers (me!), making delicious-looking play dough treats, and collecting money in exchange.
Not a fan of cones? Not a problem – a bowl for you!
Cheers to rainy days and frozen treats!
The frozen yogurt fun went on all afternoon…
And after what felt my 53rd order, Papa eventually came home and relieved me of my customer duties (thank goodness – I don’t know if my belly could have handled another candy-covered cone).