Yes, darling girl… I certainly am.
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I’m getting ready for the day and Grae comes into the bathroom needing help with her hair just as I’ve dotted tinted moisturizer all over my face…
Mama: Hi Grae! How do I look?
Gracen: Mama, not nice! (*insert furrowed brow and downturned mouth here*) Why do you have hummus all over your face???
Oh goodness, I adore our girl.
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First off, a little back story… Grae absolutely adored being around Portia’s baby sister at this morning’s play date. In fact, she told me that in addition to Jessica’s delicious cheese scones, holding the baby was the best part of the whole morning. (To say that someone is anxious to be a big sister one day would be a huge understatement.)
So today, after her nap while we were enjoying some quiet time at home, she turned to me and very, very seriously said…
Mama, I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for my baby sister, but I just can never find her.
Her face was a mixture of genuine concern, confusion, and disappointment, and it made my heart hurt just a little. Is it normal to feel most pressured to have number two by your {still 2 year old} firstborn?
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After tucking Miss G into bed tonight, she begins calling for us. Brad goes in to see what she wants…
Gracen: Papa, I want Mama.
Papa: But Papa’s here.
Gracen: I like Papa and I like Mama. Sometimes I want Papa and sometimes I want Mama.
Papa: And right now you want Mama?
Gracen: Yes.
Papa: (knowing this will continue until I come) Okay.
Gracen: I want you on Thursday.
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While having a little snuggle in G’s bed after her nap today…
Gracen: Mama, can I please have a baby sister?
Mama: Maybe one day, baby girl. Would you like to have a baby sister?
Gracen: Yes. I would play with her. And I would share with her. And I would craft with her – little itty bitty crafties. And I would sleep with her. And I would eat treats with her!
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This afternoon, after her nap…
Gracen: Mama, I have a yittle baby in my tummy.
Mama: Oh really? Is it a little girl or a little boy?
Gracen: It’s a yittle girl.
Mama. Oh. Does she have a name yet?
Gracen: Yes. It’s Zahlyn.
Mama: Do you know when she might come out of your tummy?
Gracen: Yes. On her birthday.
Touché, sweet girl, touché.
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(showing them the impromptu drawing she did of the butterfly life stages) ‘Yook, chrysalises. Yook what I made for you.’
‘Hello, yittle chrysalises! Yook, I’m a butterfly just like you’re going to be!’
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Early this morning while cuddling in bed, Miss G was browsing one of my yearbooks from while I was teaching in Kuwait. She found my class’ page topped with my photo and asked…
Gracen: You are in your classroom here, Mama?
Mama: Yup.
Gracen: Where is Papa?
Mama: He’s in his classroom on the other side of campus.
Gracen: So we had a little babysitter for Grae, ya?
Mama: Well no, Love. You weren’t born yet.
Gracen: So actually I was just zero???
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While down at the beach today, G begins to attempt crawling across the busy path…
Mama: Grae, let’s not crawl across the path please. Let’s walk.
Grae: What ’cause?
Mama: Well, because there are a lot of people walking and biking past and the cement is hard and rough. You’d probably make holes in the knees of your leggings.
Gracen: And then I no have knees anymore? I just have my knee’s skeletons?
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Miss G in a soft voice, almost to herself, while making our healthier version of fudgesicles this afternoon…
all you do is…
get some summer shoes on
go outside
find the perfect spot
open it up
and eat up your popsicle
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