This afternoon we headed into town to visit with Manmaw Sue {and Rorie and my Aunt and Uncle}. We met at our favourite spot – Davison Orchards and Grae didn’t waste any time letting everyone know just what she wanted to do – feed the animals. Luckily, Grandma Sue and Rorie came armed with a pocket full of quarters because I think we fed every single animal on the farm. Twice. Grae was even brave enough to feed a few of the animals on her own.
Putting those quarters to use!
Lulu and Manmaw.
Hungry goat.
Brave girl!
Feeding the sheep.
Sending a cup full of treats up to the top.
Spreading the love to Salsa, the 26 year old donkey.
Snacks and stickers.
The afternoon ended with a sudden thunder storm so violent that it caused Grae to break into tears, which in turn led our very sweet cashier to retrieve a big white chocolate chunk cookie for her, which in turn led me to have to {very awkwardly} explain our choice to not feed Gracen refined sugar or junk food… But that’s another story…