With Halloween behind us, Miss G and I removed the spider wreath from our door this morning and replaced it with the beautiful poppy-covered one she made last year in honour of Remembrance Day. We also set out a very simple bouquet of cupcake liner poppies that were inspired by the ones on our wreath.
Tag Archives: Veteran’s Day
{Quick & Easy} Poppy Hair Clip
This morning as Miss G created play dough costumes for her animal figurines (her new thing), I sat down beside her and worked on a quick and easy project of my own – making her a poppy to wear in honour of Remembrance Day, as they’re not available here in Kuwait.
Remembrance Day Poppy Wreath
After taking down our Halloween footprint bunting during our major clean-up today, Gracen and I decided we needed something new on our apartment door – something to help celebrate Remembrance Day. After searching around the web for a few minutes, we found this beautiful poppy wreath craft kit and decided we could make our own version. We didn’t have red tissue paper on hand and it feels like we’ve worked with coffee filters a lot lately, so cupcake liners it was!