{Healthy Wholewheat Flax} Spiderweb Pancakes

Spider Web Pancakes | Mama.Papa.Bubba.This fun breakfast is quickly becoming a Halloween tradition in our house.  G loves spiderweb pancakes because they’re ‘really cool and spooky’ and I like them because they make for a fun, but healthy way to start the day.  Plus despite how it may look, they’re really easy to make.


All we do is whip up our favourite pancake batter (we love this wholewheat recipe that includes both oats and flax, but for spiderwebs, we grind our oats into oat flour first), add a little bit of extra milk to thin out the batter, and pour it into a squeeze bottle.

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Then after warming up our pan and a little bit of coconut oil, I make an asterisk out of batter…

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And connect the points using swooped lines.  We let them cook a few minutes and then flip them over to cook for another moment.

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In the past, I’ve served them to Miss G plain, but this year I added a tiny container of pure maple syrup and a plastic spider, just for fun.


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6 thoughts on “{Healthy Wholewheat Flax} Spiderweb Pancakes

  1. We just used this technique and used an oatmeal flour recipe. It took a few tries to get the structure to survive the flip, but once I made the connecting lines in one solid line, it was like magic! Fun for the whole family on Halloween morning. Thank you!

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