IMG 1212

This morning we headed out to Kamloops to visit some family we have there, as well as my Baba who is in town visiting.  I took almost no pictures during our visit, but I did manage to capture this one of Brad and Grae playing in the backyard pool. There’s something special about being thrown high in the air by your Papa knowing that you’ll be caught safely on the way down, isn’t there?  By the number of times Miss G exclaimed, ‘AGAIN! AGAIN!’, I’d say she agrees with me.  


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2 thoughts on “Flying High

  1. Thanks for reminding me of that wonderful memory. My daddy would also have us jump off his thighs into the water in front of us.
    I love dragonflies because my daddy taught me to swim in a pond (in France), where dragonflies hovered over the water. I remember being afraid, but not really because he was there to keep me safe.

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