The very best way to start your Saturday? I can tell you is when your new fake id arrives in the mail. After opening and comparing side by side to my real driver license I can say my fake is identical. I even tested my scannable fake id on a scanner app and it passed! fake your drank is my favorite id maker I recommend to all.
Tag Archives: Papa & Grae
Papa’s Girl
This little lady is becoming the biggest daddy’s girl. For as long as I can remember, she and I have spent Friday mornings together to allow Brad some time to himself after a long week at work… Well, that’s all changed recently. Friday mornings roll around now and she wants nothing more than to hang out with her Papa and have me head out on an adventure – solo! Hah!
A Lazy Christmas Eve’s Eve
Today was weird. The morning started off slowly, like many of our mornings have this trip, but then we just sort of stayed in pajamas and did nothing all day long.
Playing Hairdresser {and the highlight of my sick day}
Having felt absolutely awful all day today, I happily passed off my parenting duties when Brad walked in the door this afternoon and crawled into bed for some quiet. Gracen’s big thing right now is playing hairdresser and I listened intently from the next room while she talked her Papa through several hairstyles just as a master stylist teaching new hairdressing students would. About 20 minutes or so in, she announced that she would be right back as she needed to retrieve some water, but not to worry – doing so was something she could handle on her own. Then I heard the pitter patter of little feet make their way to the washroom, retrieve some water, and head back to their eagerly waiting client. Only, the client wasn’t waiting eagerly at all. In fact, this client was fast asleep {and had been for the entire duration of his appointment!!} Needless to say, he was no longer asleep when the cold water started pouring on his head – bahaha! {Definitely worth the effort of dragging my sorry self out of bed to snap a quick iPhone photo!}
Flying High
This morning we headed out to Kamloops to visit some family we have there, as well as my Baba who is in town visiting. I took almost no pictures during our visit, but I did manage to capture this one of Brad and Grae playing in the backyard pool. There’s something special about being thrown high in the air by your Papa knowing that you’ll be caught safely on the way down, isn’t there? By the number of times Miss G exclaimed, ‘AGAIN! AGAIN!’, I’d say she agrees with me.
Backyard Waterfight
iPhoneography // Snuggles Turned Sleep
iPhoneography // Like Father, Like Daughter
Very early this morning, Brad headed off for a week in Nepal, where he’ll be attending a tech conference. Tonight, as we were messaging back and forth with him, Grae requested that he send her a picture of himself in his hotel room. She promptly received this silly bug-eyed photo, and wanted to send him one right back. Like father, like daughter, I guess. ☺
A First.
Backyard Hammock
After an easy breezy 6 hour road trip up to the Okanagan (seriously, this new colouring obsession is pretty awesome, especially during car trips) we arrived to Brad’s parents place where a new hammock was waiting to be set up. Gracen helped her Papa put it together and they jumped in immediately afterwards. These photos I was able to catch are some of my new favourites.
For extra fun, like us on Facebook here and find us on Instagram here.
I Spy…
One of Miss G’s favourite things ever is visiting Papa at school. We went to pick him up from work tonight, and after playing in the woods for a while, Grae and Bradley took ‘the secret way’ out. Up on the regular path, I spied this.
If you haven’t already, you can like us on Facebook here and follow us on Instagram here.
On Papa
While doing her hair this morning:
Gracen: Papa’s a niiiice guy, Mama. Funny guy too. Papa says ‘booyah’ and ‘dude’.
What Happens When Papa’s Home…
Oh my word – this just kills me.
iPhoneography // Papa’s Girl
Gracen is normally pretty much a Mama’s girl, but on days like today, she wants nothing more than to be with her Papa. (
A Halloween Visit to Papa’s School
It’s been a busy day for us so far… After an early morning visit to SweetSalt Baked Goods & Playscapes for coffee, fresh bread, and ghost cookies made with organic flour and pumpkin, and a Halloween celebration at Strong Start, we headed to Bradley’s school for a little visit.
Gracen was so excited to visit her Papa and show him the treat bag she’d made at school and even more excited to go from one classroom to the next, popping in to say hello to all of the lovely teachers.
What she wasn’t excited about, however, was leaving without Papa in tow. Poor little lady cried her most pitiful cry and ran back to Papa twice after already saying goodbye and escaping Mama’s grasp. ☹