When we first moved back to Kuwait in 2013, the first month and a bit was certainly challenging… Miss G had just turned 3 years old, it was the end of August and the heat was unbearable, and I was stuck at home in our next to empty apartment with no mode of transportation and a busy little lady who had just been pulled away from her life as she knew it. Being our second time moving to the Middle East, we’d been smart and brought very little along with us, but it meant that until we had a vehicle and time to collect things to fill our home with, we just had to make do. If nothing else, the situation certainly forced me to get creative! Miss G and I spent our days building things with cardboard boxes, painting packing packing paper, creating with things like dry rice and pasta that we had in the kitchen, and filling our freezer with homemade popsicles. We made the best of it.
Well one day, when I was particularly desperate for something for us to do, I remember rifling through the drawers of our butcher block looking for something – anything – that we could create with or play with. It just so happened that we had a few cork hot mats from our first trip to Ikea, as well as a pack of thumbtacks and a handful of random rubber bands we’d used while packing. At the time, I thought I was absolutely brilliant for coming up with such a simple way to put together a DIY geoboard, but later that week as I was preparing to share the idea on my blog, I saw that someone else had shared the exact same idea just days before! So much for being brilliantly original – hah!
And while I didn’t share the idea at the time, it’s an activity that we’ve come back to again and again over the course of the last few years, so I figure it’s time. ☺
The cool thing is that the activity has really grown with Miss G over the years and she’s come up with all kinds of new ways to play with geoboards since that very first day in the desert.
To see all of the details and learn about different ways to play, pop over to CBC Parents and check out our Easiest Ever DIY Geoboards post.
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Yet another to try. Woo hoo!!!
I can’t believe nobody has asked – where did you get those great elastics?
Good point Hannah!