Exactly one year ago today, we brought our sweet preemie babe home from the NICU. We had made it.
Tag Archives: nicu baby
6 Months of Sam
Our baby boy is 6 months old. Our baby boy is 6 months old! Goodness, I have to let that sink in just a little. It’s hard to believe that he’s already been here with us for half of a year. It doesn’t seem like that long. Time can be cruel, can’t it? Ugh.
Five Months of Sam
I feel like we’ve had such a big month this month. First off, we seem to have hit a huge turning point as far as Sam’s overall comfort and happiness is concerned, which has been a total game changer.
Our Sweet Little Sam
Baby Bubba is 3 Months Old!
Today our sweet little Sam is 3 months old {and 5 days corrected}! He’s currently 7 pounds 6 ounces and wearing newborn sized clothes and diapers. He loves nothing more than being held and snuggled and is a big fan of having his bum patted and his head gently stroked. He currently sleeps most of the day, likes being on his tummy, and can roll from his back to his front when on a mattress or other soft surface. He doesn’t love sleeping all alone and has the saddest little cries and shrieks when his tummy is giving him troubles {which sadly is very often at this point}. He does really well in the car, is super chilled out and content in a warm bath, and has been such a champ with his transition from the NICU to home. It goes without saying that we love him endlessly.
We’re Moving!
‘Baby Salmon’ Finally Has a Name!
My Babies
I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to have them both with me under one roof, if only for half an hour. Gosh, I love them so.
Bath Time for Bubba
Another day, another first for our little NICU babe. Tonight, at 38 days old, Bubba had his very first bath. He wasn’t sure about it at first, but as soon as he adjusted to being in the warm water, it was like this sense peace came over him, leaving him perfectly calm and content while ultra alert at the same time. We snuggled skin-to-skin afterwards as we do each night, and then it was time to tuck him in and say goodbye. Leaving at the end of the day is always the hardest part… Here’s hoping that it won’t be for much longer.
Happy One Month, Baby Bubba!
Baby Bubba is 1 MONTH OLD today! He’s now 31 weeks 6 days corrected and 3 pounds 12 ounces – a full pound more than when he was born. Right now he’s off his CPAP and high flow air, he’s eating like crazy, and growing and gaining exactly like we want him to be. He loves to snuggle, has the sweetest little voice, and his little smile is absolutely heart melting. ♥
For the First Time
Progress & Seeing the Positives
This journey will undoubtedly be a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, but so far, we’ve had lots of good news regarding our baby boy and I’m choosing to see the positives for what they are and not always be focused on bracing myself for the next hurdle…
Gracen Meets Her Baby Brother
Today Miss G met her baby brother for the very first time. Admittedly, it wasn’t the first meeting I’d imagined in my mind, but she didn’t seem to mind one bit. Her thoughts? ‘Mama. He’s so tiny and cute that he looks just like a doll… But he sure doesn’t feel like a doll. He feels just like a little human being.’