Who says you can’t spend gloomy, cold days at the beach?
For extra fun, like us on Facebook here and find us on Instagram here.
This morning as we were having our usual wake up cuddle in the ‘big bed’, Grae poked her head through the curtains, turned to me with big eyes, and exclaimed, “Mama, it’s a SUNNY day today!” Then she immediately asked to go to the beach. I explained that it was Thursday morning, which is our usual Strong Start day, then let her know that she could make the decision. She thought about it a moment and said, “Mama, we go to the beach instead of school. We walk…. We play… We see birdies… We see the ocean… aaaaaand… we get hot drinks!” So the beach it was.
Some days are just too beautiful to spend indoors, even if it is at school… (Shhh… Don’t tell.)
For extra goodies, like us on Facebook here and find us on Instagram here.
We had plans to attend a morning story time today, but when we woke up to no rain, I knew we had to make the most of it and get outside. Grae agreed without hesitation and immediately suggested going to the beach. In particular, the beach with the “biiiiiiig ladder and biiiiiig slide”.
It’s still kind of crazy to me that my baby girl can do all of the things she can now…
Today we woke up to the first dry morning we’ve had in days… So though we already had plans for a lovely indoor day, we put them on hold, layered up, and headed down to the beach for a morning of fresh ocean air. It’s been quite a while since our last beach day, but our routine little lady didn’t skip a beat. Our visit went as all of them do – playground time, a walk to Starbucks for a hot drink, actual beach time to collect treasures in the sand and dip our toes in the ocean, and then back to the playground for a second round of play before heading home for lunch and a nap.
Here is our morning in photos…
Uncovering treasures in the sand pit.
Cashews and a steamed milk while making friends through the window.
Driftwood collector.
“Mama takes a picture of Grae!”
“A little bit farther?”
Running from waves.
“Here birdie. Have dis green leaf.”
Sand drawings.
Water watching.
Admiring our autumn-coloured city.
Hand wash.
“No almost time for home. Grae Grae naps on the log!”
“It’s cooooooomforble, Mama.”
Suddenly she can do this.
“Spin it, Mama! Spin it!”
Little adventurer. (She climbed to the very top of this play structure and went down the giant tube slide all by herself. THREE times.)
We’re hanging on to every last bit of summer we can around here, and have spent the last two days at the beach. Today, I packed along with us a few simple materials to try out a very cool beach project I saw long ago on Honest to Nod. It went surprisingly well for our first attempt, and we’ll definitely be trying it again before the summer’s vanished completely. Here’s how Miss G and I made our very own sand casts…
First of all, we retrieved a few buckets of ocean water and created a little plot of firm, mouldable sand. You could easily do this project near the shoreline where you normally find perfect sandcastle sand, but since the tide was high and the shoreline was littered with seaweed and shells, we opted for this method instead. (You can also do this project at home by mixing play sand water in a baking pan or shallow dish of some sort.)
Next, using the bottoms of our sand buckets and a plastic cup, we made several wells in the sand approximately 1 to 2 inches deep. (You can also use drift wood, feet, hands, and beach toys to make wells of different shapes and sizes.)
Then, using shells we collected around the beach, as well as a few glass stones we brought from home, we created designs and patterns in the bottoms of the wells. One thing we did learn about this is that in order to show up well in the finished product, the decorations need to be pushed down quite firmly into the sand – otherwise they just get completely buried in plaster. (At this stage, you can also use your finger or a stick to draw designs in the wells. Just remember that if you choose to write something, you need to write it backwards so that it faces the correct way on the cast.)
Next, using a container from home, a couple of cups of plaster of paris powder (readily available at art supply and hardware stores), some ocean water, and a piece of drift wood, we mixed up our plaster according to the directions on the box (2 parts powder, 1 part water).
Then we filled our wells almost to the top. At this point, we experimented with adding a couple of straws to two of the wells in order to have a hanging hole at the end. Turns out, it worked great. The only thing we’ll do differently next time is add the straws before the plaster (much easier when you can see the stones and shells, rather than digging around trying to avoid them ☺).
Easiest step? Playing and eating snacks while waiting for the plaster to set.
After about 30 minutes, I gently poked the plaster to find out that they were dry and hard, so I gently scooped up one of the casts, along with some of the sand below it. Sure enough, it was fully solid. Grae helped me scoop up all of the casts and place them gently in a bucket.
Next, we took the casts down to the ocean for a quick bath to remove the excess sand.
Here’s what we ended up with.
These two are Grae’s favourites… The octopus was made with the bottom of one of her Melissa & Doug nesting pails and ‘happy face guy’ was made with glass stones and a chunk of a shell.
Grae and I are hosting a messy play date this week and this just may have to be one of our outdoor crafts for the day. Fun, simple, and the perfect way to hang on to summer long after it’s gone.
Over the course of the past few weekends, I’ve participated in an Instagram photo challenge hosted by awesome fellow mommy and vancouvermom.ca Top 30 Blogger, Natalia, who blogs at natnanton.com. The series, entitled Through Mama’s Eyes, provides moms with a creative challenge and cultivates community amongst inspired mamas.
On Friday, Nat presents a theme in the form of a hashtag via her blog. Throughout the weekend, participating mamas take photos that show their interpretations of the theme and include the hashtag in their photos’ captions. Then, on Monday, Nat showcases a few of her favourites on her blog (Grae’s photo was featured in her #inmidtwirl showcase here). It’s fun, it’s easy to participate in, and the photos can be of anything – not just your child(ren).
This weekend’s theme was #TMEICsilhouette. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to capture a good silhouette of Miss G as she goes to bed early, and often the evening {just as the sun is beginning to set} is the best time to catch crisp silhouette photos. (I know I could take photos of other things, but let’s face it… Grae is the only thing I really take photos of these days. ☺) But tonight, when we found ourselves on an impromptu visit to White Rock Beach, the lighting was perfect, and so was Miss G’s position. Here are a few my favourites…
Ocean-dipped toes.
Papa and his girl.
Wading in.
If you’re an Instagram-loving mama, be sure to join in next weekend. Everyone is welcome! Just visit www.natnanton.com on Friday to find out the theme, and then tag away.
Photos edited with Instagram. Find me under jkossowan.
As I mentioned yesterday, we’ve been bu-sy lately… So today we put away the paintbrushes and screwdrivers and had a little family fun day. Here’s our day in iPhone photos…
first family seawall ride in stanley park // i spy a water park
brave until close // heat relief
beach stop // picnic lunch
papa and his girl // beach exploring
wild water baby // biking makes a girl tired (oopsies!)
sleeping beauty on the sky train // thirsty
popsicle holder // mmm… peaches!
backyard pool // well-fed belly
double fisting // dessert
All photos edited using Instagram. Find me under ‘jkossowan’.
I know I shared a couple of photos taken by Gracen’s Auntie Roz a little while ago, but over the course of this past week, my inbox has received several new surprises and I just can’t help but share. They’re just so beautiful.
Beaches, bubble blowing, and building sand castles…
What summer afternoons are made for.
I’m ashamed to say that this is what our yard looks like right now. The garden beds are badly overgrown and the grass could better be described as a clover field. Inexcusable, really, but I blame it on the fact that we’ve been on vacation. Must rectify the situation asap.
With that out of the way, is there anything more wonderful than the joy bubbles bring?I don’t think so. Well, not many, at least. I just love watching little ones squeal with delight as they chase bubbles floating in the wind. Such a simple, simple thing, yet it brings so much excitement.
That being said, why is it that we saw {young} children with electronics at Jericho today? Since when did iPads and handheld gaming devices become beach toys? And when did bubbles and buckets and seashells become not enough? Please say it isn’t so.
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it or not, but my sister-in-law, Roz, is an amazingly talented photographer who has worked very hard throughout the last year to build her business (Roz Edge Photography) and personal photography style. Lucky for us, she snapped a few photos of Gracen over the weekend and was kind enough to send them our way.
Aren’t these beautiful? I absolutely adore the soft, whimsical, almost dreamy feel of her photos.
She’s based out of the Calgary area and does it all – weddings, engagements, maternity, families, kids, newborns, and even boudoir. I highly recommend booking a session with her if you’re nearby. Her prices are ridiculously reasonable, and based on the demand she’s had this year alone, I doubt they’ll stay that way for much longer, so don’t wait.
You can check out her website here and her Facebook page here.
After naps for the girls and some down time for the boys, we decided to pack up the kiddos and head to a beach / park this afternoon. We packed bathing suits just in case, but given the fact that the weather hasn’t been that warm, I figured that the water would be freezing and the kids wouldn’t want to go in. I was wrong. While the girls stayed on the safe side and stayed pretty dry, the boys went full on swimming. Brrrr!
Our crew. Minus the mommies of course. Typical situation – mamas behind the cameras.
Splish splash!
Gracen “offering” almonds to Kinslee by shoving them in her mouth.
Papa and his little lady.
Missing feet {and hands}.
Castle building {and crushing}.
A “Papa push”, as Miss G calls it.
Dry and ready for some playground time.
Strong girl!
Gracen and I had a regular little day planned out, but when the sunshine popped out and we received an early morning text from my good friend Steph, it was off to White Rock for a morning along the ocean with friends. We explored the beach, dipped our toes in the water, drew G’s in the sand, strolled the seawall, grabbed iced coffees, and had a picnic lunch on the grass. And one of my very favourite parts? Waving to our shadows and making them jump and dance along the beach. Seriously – is there anything more entertaining than watching a toddler discover the wonder of shadows? I’ve been soaking up moments just like these for the last couple of weeks and just can’t get enough. Today she even crouched down to touch her shadow… Gosh, I love this girl to bits.
Today was just one of those days… Despite her usual 12 hour nighttime sleep and usual 2 hour midday nap, Gracen was out of sorts. Unfortunately, we had a beach play date planned for the day, and not even that cured it. Being little miss routine, she wanted the morning to go as it always does when we visit the beach (playground, walk, optional hot drink, beach play) and that’s just not how it happened today. Grae’s little friend was actually getting over a sickness and she wasn’t quite her usual self either. Not going to lie… It wasn’t a great combination. Luckily, we did manage to have many good moments too.
But after a long day, I must say that I’m perfectly happy having the evening to clean my house, work on some Littlest Lulu orders, and unwind while my wee one peacefully sleeps the night away (and hopefully the grumpiness off). Days like today sure make me appreciate the “easy” days with my happy-go-lucky little lady. Here’s hoping for a better day tomorrow.
During our afternoon in the backyard, I brought out another one of the sensory bins I recently put together for Gracen to explore. This one was beach-themed and included all of the beach treasures Gracen’s worked so hard to collect, as well as a few fancy shells from Grandma Charlotte and a mini shovel and rake.
After exploring both her ocean and gardening-themed bins, she knows exactly what these bins are all about now. She oohed and ahhed for a minute, and then got busy.
The first thing she did was scoop up sand and fill her bowl.
Then she flipped the giant shell and filled it up too.
When she was done with that, she decided it was time to take all of the shells out.
And once she had sufficiently patted the sand down, she placed each item back into the bin just so.
She was sure to place the driftwood pieces upright and called them her “trees”.
When she was all done, this is what her reorganized masterpiece looked like.
While she certainly enjoyed this beach sensory bin, it wasn’t as big of a hit as the others. Maybe it’s because we have a full-sized sandbox in the backyard, or maybe because we spend so much time down at the beach, but either way, it’ll be a great addition to the growing sensory box collection we have in our solarium and perfect for those times when Mama needs a few minutes and can’t be in the backyard with her girl.