Confession: Today Miss G had chocolate for breakfast.
And it wasn’t the first time. {Ugh.}
Now I know what you’re thinking… WHAT IN THE WORLD?!?
I know.
Confession: Today Miss G had chocolate for breakfast.
And it wasn’t the first time. {Ugh.}
Now I know what you’re thinking… WHAT IN THE WORLD?!?
I know.
Well, it’s official… At 3 years and 3 months, Gracen is completely done with napping. Truthfully, I’ve dreaded the arrival of this milestone. I know it sounds dramatic, but I feel like two hours of nap time each afternoon has been key to my being able to be an engaged, {somewhat} organized and on top of things mama during Miss G’s awake hours. It was my time to tidy up the house, come up with a plan for dinner, make phone calls and return emails, set up an activity for the afternoon, and sneak in a little time for myself. And when the naps stopped happening, I was a little panicked. I’m not going to lie… The transition period has not been easy, but I do feel like we’ve sort of fallen into a routine that is working well for both of us, now several weeks later.
The whole thing started about 6 weeks ago or so… I’d put Grae down as usual, she’d lay there for her normal two hours, and simply not fall asleep. Soon it became two hours of her calling me to her room repeatedly to make all sorts of requests and tell me she didn’t want to nap. Afternoons after “nap time” were hard. She was tired and frantic and needy and without some time to myself, I wasn’t at my best patience-wise. We’d fumble our way to a very early bedtime, and she’d immediately crash {and I’d want nothing more than to sit on the couch and enjoy some silence, but couldn’t because I had catching up to do from the crazy day that had just come to a close}. Most afternoons, our only saving grace was being outdoors. After the attempted nap, we’d head downstairs to our courtyard and stay there until dinnertime (I swear that fresh air – and water – have magical powers over tired, cranky, out of sorts kids). At this point, I really didn’t want to give up on naps all together, because a couple of times a week she’d actually fall asleep when put down, and those afternoons were GLORIOUS. After a sleep, she’d be happy, easy to reason with, and calm for the rest of the evening. Dinner wasn’t rushed, and bedtime routines were calm and slow. Those days were lovely.
Several weeks later, the couple of naps that were happening a week, stopped. I knew I had to make a change, but I wasn’t sure what the best plan was. Based on her afternoon demeanour, I honestly felt like Grae still needed a nap, but afternoons were becoming a little less frantic and cranky, and a little more manageable. I figured that as long as we both had some time to ourselves to rest and recharge, our afternoons would continue getting easier.
Enter the timer / rest / quiet play time combo – our new afternoon routine that is {*knock on wood*} working really well so far. After lunch, we get ready for nap time as usual. Miss G puts on some jammies, picks a couple of books and stuffed animals, and we snuggle and chat about our morning. I tuck her into her bed, and before leaving, set her timer for one hour. For that hour, she lays in her darkened room playing with her animals, singing songs, chatting, and reading her books with her glowing night light in hand. She knows that for that hour, she doesn’t have to sleep, but she does have to lay and rest her body. Having the timer there seems to have alleviated the problem of her calling me back to her room repeatedly and we both get to enjoy a little downtime to relax and recharge for the afternoon ahead.
Once the timer goes off, she pops up out of bed, turns on her light, and calls me. I bring her a little drink and snack, set the timer for another hour, and quiet play time begins. This is one of her favourite times of the day. She begins hauling out building blocks, dress-up clothes, and toy animals from her drawers and our only rule is that she plays in her room quietly for the full time without coming out. Most days, it’s no issue at all. In fact, sometimes the timer goes off and she pops her head out to tell me that she’s not done playing yet and she’d like some more time. The best part is that the play that happens during this hour is pretty amazing – it’s imaginative, often quite elaborate, and completely independent. I’ll fully admit that sometimes I eavesdrop to what see what sort of play scene is unfolding behind that closed door.
Today, once the timer had gone, she popped out into the hallway just vibrating with pride and excitement. “Mama! I know it’s time to clean up now, but just come and see what I made first! It’s a coffee shop! A Duplo one! And I’m using the little tiny cute cup I got when we got milk the other day. Come see! Come see!” I went into her room and amidst a sea of toys and clothes was this…
A coffee counter made of Duplo, just as she’d told me, complete with a barista and a customer.
Last night, I had the absolute pleasure of attending Glam,‘s annual celebration of local mom bloggers. Having been nominated as a top 30 last year, this time around I was thrilled to attend as an ambassador. Not only was I there to greet the new crop of top mom bloggers and help them settle into the evening, but I was also asked to be a guest speaker on the topic of ‘what I know now’. And while my teaching career has gotten my fairly comfortable with speaking to groups {most of which are the average of 5.5 years}, I must say, I was flat out nervous. Speaking in front of a group of 200 uber talented and influential writers, bloggers, and local business owners had both my speech paper and my voice shaking – something I wasn’t quite expecting! Of course I made it through despite my nervousness and the entire evening turned out wonderfully.
Though it doesn’t fit into my usual theme of Gracen-centred posts, I thought I’d share my speech here because it summarizes my personal blogging journey and how this little blog of mine has brought along many wonderful things to both myself and my little lady.
{Part of} My AMAZING Blogging Posse // Image courtesy of Images by Bethany
What I Know Now…
What I knew then was that despite all of the perks, living overseas away from our families was hard. Hard for us, and equally as hard for them too. That year, after a wonderful summer in Canada, our departure for our 4th school year in the Middle East was much harder than usual. Not only did our families have to say goodbye to us, but this time they also had to say goodbye to a teeny little lady who had just come into the world… Our daughter, and their granddaughter and niece whom they’d only known for a brief 19 days.
When we arrived home in Kuwait, after we’d settled a little and managed to turn our days and nights around once again, I knew I had to figure out a way to keep our families from missing out on the first year of our daughter’s life. …That’s what I knew then.
The truth is, I knew next to nothing about blogging at that point. And from what I did know, I wasn’t the type of person who blogs. Bloggers were talented writers, and I certainly wasn’t one of those. …That’s what I knew then.
With a gentle nudge, I started a blog anyways and sent the link to our closest family members. I posted a photo or two a day with milestones and little stories sometimes attached. And the truth was, that’s what I thought blogging would be for me. …That’s what I knew then.
What I know now is this…
Despite the fact that you may never, in a million years, think that strangers will read your blog, they will. They’ll find you and connect with you and follow. They’ll leave comments under your baby’s photos, and at first, it’ll be weird.
Slowly, the comments and the follows will become less strange. Slowly, you’ll accept it for what it is and you’ll realize that many of the blogs you follow yourself are not much different than your own – moms sharing bits and pieces of their lives while they journey through motherhood.
Soon, the comments and follows will mean you’re never alone. Not when you’re exhausted and unshowered and feeling like anyone but you. Not when you’re up in the middle of the night and nearing your wits end. Not when you’re clapping aloud and celebrating milestones. And not when you’re so in love with a tiny human being that you want to shout it from the rooftops.
What I know now is that those people, the once weird commenters and followers, will become some of your biggest supporters. And despite the fact that they may have never met you in real life, they’ll be rooting for you – genuinely wanting what’s best. They’ll log in to their computers excited to see what’s new in your world… To see whether you’ve met your most recent goal or if your toddler is finally done resisting her naps.
What I know now is that though your cheering squad is vast, not everyone will always agree with you, and that’s okay. It’ll lead to great discussions, cause you to challenge your opinions, help you exercise humility and patience, and learn to politely stand firm in your beliefs.
What I know now is that blogging will lead to amazing opportunities. Events, sponsorships, and swag aside, blogging will allow you to grow and learn, take risks, and meet wonderful new people.
What I know now is that if you’re as lucky as many of us have been, receiving a top blogger nomination will lead to an overwhelming sense of community. Your fellow bloggers’ twitter handles will eventually be connected to blog titles, and blog titles will eventually be linked to names. And before you know it, these ladies will become one of your biggest sources of support, encouragement, and inspiration. You’ll come together in times of illness and loss and celebration. And soon, your “blogging friends” will be just be your “friends” – people you’ll wonder what you ever did without. Mamas to some of your child’s best play mates. Your posse.
What I know now is that blogging will lead you to all sorts of unexpected, and in the very best way possible. That’s what I know now.
For extra fun, like us on Facebook here and find us on Instagram here.
One thing our family just can’t go without anymore is coconut oil. From the kitchen to the beauty cabinet to the first aid kit, it truly fits the term ‘multipurpose’. We love it so much in fact, that we have several different jars stashed around the house at any given time. Here are the ways we (Gracen and I especially) use it in our home…
1. Baked Goods (muffins especially)
Instead of using grape seed oil, our usual butter/margarine substitute in muffins, we’ve been using coconut oil recently. Makes them super moist and they won’t dry out as the days pass. (THESE are delicious!)
2. Body Moisturizer
Great for when you’re fresh out of the shower or your just before your babe heads off to bed. It soaks in quickly and smells delicious!
3. Eye Make-up Remover
Simply massage a tiny pinch of coconut oil into your eye area, then wipe off with a damp cloth or cotton pad. Voila – make up gone!
4. Face Cleanser
Massage a small pinch into your face, then use a hot, wet washcloth to wipe your face clean. Most likely, you won’t need moisturizer afterward.
5. Diaper Cream
Coconut oil is soothing, has anti-fungal properties, and gentle on skin – perfect for using on little bottoms! Plus, it’s cloth diaper safe too!
6. Pan Frying
Great in high temperatures, coconut oil can be used when pan frying meat, veggies, or grilled cheese sandwiches.
7. Hair Mask
Take a generous amount of coconut oil, work it into the ends of your hair, and leave it sit for 15 to 30 minutes. Wash it out as usual afterwards and notice how silky your hair feels.
8. Face Paint Remover
Simply rub a little coconut oil onto the paint to loosen it up, then wipe it away with a damp cloth. Magic! And no more stained pillow cases. (Remember THIS?! Perfect example!)
9. Face Exfoliant
Take a small amount of coconut oil and warm it up in the palm of your hand. Add a sprinkle of baking soda, mix the two together, and rub it onto a clean face in a circular motion. Rinse and dry.
10. Bites, Cuts, & Scrapes
Apply a thin layer of coconut oil as a topical cream to your little one’s cuts and scrapes. It’ll form a protective barrier and speed healing along.
11. Lip Balm
Super moisturizing and perfect for before bed. We keep a tiny container of coconut oil in Gracen’s reach so she can moisturize her lips any time she feels the need.
12. Smoothies
With tons of nutritional benefits, adding a teaspoon to your morning smoothie is a fast and easy way to add coconut oil to your diet.
13. Stove-top Popcorn
We use coconut oil exclusively when popping popcorn. It can handle the heat, it is healthy, and depending on the type of coconut oil you purchase, it leaves your popcorn with the faintest coconut-y flavour. Yum. (If you haven’t already, you have to try THIS. Double yum.)
14. Homemade Deodorant
Mix some arrowroot powder, baking soda, essential oil, and coconut oil and you’ve got yourself a deodorant sans the harmful aluminum. I’ve been been using it for months now and it works.
15. Homemade Bubble Bath
Mix some pure castile soap, coconut oil {in its liquid state}, and almond oil, and you’ve got a luxurious, moisturizing bubble bath. When using it with wee ones, just be sure to have some sort of no-slip grip on the bottom of the tub as it does tend to make it slippery.
16. On Toast
Spread a thin layer on warm toast as a great butter/margarine substitute. Add a sprinkle of cinnamon, and you’ve won Miss G’s heart.
17. Foot Treatment
Slather dry feet generously just before you go to bed, throw on some socks, and wake up to seriously soft feet.
18. Hair Tamer
Tame fly aways or add shine by rubbing a tiny amount of coconut oil into your hands first, then onto your locks.
19. Homemade Body Scrub
Mix up some coconut oil, sweet almond oil, coarse/brown sugar, and pure vanilla and use it in the shower. It smells delicious and leaves your skin soft and smooth.
20. Straight Off Your Finger ☺
Miss G’s personal favourite! Each night after she’s had her bath and we’ve slathered her body in the stuff, she digs out a little chunk of coconut oil with her finger, and pops it in her mouth. Slightly strange? Perhaps. But you should see how excited she is about that part of her night.
For extra fun, like us on Facebook here and find us on Instagram here.
Yesterday I shared 5 things you may not have known about my pint-sized sidekick. And while I know that this little blog of mine is centred around my girl, today I’m teaming up with 7 other wonderful mamas from around the Lower Mainland and sharing a little bit about me, a.k.a. ‘Gracen’s Mama’. Here they are…
Hah! Well there they are… 5 random facts about me. Any surprises in there?
Now the fun part… Click on the links below to learn more about the fabulous Vancouver mamas I met through blogging and am now very proud to call my friends. Enjoy!
Amy of The Connection We Share | Melissa of The Thirties Grind | Natalia of Nat Nanton | Yours Truly
Tairalyn of Little Miss Mama | Eschelle of Mumfection | Jessica of North Shore Mama | Lori of The Write Mama
Today I’m switching things up a little and sharing 5 things you may not know about Miss G… I always love learning more about my favourite bloggers and I’m sharing 5 things about myself tomorrow, so I figured I’d include my righthand lady in the fun too. Okay, here are a few things you may not know about my girl…
So what do you think? Any surprises in there?
If you’re new to Mama.Papa.Bubba., welcome!
Stay on top of the fun by liking us on Facebook here and following us on Instagram here.
Parenting fail of the day…
Grae comes back from the kitchen where she was changing her clothes (she’s all about having “privacy” these days) and says, “I had some of my milk!” We’d stopped by a coffee shop earlier and she still had some of her steamed milk left when we arrived back to the apartment, but I knew it had been put in the fridge. What hadn’t been put into the fridge though? My leftover skim latte that was in the exact same kind of cup. Ugh.
At 2 and half, the girl hasn’t had sugar or fast food and eats very few things that are processed, but she’s had her first swig of coffee. Super.
Miss G, in front of the HR MacMillan Space Centre / Museum of Vancouver, after her very first day of being taken care of by someone other than Mama or Papa
Because we lived overseas for Gracen’s first year and we’ve lived here in Vancouver, five hours away from her closest grandparent, for her second year, Grae hasn’t really ever been taken care of by anyone but Brad or I. We have snuck out a total of FOUR evenings after she’s gone to bed thanks to the Grandmas and Uncle Brett, and she used to spend about 30 – 45 minutes at a time with our lovely nanny and housekeeper, Amita, when we were living in Kuwait and I had to leave for tutoring before Brad’s bus returned to the Dunes, but I don’t really count those… She was so young when she stayed with Amita, plus it was such short periods of time. And because she was already asleep, she didn’t know we’d even left the house on our evenings out.
But that all changed today.
Last week, I won a free ticket to Leading Moms: Inspiring Talks by Extraordinary Women on fellow Top 30 Mom Blogger Lisa’s blog, The Sprog. When I first heard about it, I had really wanted to go. They were even offering free onsite childcare by Nannies on Call – but with tickets being $100 and us having a couple of weekends away planned for October, I had decided to skip it this time around. Needless to say, I was thrilled to find out I had won the giveaway and even more excited when I learned that there was still space for Grae in the childcare room.
Despite my excitement, I must admit that I was a little bit nervous to leave Grae at the same time… I really liked the idea that she would be right there in the same building as I was and that she would be taken care of by professional, caring nannies, but I worried about how she’d react to me leaving her there and how she’d be about going to the bathroom. Questions that crossed my mind: Is she going to bawl when I say goodbye? Will she know who to tell when she has to go to the bathroom? If she does know, will she be brave enough to go up to one of the nannies and actually tell them? How will she do without having a nap? (I hope I’m not the only mom who thinks about these things the first time they leave their child…)
So yesterday afternoon, we began talking about our special day ahead. I explained that we would be going to a special place where there would be lots of mamas and lots of kids, and that I would be visiting with the mamas and she would get to be with all of the kids to play. We filled her new backpack with extra clothes and her family and friends photo book, and her new bento box with a yummy lunch and lots of easy to eat snacks, making sure everything was labelled along the way. Bright and early this morning, we talked some more about what a fun day it would be for both of us. I explained that there would be some ladies taking care of all of the kids and that they were like mamas – they would be the ones she could go to if she needed help or needed to go to the potty.
We arrived to the space centre nice and early, took our time registering and looking around, made sure to get in a good bathroom break, and went to meet the nannies in the childcare room. They were all very nice and Grae seemed happy to stay with them when I told that I loved her and that I’d be back later to pick her up. As I went to walk out the door, however, panic set in a little bit and she decided that she wanted to “clum wif Mama and Mama’s friends”, but the nannies were great, swooped in, and invited her to go and colour with them. With that, she said goodbye and was off.
The morning was lovely. I finally got a chance to reconnect with a bunch of the other Top 30 Bloggers in person again, we enjoyed a lovely breakfast by Nature’s Path, and spent a couple of hours listening to the stories of several very inspirational moms. At lunchtime, I poked my nose into the childcare room to check on my little miss. She was doing just fine, having fun, and had already been to the potty twice, so I left unnoticed to join the other ladies for some lunch in the sun.
At the end of the day, after soaking in the tales and talents of several more influential mamas, I {quickly} made my way to the childcare room to scoop up my little lady. I opened the door, and there she was, in the middle of the floor, rolling around and giggling. Her ponies were disheveled, her lunchbox was empty, she was in the same outfit I dropped her off in, and most importantly, she was happy… A total success in my mind. She was full of wild energy (a telltale sign of tiredness), but that was to be expected. On the way home, I thought for sure she’d fall asleep, but instead, she told me {bits and pieces of } things that happened during her day – “Man and puppy upstairs”, “Laid on mamas’ laps at show” (they went upstairs to the planetarium to take in a show about seasons), “Played with yittle friends”….
It was a truly wonderful day. I left feeling refreshed, inspired, and thankful that I now know, without a doubt, that Grae can be fully content when cared for by someone other than myself. And at the same time, very grateful that she doesn’t have to be. Knowing the stories behind the bits and pieces of her days means the world to me.
First a little bit of background on our laundry “system” when it comes to Grae’s clothes… I put the clean clothes on hangers, and as I do, Gracen transfers them to her bedroom and hangs them on her crib railing. Once I’m ready to hang them in the closet, she takes them off the crib railing and hands them to me one. at. a. time. (Good practice in patience for this get-things-done Mama.)
Tonight, as we’re doing the transfer from crib to closet, a tank top falls off the hanger and onto the floor. I scoop it up, rehang it, and pop it in the closet instead of giving it back to my very serious little helper…
Gracen: Oopsie-day-so, Mama! On crib. No in closet.
Mama: Oopsies! I should have guessed that.
Gracen: (giving me an understanding nod and coaching me through my next line of action) Sorry, Grae Grae. Sorry.
Last month, I was approached by fellow Lower Mainland mom / Top 30 Blogger, North Shore Mama, about The Organized Mom Awards. It was my first time hearing about the awards, so I looked them up online and learned that they are an organization that promotes moms sharing tips and ideas that make them feel most organized. What’s not to love, right? A a busy mama, I’m always looking for new tricks to help me stay on top of my many commitments and projects while making the most of my time.
So when North Shore Mama (be sure to check her out – she’s a pretty organized mama herself!) said she’d like to nominate me to be in the running for this year’s Organized Mom Award, I was beyond flattered. What an amazing and inspirational group of ladies to be a part of!
The winner of the awards wins $1000 cash, but in order to be eligible for the grand prize, I need to be one of the top 10 voted for mamas. If you have a moment to spare, please click HERE to read all of the nominees’ stories and tips, then vote for your favourites! (Or click on the button below to go directly to my entry.)
As a heads up, I want you to know that you do have to use your Facebook info to log into the Organized Mom Awards app, which I know some people aren’t too keen on (trust me, I hear ya!) But here’s the good news – in exchange for you visiting and voting for your favourites, I have TWO $50 GIFT CARDS (with 2 more to come) to Stuck On You, a company whose products I’ve been drooling over for months. All you have to do to win 1 of the 2 gift cards is vote for your favourite organized Mama, then come back to this post and leave a comment saying “Voted!“. For an additional entry, leave a separate comment sharing one of the ways you stay organized or maximize your time. The two winners will be chosen at random one week from today, on the evening of Saturday, August 11th. Good luck!
And if free stuff isn’t prize enough for voting, I’m also going to share my top organization tips with you as an added bonus. ☺
As a Kindergarten / Grade One teacher turned stay-at-home mama and Etsy shop owner, being organized has always kept me sane, happy, and on top of all of the things I need/want to get done. It also means happier kids and more time for playing and going on adventures (win-win, right?)
Here are my tips for being an organized mama:
1) Plan Ahead
One night each week, I sit down for about an hour, computer on lap, and loosely plan out the dinners I want to make for the upcoming week (breakfasts and lunches usually come about with staples I always keep on hand and dinner leftovers, so I don’t normally plan those). While I’m at it, a find a couple of cooking/baking projects I’d like to do with my soon-to-be 2 year old little lady, as well as a couple of toddler-friendly activities to do outside of the kitchen. With this meal/activity list, I then make a shopping list of everything I’ll need to pick up on my shopping trip the next day. The meal/activity list goes up on a bulletin board in the kitchen and the shopping list goes in my wallet. I don’t always follow my plans exactly (in fact I seldomly do), but it’s really nice to have some ideas (and the required ingredients/materials) on hand when dinner’s got to be on the table asap or I need a fun activity to do with my little one in a hurry.
2) Jot It Down
Call me old-fashioned in this technological world, but keeping a large family calendar and pen on our fridge keeps me sane. It’s host to play dates, birthdays, events, appointments, library due dates, my hubby’s work schedule, and anything else that is date specific. I also use my Notes app on my phone to jot down quick things while on the go – addresses, Miss G’s milestones, and gift ideas are a few of the things that can be found on my phone, and the best part is that I always have that info with me.
3) Everything Has a Place
In our house, everything having its own spot eliminates having to search for things and makes for smoother exits. As long as things are put away in their places after being used, retrieving them the next time they’re needed is a snap.
4) Clean As You Go
Tidying throughout the day is essential for me. If I’m headed to the washroom, I grab the recently folded towels and take them with me. If I’m headed to the kitchen, I grab the empty sippy cup sitting on the coffee table and put it in the sink. If we’re done with an activity, we put everything away before starting a new one (never too early to start having your little one tidy with you!) The result is a reasonably tidy home at the end of the day, instead of one that looks like a tornado hit it. Then, once your little one’s in bed, you may only have a sink of dishes to do and a floor to sweep rather than having an entire house to clean.
5) Do it Now
As a semi-obsessive list maker, there are few things I find satisfaction in more than crossing a job off a list. But here’s the thing – some tasks take longer to write down than to just do. Rather than adding another item to your {already long} list of to dos, why not just get that quick/easy task out of the way now rather than leaving it for later? Things like taking the trash out, filling the ice cube trays, throwing a load of laundry in, or making a bed probably take just as much time to add to a list as they take to do, not to mention that many of these jobs are little helper-friendly.
6) Think About Tomorrow
Each evening, before I call it a night, I think about our plans for the following day. If we need to be out of the house fairly early, things like packing the diaper bag, laying out needed items, and packing a lunch make the morning much easier. Even if we don’t have big plans for the following morning, having a rough idea of what we’re doing the next day helps me mentally prepare for the day ahead and leads to more time for fun and play and less time for planning/deciding what to do.
Now what are you waiting for?! Go and vote, leave a comment here saying you did, and be in the running to win a $50 gift card for anything from Stuck On You, a company that specializes in the coolest labels and personalized gifts. Remember, if you share your organizational tip in a separate comment, your name is entered TWICE!
Good luck!
I got this question from a local mom last time I posted about Granville Island, and I thought I’d share…
It looks like you guys go to Granville Island a lot. This summer my son will be at the age where he can enjoy these sort of outings, but the trouble is, I usually only go to the Public Market when I go to Granville Island. Where are all of these cool little spots you take your daughter to? Any tips?
I’m actually really happy to answer this question, because although I’ve always loved Granville Island, the truth is, up until we moved back to Vancouver from the Middle East, I was a Public Market and boardwalk kind of girl too. Here’s what our normal visit looks like now:
1. First off, free parking! I know that many of my friends pay for parking off the island and walk on, or park in pay lots on the island. Not necessary! If you park in the lot right beside Bridges restaurant (near the public market, but not in front of it – off to the side) you can have a free stall for 3 hours! And as long as you arrive before 9:30 or 10:00 a.m. (even on weekends) you shouldn’t have a problem finding a spot.
2. Public Market. We normally stop and get a little treat for Mama and a little treat for Grae when we visit. Grae’s treat often comes from Terra Breads. They have amazing fresh-baked bread of all sorts and can quickly tell you the ingredients in any of their homemade goodies as they keep a recipe binder on hand under the counter. Grae’s favourites are the cheese flutes (an extra special treat because they are made with white flour) and the walnut bread. If not bread, we normally stop at The Grainry. They have all kinds of natural and organic goodies for purchase in small quantities, and Grae almost always ends up choosing their no-sugar-added/unsulphered dried mango or apple. For me, it’s coffee! My newest stop of choice is Nons. They’re quick, they accept debit, and they’re located right beside the bank machine if you need to take out some cash.
3. Public Seating Area. After gathering our goodies, we almost always head outside to enjoy the seating area in front of the Public Market. Gracen watches the birds (while I put on my brave face and try not to pass my ridiculous fear of feathery friends down to my daughter), we watch the boats come and go, and enjoy the musical performances that are often happening. The only thing I don’t enjoy about this part of our day is the incredibly greedy/aggressive small dog-sized seagulls who are always trolling above head. Although it has gotten much better now that the crowds are out, we’ve been swarmed twice and let me tell you, it is FREAKY. The first time actually resulted in blood after Gracen’s finger was bit by a seagull desperate for her bread, and I’ll tell you all about today after this list. Best advice – keep all food completely tucked away.
4. Boat play structure. After our fill of aquabuses, birds, and bands, we normally stroll over to the Kid’s Market. While the Kid’s Market itself is not my favourite place, Gracen does love all of the at-toddler-eye-level toys for sale in the shops, so sometimes we take a quick browse. Most days, however, we head straight out back to the little boat play structure. Gracen rotates between the role of captain and passenger inevitably makes a new little friend or two.
5. Water park & playground. After finishing up with the play boat, we walk along the little path to the water park and playground area. The water park is still fairly new to us because we weren’t here last summer and it’s not been quite warm enough lately, but she did experiment with it a little today, and I can tell that it’s going to be a summer favourite. On the other hand, the playground is an old favourite. Between the saucer swing, the climbing structure/merry-go-round, the slides, the sand pit, and the kid-operated river, we can easily spend a couple hours there. The plus is that the False Creek Community Centre is right next to it, and we almost always duck in for a quick potty break.
6. Ron Basford Park. After coaxing Grae away from the playground, we head along the little seawall to Ron Basford Park. I personally think it’s Granville Island’s best kept secret. It’s a basically a giant grass-covered hill that is has a little path that leads to a Canadian flag at the tippy top. It’s the perfect place to let your little one run off some energy, and even better yet – it’s the perfect place for a snack stop or picnic.
7. Seawall. After leaving the park, we usually follow the seawall in front of the Granville Island Hotel and past the Sea Village. I’m not sure who loves the Sea Village more – me or Grae… How cool would it be to have your house on the water?! By the time we reach last one, without fail, Gracen’s request is loud and clear, “More home! More home!”
8. Performers. On the way back to our car, I always try to scope out one or two performances that are live in action. Grae normally gets out of her stroller so she can let loose and dance or sway to the music. After a few songs, we head back to our vehicle, load up our things, and make our way home for some lunch and a nap.
Now onto today…
What’s worse than being attacked by greedy dog-sized seagulls? Being shit on by said seagulls first, then being attacked. True story. Ugh…
Grae and I were minding our business while watching the aqua buses come and go this morning when I felt a series of warm, goopy plops hit my arm and hand. Sick. As I’m one-handedly attempting to open the diaper bag and retrieve a handful of wipes, 3 giant seagulls start swarming us. Globs of shit still all over me, I abruptly grab Gracen’s bread flute out of her hand, chuck in into the bag, and start fending off seagulls left and right. Grae’s now crying, the bird crap is dripping off of my hand, and the best part? I realize that this is all taking place in front of a row of busy window seats. I look up to see 3 people waving. Oh, let me die now…
Even worse? Me literally washing my sweater with hand soap in the bathroom sink, then ringing it out and putting it back on soaking wet because it was chilly, I had a strapless dress on, and didn’t bring anything else. FML. One thing was for sure, I wasn’t going to let a large load of bird crap ruin our morning. We had driven all the way there and Gracen was excited to explore, so on our way we went, albeit dripping wet. Here are a few photos from the better parts of today’s Granville Island adventure…
If you really knew me, you’d know how obsessed I am with my photos.
Years ago, while I was on Christmas vacation in the Okanagan, my good friend Steph was watching over my place and feeding my pet turtle. I returned late one night to my place perfectly in order, but my computer tower missing. After talking to Steph, I learned that she had arrived to crowbar marks on the door one day and she figured that someone had tried to break in. After quickly surveying the situation, she took the one thing she thought I’d die without – my hard drive filled with thousands of digital photos. (This is why we’re such good friends. ☺)
So with this story in mind, imagine my disappointment when we returned from our wonderful family Mother’s Day celebration at the beach to a camera card that was no longer readable… Sad day. And on the one day I actually had Bradley take some photos of the wee one and I together too. Booo.
I don’t really do these things, but a fellow mommy blogger at Team CLEO tagged me last week, and since my housework is done, Miss G s amidst a nice long nap, and all of the questions are specifically about Gracen, why not? Here are the questions she asked and my answers.
1. How many children do you have?
One precious little 19-month-old lady named Gracen Audrey Marie.
2. Do you want to have more? If yes, how many more?
Eventually. But we’re not in a rush. I’m selfishly soaking in all of the one-on-one time I get with my little sidekick too much right now. As for how many, that’ll all depend.
3. Where do you usually bring your child/children to on weekends?
Since Bradley’s days off change week to week, so do our “weekends”. But since I’m a stay-at-home mama, Gracen and I get to get out and do something fun every day. Our rainy day favourites include going to the pool, dropping in to local play gym sessions, visiting the library to borrow books, and attending story time sessions. On nice weather days, we usually visit the beach, go to playgrounds and parks, visit the aquarium, check out the farmer’s market, or go to Granville Island. We also try to get out regularly for walks around our neighbourhood, even if that means gumboots and umbrellas are needed.
4. Does your baby soothe himself/herself to sleep, ever? If yes, how did you achieve that?
Yes. Always. We do our nap time / bedtime routine, lay her down in her crib wide awake, and she puts herself to sleep. It wasn’t always that way though. For the first year of her life, we rocked and sang her to sleep. It was so lovely to have her peacefully drift to sleep in our arms for that first year, but by the time she was one, we were ready for a change. What had started as an easy 5 – 10 minute routine, would sometimes become a 45 – 60 minute rocking marathon. The bigger problem was that when she woke up in the middle of the night, she didn’t know how to soothe herself back to sleep, so we’d have to rock her to sleep again.
Knowing my daughter’s very strong sense of routine, I knew we needed a plan that would ease us all through the transition. I did some online research and came across Dana Obleman‘s Sleep Sense Program. We bought her Sleep Sense ebook, gave it a read, and started right away. What I really liked about the program was how clearly everything was laid out and how it offered two options – parents in room and parents out of room. Since I’m not a fan of the cry it out method, I loved the fact that either me or my husband could be in her nursery the entire time and she was never left crying on her own.
We followed the steps exactly as they were laid out and the process was surprisingly easier and faster than we ever could have hoped for. Within ten days, we were able to lay our little girl down fully awake, kiss her goodnight, walk out of the room and have her coo herself to sleep and stay asleep for a full twelve hours every single night. Since our transition, Gracen has remained a great sleeper and is able to put herself back to sleep on her own if she does wake up in the middle of the night for some reason. I really can’t recommend Sleep Sense enough.
5. In your opinion, does your toddler have far too many bumps on the head?
She’s definitely had a few big bumps, but overall, she’s fairly cautious so they’re not a regular occurrence (thank goodness!).
6. What is your child/ren’s favourite indoor game/activity?
That’s a hard one – there are so many! Right now she’s really into cooking and baking with me, playing with play dough, stamping, using stickers, finger painting, doing puzzles, reading books, playing hide-and-seek, and ‘doing jobs‘ (helping to unpack grocery bags, transferring the laundry from the washer to the dryer, etc.)
7. Are you happy being a staying at home parent / working parent ?
I’m thrilled to be staying at home. I know it’s different for every parent, but I honestly can’t imagine having to drop her off somewhere each morning in order to go to work. I was actually supposed to go back to teaching come January of last year when we were living overseas, but I felt so sick about the whole thing that I ended up quitting my job in order to stay home. Thankfully my superintendent (and husband!) was more than understanding and supportive of my decision. Now that we’re back home in Canada, I do substitute teach about once a week when my husband has the day off and can be at home with her, but that’s different. I like that they get a special daddy-daughter day once and a while.
8. Do you have pets?
No, we don’t have any pets as of now. I’d love to have one since Gracen is such a little animal lover, but we’re just not ready for the commitment, especially since we plan on going back overseas in the next few years.
9. How often do you ‘get out and play’ with the whole family in a week?
Not as often as we’d like. Because of my husband’s work schedule and our little one’s early bedtime (6:30 p.m.), it’s tricky. We definitely try to get out as a whole family on Brad’s days off.
10. Do you cook?
Yes! I love cooking actually and it seems my little one might just enjoy it as much as I do. We only eat a meal out once or twice a month, so there’s a lot of cooking to be done! Some of what we eat can be seen in my From the Kitchen and Toddler Food categories.
11. Who is your child’s favourite cartoon character / band (e.g. the Wiggles, Sesame Street, etc) ?
To be honest, since she’s only 19 months old, Gracen doesn’t really watch TV. She does watch about 5 minutes of Baby TV a day while drinking her milk and waking up from her nap, but there are no real characters on that. We constantly listen to all kinds of music, but again, nothing that involves characters.
I know that I’m suppose to tag 11 people, but I’m going to leave that up to you. If you stumble upon this questionnaire, have a blog, and want to answer the questions about your little one, go for it!
Holy heck. I just tucked my sweet little lady into bed with a teddy bear and Baby Tate‘s birth announcement magnet. The obsession just rose to a whole new level.
I just told Grae that we were going to go to Toys R Us to pick up her new pool. Her response? She immediately turned, raced to her bedroom, and returned 30 seconds later with a giant smile on her face and her teeny tiny navy bikini top in hand. This girl seriously cracks me up!